I found this great video of a well known territory in Argentina. I think Patagonia is also shared to a smaller extent by Chili. Nonetheless, each time I hear or read of Patagonia, I can't help but think of a book I read some years ago. The book was fantastic to say the least. There were times where I couldn't even put it down before I decided to read the next chapter. It was called "The Old Patagonian Express". I'll let you find out more about it yourself. But briefly put, it was about a man who traveled only by train from the States, through Mexico and Central America, down along portions of South America to eventually stop in Argentina which is where the larger portion of Patagonia is. It details greatly of the poverty, culture, and just plain people whom the author meets and converses with along the way. A fantastic book, I thought.

Anyways. Here is a really nice video of Patagonia territory in Argentina.

Watch the video at 1:46 of the night sky. It's awesome.