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Thread: Noob Questions About RM

  1. #1

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    Noob Questions About RM

    hi i have a few questions that ive tired of searching at forums. sorry about that.

    question 1 ;

    when i should start RM? i mean should i work it while the torrent is running or right after the torrents done on utorrent

    question 2 ;

    should i do another extra process to use that memory reader?

    question 3 ;

    im using utorrent 1.8.2 and picked the same version choice on RM. but isnt using 1.8.2 a suspicious circumstance for operators while tracker is in process? its an old version anyways.

    question 4 ;

    the manual update section on RM is not using as i understand actually. as i see as in my trials, the update's section has set for an hour right after hitting the start button. should i make upload for an hour long for every each torrent?

    question 5 ;

    where may i get the right download/upload speeds is there any link?

    question 6 ;

    what does "stop process after" mean at RM general

    the actual answers of these questions are so important to me, id be so grateful if you give me explanative answers. best regards.

  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    All the answers are there, and if you can't find them, look harder before asking again, because they're there.

    Also, please create this kind of topics in the right section. Thanks!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (16.06.11)

  4. #3
    In my opinion,any newcomers here would do well to bookmark these two important threads.

    ^The second link is in apropos to your question number 5

  5. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (16.06.11)

  6. #4
    Retired Seal
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resurrection View Post
    In my opinion,any newcomers here would do well to bookmark these two important threads.
    While I whole-hardheartedly agree with your opinion, your asking a lot from newcomers, Res.

    Most newcomers don't even so much as bother to read and interpret the rules here, let alone even consider their existence post sign-up procedures. Some of the new-comers are so lame, you'd think they actually believe monkeys are born from eggs from a dog sitting on it all day. Seriously.

    Most new-comers, in my opinion, aren't really prepared to read a whole lot of stuff to find out things let alone even consider what information some threads might have what their looking for.

    Their interest isn't piqued enough to have a curios interest to see if a couple of threads they come across while perusing the forums, may have relevant information. Basically their too much in a hurry to see what's inside that thread, let alone even read that thread's entirety so they post something that may already have been answered earlier inside that same thread or elsewhere. When you read above in post #2 where anon says "look harder", he's just proved my point.

    It's the way of a new-comer Res. Some probably don't have 'discussion-forum' experience. The only experience they might have is to quickly sign-up (and leave thereafter) because their experiences teaches them that if they do, they'll get what-ever thing it is that they're looking for ( using the shortest route possible--in this case a new thread) and then leave, never to return. Hence these kind of threads requesting information that's already listed elsewhere.
    Last edited by SealLion; 16.06.11 at 04:17.
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    He descending, will Himself,
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    ordain them laws".

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    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    Gapo (16.06.11) , Instab (16.06.11)

  8. #5
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    very nice summary. have a nice read then nuzz and if there should still be qüstions left post in the respective threads and people will be happy to help
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