Hackers put linux back on the playstation 3- The Inquirer


OPEN SOURCE HACKERS have designed a homebrew firmware update that puts the Other OS feature back on the Playstation 3 (PS3).

While Sony is still trying to gets its Playstation Network (PSN) back online, hackers have come up with a homebrew workaround to get the Other OS feature back on PS3 so they can run Linux on it.

Twitter spread the word that a team at Gitbrew developed a system so that tinkerers can install Linux on their PS3s again.

Gitbrew's Linux update isn't possible on all models but it has a comprehensive features list that gives open sourcerers the edge over Sony. Well, until Sony comes back brandishing forced firmware updates over the Playstation Network, assuming that Sony will be able to get it back online that is.

A few Linux users had some engagement with Sony's consoles after the Japanese giant released the PS3 that could support other operating systems. However, Sony took the feature out with the 3.21 firmware update that gave users no choice but to upgrade if they wanted to still use their consoles on the Playstation Network.

After Sony disabled the Other OS feature, hacker George Hotz found a vulnerability in the system and released the PS3's METLDR root key online.

Other hackers came up with inventive ways of getting Linux back on the PS3, including a USB dongle that installed Linux using a GUI that disables forced software updates.

Sony hasn't yet responded yet to the news that the install Other OS feature is back on its PS3. Apparently, it's a little busy at the moment.