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Thread: Osama bin Laden is DEAD

  1. #1

    Osama bin Laden is DEAD

    (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed Sunday in a firefight with U.S. forces in Pakistan and his body was recovered, President Barack Obama announced Sunday.

    "Justice has been done," Obama said in a dramatic, late-night White House speech announcing the death of the elusive mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the New York and Washington.

    Obama said U.S. forces led the operation that killed bin Laden. No Americans were killed in the operation and they took care to avoid civilian casualties, he said.

    "The United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women and children," Obama said.

    It is a major accomplishment for Obama and his national security team, after many Americans had given up hope of ever finding bin Laden.

    A crowd gathered outside the White House to celebrate, chanting, "USA, USA."

    Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, had repeatedly vowed to bring bin Laden to justice "dead or alive" for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington that killed nearly 3,000 people, but never did before leaving office in early 2009.

    U.S. officials said that after searching in vain for the al Qaeda leader since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist was killed in the Pakistani town of Abbotabad and his body recovered.

    Having the body may help convince any doubters that bin Laden is really dead.

    He had been the subject of a search since he eluded U.S. soldiers and Afghan militia forces in a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan in 2001.

    The trail quickly went cold after he disappeared and many intelligence officials believed he had been hiding in Pakistan.

    While in hiding, bin Laden had taunted the West and advocated his militant Islamist views in videotapes spirited from his hideaway.

    Besides September 11, Washington has also linked bin Laden to a string of attacks -- including the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2000 bombing of the warship USS Cole in Yemen.
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 02.05.11 at 06:15.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (03.05.11) , slikrapid (02.05.11) , Mihai (02.05.11) , yoco (02.05.11) , Resurrection (02.05.11)

  3. #2
    LIKE A BOSS!!!

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    slikrapid (02.05.11)

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    Hope this won't f*ck it even more! You never know with those terrorists!
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  6. #4
    obama wants to be president for second period
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    And the lies keep on rolling up. Funny how the body is already gone.
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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by desodorante View Post
    And the lies keep on rolling up. Funny how the body is already gone.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  9. #7
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    he did what they wanted him to do, let the world hate muslims/arabs. job done and hes done. next?
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  10. #8

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    "Justice has been done," Obama said in a dramatic, late-night White House speech announcing the death of the elusive mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the New York and Washington.
    obama & bush, the hunters, judge, jury & executors? seems they forgot about a fair trial as basis for commonly acceptable justice - so, this is no justice, but simply a convenient end to a manhunt, or more correctly a bogeyman-hunt (since osama was merely a pawn of the cia & co., a useful indoctrinated fanatical leader for his mass following and a visualized foe to symbolize an imaginary/exaggerated threat of global terrorism to the world), whereas the guilt (as masterminds & executors) for 9/11 (and the majority of subsequent relevant/major attacks, whether terrorist or military) rests upon those who paint themselves as the 'righteous' avengers, thus covering-up their 'inside job', transferring the guilt onto convenient targets, camouflaging their own agenda's (dominance over oil & other resources, military dominance, commercial & financial dominance, instigating/fueling religious conflicts, destabilizing/subverting islamic countries, establishing the deceiving 'war on terror', increasing global surveillance & control, reducing civil liberties & human rights, etc.)

    there have also been claims that osama was already dead (or at least 'retired' from public appearance/activity) in late 2001, supported by evidence of fake/fabricated photos & tapes attributed to him throughout the past decade, meaning it was already likely that usa was actually chasing a ghost, so this announcement may also be called: an end to a ghost-hunt

    obviously, it doesn't really matter whether the death was real or staged, whether it happened recently or a long time ago, as the goal of establishing a continuous global terrorist threat has been reached and maintained for quite a while now, and it will stay that way for as long as it serves its purpose - in the meantime the number of future patsy candidates has increased due to secretive support to various islamic indoctrination/recruitment/training groups & centers, breeding new waves of fanatical followers (ie. pawns of their puppeteers), ready to wreak havoc within their countries of origin/interest, whenever their local leaders (and/or their western patrons) demand so

    in the obama's speech one will notice a lot of populist patronizing about sacrifices (our sacrifice), love of the community (while preparing to transform it into communitarianism) & country (while in practice deliberately confusing patriotism with nationalism or interventionism/occupation), exploiting emotions of those who lost someone during these events (pretending to care about them more than just as for some expendable servants of the system)

    then he goes on about how they quickly found out who the suspects were (that was just a few hours after the 9/11 attack, they must have had super-human investigators with such speed), namely al-qaida (a cia front organization, for recruiting & inspiring islamic terrorists & radicals, part of a larger network with similar goals & masters), after which he prepares the field for scoring some reputation points (the 'priority to capture bin laden' part), which is basically one of the more certain purposes of this announcement

    'so his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace...' - interesting statement from a peace prize winner, add to this the 'dead or alive' orders & killing scores of enemies

    notice also the date when it happened, 01.05, a major socialist/communist holiday (holy day), a 'great day for usa & pakistan' as obama put it - naturally, as with the majority of holidays celebrated today, they are simply appropriated/modified/disguised versions of what earlier civilizations celebrated, ie. people are still celebrating it although they mostly don't have a clue what exactly is it all about (obviously, they didn't become any wiser regarding the understanding of these practices, on the contrary)

    'to prevent an attack on our shores' - interesting statement which can be connected to the maritime admiralty law (where the president is a captain, the country a ship, their purpose to ensure unrestricted flow of commerce) that is currently active within usa & other commonwealth countries without the knowledge of their citizens

    'one nation under god...may god bless you and may god bless usa' - a clarification for anyone who thought of usa as a secular country
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    ErRor (04.05.11) , anonftw (04.05.11) , SealLion (03.05.11) , Extraterrestrial (03.05.11)

  12. #9
    oh man, you really have a different point of view in every and each piece of news which involves the government and/or corporations but despite the fact that i disagree with you on some points, i appreciate your posts especially in controversial subjects like this one.
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 03.05.11 at 00:15.
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  13. #10

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    The 20th century is plagued with this sort of "operations" conducted by the USA. It is ALWAYS about the money. If you just tie some loose ends, you always get the same picture.
    What bothers me the most, is not the operation itself, or the constant deceivement perpetrated by god knows whom; but rather the fact that most of the people BELIEVE this half cooked lie. Having the 2010 Peace Nobel Prize CELEBRATE the execution of a human being is something that simply shows me how most of those dystopian futuristic movies from the 70's have more to do with reality than anything else you can catch in the media.
    I just think that someday the whole world will look exactly like in 'Soylent Green'
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  14. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (04.05.11)

  15. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by yoco View Post
    Hope this won't f*ck it even more! You never know with those terrorists!
    my thoughts exactly - bin laden may have been nuts, but he was sane enough to have created a structure and to have followers whom he could manipulate.

    god knows which uncontrollable nutters are going to step up to the plate and fill his shoes - it really wouldn't surprise me to see botched attacks from terrorists during the next couple of weeks/months.

    i say 'botched' attacks, as bin Laden used to plan - reactionary fools probably are not going to...

    we'll see, i guess. yay that he's dead though.
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  16. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by takomania View Post
    my thoughts exactly - bin laden may have been nuts, but he was sane enough to have created a structure and to have followers whom he could manipulate.

    god knows which uncontrollable nutters are going to step up to the plate and fill his shoes - it really wouldn't surprise me to see botched attacks from terrorists during the next couple of weeks/months.

    i say 'botched' attacks, as bin Laden used to plan - reactionary fools probably are not going to...

    we'll see, i guess. yay that he's dead though.
    Just so you know, Al Qaeda means "The base" and is not an organization, but rather a list (database) of Afghan mercenaries involved in the late 80's Afghanistan war, financed, trained and paid by none other than the CIA. It later became an slang word for "terrorists" and your beloved former republican president, who was financially deeply tied to the Bin Laden family (through Halliburton), had no better idea than to suddenly call them an organization and blame "it" for some terrorist attacks.
    Osama was indeed a rebel, a mercenary and a terrorist, but was not involved in most of what he is told to be involved. In fact, he was never legally accused of any crime involving 9/11. He was no different than Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak or Muammar Gaddafi, the only difference here is that HE cut a deal.
    Saddam tried to kill the OPEP agreement with the Saudi Arabia to sell Petrol barrels exclusively in dollars (as the Nixon administration agreed to replace the Gold pattern that was about to sink the USA) weeks before the UN decided to "help" the Iraqi people.
    Muammar Gaddafi did something like a "World Tour" some years back where he was shown to the world as a peaceful leader, and even met with no other than Nicolas Sarkozy (who helped him get a contract with Mirage to refurbish and reequip his Air Force), the same Nicolas Sarkozy that ran the operation to defeat him.
    The Bin Laden family has shares and investments in most of the companies the USA Government works with, including no other than Boeing (All of the planes involved in the 911 attack where made by Boeing). On top of this, remember that one of the planes had a drop tank, which are very rarely used in commercial flights (specially since the flight did not require a refill)
    I could go on and on on on how there are tons of inconsistencies, irregularities, incongruities and overall hypocrisy on all of this, but I do not want to bore most of you.
    You can check all of the above because is simply true, and is not some hearsay found in some obscure forum, but rather history.
    And just to prove what kind of people the CIA are (which somehow always pops up in every single conflict or crisis or), go and google "Operation Northwoods"
    I hope all of us realize who the real enemy is, and what they have done to the world, because as long as we believe their lies, and allow them to act upon them, we are part of the problem.
    By the way, I recommend everyone a documentary titled "Let's Make Money" Imdb
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  18. #13
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    One of the Happiest days of my life of 2nd May
    Good that he was kill*d.
    Show respect to all people, but grovel to none​

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  19. #14
    There is no such thing as Bin Laden.Bam. won't make a huge post.Just believe what the television says.
    Btw found something funny and maybe true,dunno lol.
    Osama's fake picture
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