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Thread: eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 Final

  1. #1
    Elite system28's Avatar
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    eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 Final

    -=eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 Final=-

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> umeK <<<<<<


    >>>>>> system28 <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:

    ADD : European Community V2 (umeK)*
    ADD : FunnyNick (Sirob/xrmb/Stulle)
    ADD : Upload only to eMule/aMule switchable (umeK)
    CHANGE : Don't punish Friends on CA Detection methods (umeK)
    CHANGE : No server ads (Tux)
    CHANGE : changed /added links for nodes.dat,server.met & ipfilter.dat (umeK)
    CHANGE : better mod defaults (umeK)
    CHANGE : some changes/improvements on prefpages [grey out some options,rearrangement...] (umeK)
    CHANGE : more infos to -XdP- Stats + small rearrangement and changed showing infos in some cases (umeK)
    CHANGE : better Filefeedback [german,english,rearrangement,text in bold,show complete Sources...] (umeK)
    CHANGE : changed kad filestoring (umeK)
    IMPROVE : small changes on Kad-Boost (umeK)
    IMPROVE : clientcleanup (umeK/few code from Xtreme)
    IMPROVE : recode some parts of Share Permissions (umeK)
    FIX : fixed a small Bug on Friend.cpp (umeK)
    FIX : fixed a Memleak on WebServer.cpp (WiZaRd)
    FIX : fixed counting file requests twice in some cases (WiZaRd)
    FIX : fixed a rare Crash Bug on leecherhandling (umeK)
    FIX : fixed IP-handling guilty for several problems (umeK)
    REMOVE : old editable string based Community code (umeK)
    REMOVE : multichunks for ps files (umeK)
    ADD/CHANGE/REMOVE/FIX/IMPROVE : many other things around the mod (umeK)

    *Changelog European Community v0.4:
    ADD : adding a switch to disable community modus (umeK)
    ADD : Community score & queue system (umeK)
    ADD : Setable transfer difference for community members (umeK)
    ADD : Setable Community chunks/Communityslot feature (umeK)
    ADD : Counter on Transferwindow for community members (umeK)
    ADD : Community visualization with Icon on all lists + ClientDialog (umeK)
    ADD : Community logging (umeK)
    ADD : send Real Modstring to community members (umeK)
    CHANGE : Don't punish Community on CA Detection methods (umeK)
    CHANGE : disable leeching,banning faking etc. for community members :-D (umeK)
    CHANGE : grey out Community option on File permissions if community is disabled (umeK)
    CHANGE : disable captcha check for community members (umeK)
    CHANGE : check Ratio if community enabled (umeK)
    IMPROVE : Drop System [No dropping/blocking of community members] (umeK)
    IMPROVE : slot spread advantage for community members (umeK)
    IMPROVE : overflow for community members if queuelimit reached (umeK)

    This is a fresh new community and not compatible with older versions of the European community...
    many thx to Hooligan for some ideas and Betateam for testing...

    Attached Files Attached Files

    This account has been disabled
    Reason: Fake upload

    Do NOT cheat. This involves; ghost leeching, spoofing and/or use of a modified client in anyway. If you, or anyone on your IP/server is found to be cheating then ALL users on that IP will be disabled.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    SPQR (08.04.11) , gianuzio (18.03.11) , sharing-devils (11.03.11) , Chiter (10.03.11) , SaintShaolin (10.03.11) , eMuLeecheR (10.03.11) , seldom (10.03.11) , anon (10.03.11)

  3. #2

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    Basic System Infos:
    |--> Nick: http://emule-project.net
    |--> Client Version: 0.50a | -XdP- v5.2
    |--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
    |--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
    |--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (412.52 MB)
    |--> OS : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
    |--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.07 TB
    |--> Created: 07/04/2011 00:10:11
    eMule Settings:
    |--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
    |--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
    |--> Hard limit: 500
    |--> Max. connections: 500
    |--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
    |--> Max. half open connections: 9
    |--> TCP Port: 60001 UDP Port: 60002
    |--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
    |--> Connection Type ED2K / KAD : Enabled / Enabled
    |--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled
    -XdP- Settings:
    |--> Enable European Community V2: Yes
    |--> Max. transfer difference between members [mb]: 200
    |--> Use CommunitySlot (transfer complete filesize): Enabled
    |--> Use automatic Friendslot: Enabled
    |--> Use Friend-Boost: Disabled
    |--> File Permission: Everybody
    |--> Publish filelist to Server: Yes
    |--> Publish filelist to Kad: Yes
    |--> SOTN: globally ON
    |--> Unshare complete files (Incoming files): No
    |--> Use QueueBlock (block bad/useless clients): No
    |--> Block non-eMule/aMule clients: Yes
    |--> Set limit for max. session time [min]: 60
    |--> Kick also if strict Limit is reached: No
    |--> Slotlimiter: Use official limits
    |--> Use Slotfocus: Enabled
    |--> Credit System: Use ClientAnalyzer rewarding/punishing (recommended)
    |--> Smart Credit-Push: Use -XdP- System
    |--> Use A4AF-Push (boost if we are also requesting another file): Enabled
    |--> Use additional Punishment (punish bad/useless clients): Disabled
    |--> Use Fakerank (only for blocked clients): Enabled
    |--> Use NickAddon-Thief (fake Community tags): Enabled
    |--> Fake eChanblard Community: Yes
    |--> Emulate non-eMule clients: Yes
    |--> Max. number of global sources: 4000
    |--> Modstring Settings: Use Custom Modstring [Tombstone v2.1]
    |--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (75|50)
    Upload Stats:
    |--> Upload Time: 1 Days 2:10 Hours (100.0%)
    |--> Upload-Speed: 90.06 KB/s
    |--> Average Uploadrate: 87.31 KB/s
    |--> Max Upload Rate: 92.92 KB/s
    |--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.05 KB/s
    |--> Uploaded Data: 7.85 GB
    |--> Average Uploaded Per Session: 5.41 MB
    |--> Active uploads: 17
    |--> Waiting Uploads: 8010
    Download Stats:
    |--> Download Time: 1 Days 2:09 Hours (99.9%)
    |--> Active Downloads (chunks): 39
    |--> Download-Speed: 149.91 KB/s
    |--> Average Downloadrate: 181.56 KB/s
    |--> max. Downloadrate: 516.47 KB/s
    |--> Max Downloadrate Average: 181.59 KB/s
    |--> Downloaded Data: 16.32 GB
    |--> Average Downloaded Per Session: 6.27 MB
    |--> UDP File Reasks: 123.35 k, Failed: 14.35 k (11.6%)
    |--> Found Sources: 2243
    |--> Too many connections: 0
    |--> On Queue: 1852
    |--> Asking: 0
    |--> Connecting: 0
    |--> No needed parts: 278
    |--> Asked for another file: 767
    |--> Queue Full: 59
    |--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
    |--> Filtered: 47970
    |--> Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
    |--> eD2K: 11497 (89.4%)
    |--> Kad: 11881 (92.4%)
    |--> eD2K&Kad: 10516 (81.7%)
    |--> Unknown: 3 (0.0%)
    Leecher Stats:
    |--> Nickthieveries: 3
    |--> Modthieveries: 2
    |--> File fakes: 783
    |--> UDP-FNF fakes: 60
    |--> Fast asks: 1393
    |--> Spams: 20
    |--> FastXS: 36150
    |--> Mod fakes: 1169
    |--> Bad nicks: 4833
    |--> Bad mods: 5533
    |--> Sui fakes: 7
    |--> Banned: 34
    Community Stats:
    |--> Community members: 0
    |--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.08
    |--> Total size of Shared Files: 730.68 GB
    |--> Number of Shared Files: 1139
    |--> Number of Downloads: 104
    |--> Completed Downloads: 34
    |--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 12554 (97.6%) : 222 (1.7%) : 89 (0.7%)
    |--> Download Sessions: 3225
    |--> Successful Download Sessions: 2666 (82.67%)
    |--> Failed Download Sessions: 559 (17.33%)
    |--> Upload Sessions: 1695
    |--> Total successful upload sessions: 1485 (87.61%)
    |--> Total failed upload sessions: 210 (12.39%)
    |--> -- developed by umeK --
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    DIGITURK (11.04.11) , eMuLeecheR (09.04.11)

  5. #3
    Guest Coder
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    ADD : European Community V2 (umeK)*
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