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Thread: [Help!] Route.exe problems

  1. #1
    Advanced User Renk's Avatar
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    [Help!] Route.exe problems

    I noticed 3 days ago that my route.exe file was no more in my C:\WINDOWS\system32 (I saw that in trying to know why my the route deletion I do after each connection to a vpn, in order to prevent vpn leakage, was no more working).

    A this stage, I noticed the following: When I went to: start ->connections -> display all connexions, right clicking on the local network icon in trying to disactivate it led to the message
    "disconnection not allowed. This connexion maybe is using several protocols, or may have been launched by an other user or by the system"
    I first tried to fixe the propblem with sfc /scannow. Fail (as usual). Then, I had a noobish idea: After inserting my window's CD in the reader, I went to I386 in this CD and searched after some "route.exe" somewhere. What I found was a file named ROUTE.EX_. Then is the n00bishness: I copied this file to my windows/system32 directory, and renamed the file as "route.exe".

    Now, I can no more delete route, but the error messsage is different: Now, it's "access denied". I can no more launch a netstat -R procedure (what was possible before), but I can use some other options of netstat (-a is working).

    I can't reverse the n00bish action, because now I'm not allowed to rename or delete it....

    Has someone some luminous idea to fix the problem(s) (appart from reformating, buying a new pc, etc....)

    PS: I even have problems with my screen or my videocard: The SBI forum now appears to me in a gloomy mouse grey.
    Last edited by Renk; 25.01.11 at 14:30.
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  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    For future reference, you must expand the file, not rename it. Expand is a program, usually included with Windows, that decompresses a file from its copy on a Windows CD.

    What you can do now is booting from a live CD (such as Hiren's, or CIA Commander) and deleting the file from there. That will work. Then you can "expand" route.exe directly from there as well, if you have two CD drives.

    The mouse grey is the new default skin. AUs and above can access the "SB-I (Beta)" skin, which looks like the old Enlighten, except that it works. Both have been made by the same awesome guy.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    Renk (25.01.11)

  4. #3
    Advanced User Renk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    The mouse grey is the new default skin. AUs and above can access the "SB-I (Beta)" skin, which looks like the old Enlighten, except that it works. Both have been made by the same awesome guy.
    So now it becomes extremely incentive for everyone to access as fast as possible to the AU level. The awesome guy you are speaking about is really a genius !
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