This thread is for posting trackers whose registrations are open. Before you post, be aware of the following rules, however.
- You may only make a maximum of 1 post per day here. If you've already posted today, edit that post instead of making a new one. This is to prevent people from repeatedly posting open trackers as a means of increasing their postcount. Posts breaking this rule will be merged.
- Chatting of any kind is not allowed here! If you wish to thank someone for a particular tip-off, use the Thanks or Reputation buttons. If a particular tracker is no longer open by the time you catch up, then tough luck - but keep that to yourself. Opinions about the trackers themselves should be posted on their respective reviews, not here.
- Always check if the tracker(s) you're going to post have already been posted in the last 7 days or 2 pages. If that's the case, please don't post those trackers in question. Sites that are level 2 and above (read this for reference) are an exception.
- Including a small description of the trackers you're posting is encouraged, although not mandatory. For example:
Tracker X - general/0-Day, 20000 users, 10000 torrents. Signup link
Tracker Y - music, 5000 users, 3000 torrents. Signup link- In the case one or more trackers use confusing or garbage titles, please add their respective full names.
- Quoting articles from blogs such as FSF and FILEnetworks is allowed, just make sure you use the QUOTE tag and link to the sources as per rule 5. All the points above apply as well.
If you break the rules, your post will be deleted or edited, accordingly. Repeated misbehavior will result in an infraction.
If you see someone else breaking the rules, click on the Report button below his post and follow the instructions. The forum's staff will deal with it as necessary. Thank you.
All that said, enjoy the thread.