How to Restore an Abused iPhone (or any gadget) | Hack N Mod


After a few months of use, our gorgeous new gadgets incur a fair share of dings and scratches. However, all is not lost! Learn how one man bought a horribly abused iPhone on Ebay and polished it up to look brand new. It’s a superb tutorial including both case and screen refurbishing which you can apply to all of your neglected gadgets.

Steps to Resurrection:

* Buy a scratched iPhone on eBay
* Gently dry sand external scratches
* Add some water and wet sand
* Polish with a 3M Headlight Lens Restoration Kit (~$15)


Unfortunately, the Apple logo is erased in the process, but I’d say it’s a worthwhile sacrifice for the outstanding results. But we’re not finished yet! We still have to repair the front screen which was severely cracked.

LCD Repair:

The LCD repair is a slightly more delicate process since we have to remove the entire front of the device and expose its circuitry innards. Nonetheless, it’s not too complex and the image below walks you through the screw removal process.


* Replacement iPhone LCD
* Compressed Air ( or bike pump)
* E-xacto blade ( or something flat and thin)
* Small Phillips screwdriver
* Suction cup

With this detailed tutorial, just about anyone can refurbish their scratched and damaged gadgets. It’s pretty cheap too, the 3M cleaning kit costs less than$15 and the screen replacement is less than $10. So what are you waiting for? Go polish your neglected gadgets! Oh, and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future posts.

Final Results:


Hmmm is all this is worth the erasure of Apple Logo?