HTML5 made easy...

If you read the info,you'd see that IE has such poor HTML5 readiness...

FF on the other hand is almost ready...

Tons of sites have already started implementing HTML5 and the link below has a few favorites...

20 exceptionally cool websites using HTML5 as their markup | Web Developer Juice

Also here a my recommendations for info/articles on HTML 5

HTML 5 Cheat Sheet - All the tags supported by HTML in one handy PDF:
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) - Smashing Magazine

HTML5 Doctor - Great blog with lots of useful articles on how to transition to HTML 5:
HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today

HTML5 Gallery - Showcases new sites that are coded in HTML 5:
HTML5 Gallery | A showcase of sites using HTML5 markup

Great intro to the basics of HTML 5:
HTML5 and The Future of the Web - Smashing Magazine