Poll: Which staff are worst?

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Thread: Which Staff Are The Worst?

  1. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    any irc log?or i think u will save all the date can u post the conversation?
    I just checked my logs and it happened on July 23rd.
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  2. #287

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    Quote Originally Posted by clapton View Post
    Um, no. Clearly we offered him a Dev position, since good coders are hard to find
    I think another user nperversion also turned as a good person while in IRC?

    what u had offered to him?

    i feel he is also a convert.
    Last edited by SealLion; 10.08.10 at 02:42.
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  3. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Instab View Post
    it's just that their actions don't reflect that at all. just good pretenders?
    and since we have it here side by side imho stoi showed some attributes i like and value. not so convinced by what staff yet although jowa seems to be one who's not patronizing unlike his fellow staffers
    I'm interested as to when you think I was being patronising? I'm guessing it was probably the result of my response to LegitCheater, in which case I can say this in my defence. Cheating, as it stands right now, isn't a huge thing I care about. I'd rather people didn't, but as long as they can accept that they could get caught and won't be enabled, and as long as it's a very small minority who does, I don't care. However, I dislike people who come in and lie in our -disabled channel substantially more. Why? It's not, as I've already stated in previous posts, because I believe have a misplaced faith in people being honest the entire time, but because it colours the way we run that channel. You hear the excuse "It was my brother" enough, and it loses all meaning. Of course, normally it's just someone lying (as you said, it's the quickest way to get your account back), but what does that mean for the people who aren't lying? Who genuinely got f***ked over by a vindictive sibling. It means that they get the short straw, since we end up coming to the conclusion that we can't know for certain who did it, and the odds are the person is lying. We then get slighted repeatedly for being "cynical" or "unfair" because we don't believe the same excuse that we hear every single week, when the reason we don't believe it is that a few people repeatedly try and use them to get back in.

    So, when someone like LegitCheater starts boasting, not about his cheating, but about that, it annoys me. Because at that point it's hurting other people's accounts. Of course, the same can be said for cheaters and how they might colour us against people with genuine client malfunctions, but we can check for that more easily than we can an elaborate story involving eighteen members of one's family and a slightly timid prostitute named Rhonda.

    I'm sorry that you believe us to be pretenders, and that we don't live up to the exceedingly high moral standards that are set for us. I'm sorry that you think we're patronising. In our defence, I shall say this. We are volunteers, and we only have one website. You all believe that we should go ratio-free perhaps, or open up registrations once a year, but we don't have the ability to plan it, nor to undo any damage it would do. So we choose not to change a website that already functions well. We handle -disabled very well these days, although I know that a lot of people here will refuse to ever accept that.

    As for the whole morality issue, my opinion is that this is all made very black and white (apologies, it's easy to post here where it's more relevant to the discussion that in the morality thread). A thief can very well still cast moral judgement on something. Morality is not black and white, nor is it ever anything but entirely subjective. So people who say that it's hypocritical for us to ban cheaters have it wrong as far as my opinion goes. One can only really be a true hypocrite in morality if he does something, and then chides someone for doing exactly the same thing (same place, same time, to the same person). Otherwise it's a different case. Robin Hood gets thrown around a lot in these parts, frequently namedropped, so I shall mention him. One looks at that tale as being one where he is the good guy, and yet we'd also demand that the person who stole from us to give money to someone slighty less well off (but not starving) be punished. Not only that, but us banning cheaters doesn't even mean that we as a website are stating that it's fundamentally an immoral thing to do. That's not the case, I think that if everyone could download as much as they wanted and cheat as much upload as they wanted and still maintain a healthy swarm then I'd be happy to let them. But that's not how it works. Keeping our swarms healthy and casting moral judgement on cheaters are two entirely different things. We banned Deluge for a while, Azureus for good; We didn't do this to cast a moral judgement on the people using them, we did it to maintain the health of our swarms. We don't disable cheaters because they are inherently bad people and ought to be cast out of our little gated community, we do it because if it ever propagated to the point where thousands of people were doing it frequently and stopped seeding as a result, we'd be a worse website.

    Don't mistake what we do for what.cd as an attempt to moralise and convert the heathen cheaters at sb-i. We do what we do to keep the swarm healthy, to keep the website as good as it is today. To keep it as a place where people want to share, want to build a community.

    EDIT: One more thing. No moderator at what.cd has ever cheated or traded or sold invites.
    Last edited by SealLion; 10.08.10 at 02:44. Reason: hide or obscure your swear words.
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    Vuze-Sbi (09.08.10) , cheatos (09.08.10)

  5. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    I think another user nperversion also turned as a good person while in IRC?

    what u had offered to him?

    i feel he is also a covert.
    How would it make you feel if more SB-I Members and users started quitting this site and "converted" to being upstanding users of my site?
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  6. #290

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    Quote Originally Posted by Theseus View Post

    EDIT: One more thing. No moderator at what.cd has ever cheated or traded or sold invites.
    I have a strong feeling now that some of the staff are trading invites on other forums.

    to the long post simple answer is all of you are liers,how much damage are u causing to the music industry?compared to the things which you do,the things which we are doing are very small!

    ---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

    you have not answered my 281th post.(LOL)

    and clapton i dont meant convert there i mean covert if u dont know the meaning(meaning secret,covered over)
    Last edited by jacksbi; 09.08.10 at 18:37.
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  7. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    to the long post simple answer is all of you are liers,how much damage are u causing to the music industry?compared to what you do the things we are doing are very small!
    The simple answer is in fact that there is no simple answer. That you failed to read the post and made an assumption that I believe that morality is something that is comparable, that there is an objective scale. I don't. Feel free to continue living in your black and white world where you fight the evil pirates by pirating. I don't believe that one can hope to provide a simple answer however, nor do I understand why I'm a liar? You failed to read my post and assumed I lied in it? Or do you just repeat the same tired old spiel in the hopes that it one day becomes relevant?

    I have no problem with offering people my respect, and whilst it seems that Instab dislikes me, I can at least respect him. He at least reads my posts, offers me that. You however, you I have no respect for. Not for the cheating, or anything like that, but because you are so willfully ignorant that you can't even be bothered to read a post before reciting the one line that your parrot brain has somehow managed to recall.
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  8. #292

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    Quote Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
    The simple answer is in fact that there is no simple answer. That you failed to read the post and made an assumption that I believe that morality is something that is comparable, that there is an objective scale. I don't. Feel free to continue living in your black and white world where you fight the evil pirates by pirating. I don't believe that one can hope to provide a simple answer however, nor do I understand why I'm a liar? You failed to read my post and assumed I lied in it? Or do you just repeat the same tired old spiel in the hopes that it one day becomes relevant?

    I have no problem with offering people my respect, and whilst it seems that Instab dislikes me, I can at least respect him. He at least reads my posts, offers me that. You however, you I have no respect for. Not for the cheating, or anything like that, but because you are so willfully ignorant that you can't even be bothered to read a post before reciting the one line that your parrot brain has somehow managed to recall.
    i have read ur post but one thing is sure you are also doing wrong things and we are also doing wrong things this is how the world moves.

    and you havent answered my above post.
    Last edited by jacksbi; 09.08.10 at 18:48.
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  9. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    and clapton i dont meant convert there i mean covert if u dont know the meaning(meaning secret,covered over)
    "I think another user nperversion also turned as a good person while in IRC?

    what u had offered to him?

    i feel he is also a co[n]vert."

    Makes more sense my way, as "a covert" makes no grammatical sense.
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  10. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by ares View Post
    Hi, my name is clapton and this is one of three SB-I accounts that I have used (including my new one, which is the "keeper.") If anon wants, he can out my first account, which, by the way, I caused no trouble with!
    Sorry, but just like you, we have a strongly-enforced rule against multiple accounts.

    Quote Originally Posted by jowa View Post
    To sum things up:
    All the posts "ares" made (except the ones in this thread) had nothing to do with us, they were made by a normal person that is in no way related to the what.cd staff.

    A short while ago, ares came to our disabled channel to ask to be re-enabled. He had a long discussion with us, and we accepted to give him his account back in exchange for his sb-i account.

    The sb-i staff were aware of this since the begining.
    This is how it went, now cut it out with the "WhatMan/clapton is a cheater" posts.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. #295

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post
    Please continue posting here; we like you!
    Yes indeed jowa, please stay. I have personally enjoyed reading your posts and viewpoints.
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  12. #296
    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    Yes indeed jowa, please stay. I have personally enjoyed reading your posts and viewpoints.
    even better: please @all don't stop, i'm enjoying every letter of this
    @what.cd staff, if you need help cheating on trackers like w.cd or others just tell me,i'll be more than happy to help! (/jk)

    I am cheatos

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  13. #297

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    Quote Originally Posted by ares View Post
    Hi, my name is clapton and this is one of three SB-I accounts that I have used (including my new one, which is the "keeper.") If anon wants, he can out my first account, which, by the way, I caused no trouble with!
    So clapton, seriously have you ever cheated at those trackers whose cheating thead you've started eg. IPT, TD, LT, etc. Which tools were your favorite?

    [Edit] strange I can't delete this post. clapton, no need to reply this. I got confused awhile ago over you being the real ares which is obviously not the case.
    Last edited by hearthrob; 09.08.10 at 20:15.
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  14. #298
    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    So clapton, seriously have you ever cheated at those trackers whose cheating thead you've started eg. IPT, TD, LT, etc. Which tools were your favorite?
    And always remember: "Be honest - at this point, lying will get you nowhere"

    I am cheatos

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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    Instab (10.08.10) , SealLion (10.08.10) , slikrapid (09.08.10) , caballero (09.08.10)

  16. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    So clapton, seriously have you ever cheated at those trackers whose cheating thead you've started eg. IPT, TD, LT, etc. Which tools were your favorite?
    That was the "real" ares. Unless you are joking, of course.

    Either way, he won't be able to reply with that account anymore.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. #300

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    Quote Originally Posted by cheatos View Post
    And always remember: "Be honest - at this point, lying will get you nowhere"
    @cheatos - you crack me up.

    Took almost 3 hrs to finish this entire thread. gosh... heading to bed now.

    Let's see whose whatcd account gets "co[n]verted" tomorrow.

    ---------- Post added at 02:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    That was the "real" ares. Unless you are joking, of course.

    Either way, he won't be able to reply with that account anymore.
    And he won't be daring to show up in this thread via another sbi account either. Who knows....I may be him....lol... This part is like the climax of the thread. lol...

    goodnight everybody, we are such a big loving happy family, and I love you all, what, BCG and all, except ptpc. sweet dreams everyone.
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  18. Who Said Thanks:

    cheatos (09.08.10) , caballero (09.08.10)

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