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Thread: [Now what?] When s*** hits the fence, when you get caught...

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    [Now what?] When s*** hits the fence, when you get caught...

    What? Another tutorial?
    There are alot of tutorials in this section of the forum which teaches us all the various cheating techniques and tools-know-how, but I haven't really seen one which talks about what do you do when you get caught.

    Who this tutorial is not written for...
    Well you may say that "why the hell do we need one? If you get caught, just get another account and get on with life!". Well, yes and no. If this is any tracker:
    1) you don't hold dear to your heart (if you get caught, so be it!) or;
    2) for any reason you can easily obtain new account or;
    3) it won't cost you an universal ban
    then I'll say this tutorial is not meant for you. You don't need this, you don't need to go through the troubles (steps below) to defend yourself infront of the Admin on IRC.

    Who this tutorial is for?
    So now that we've gotten over and filter out those who doesn't need this tutorial, let's ponder for a while on this scenario.... one fine day you try to login to your account and you get a message telling you it has been disabled and you have been cheating, blah, blah, blah and all that sort of standard wordings. Next, you login to your email account and you received another message from the Admin asking you to come onto IRC to explain the "weird statistics the server has logged down on those torrents you were uploading". I would say you are in luck! Cos' they are not sure if you really cheated or not, and wanted more info from you to verify.

    But the tricky thing is, if you get ban from this tracker, it will cost you an universal ban at your other favorite trackers too, OR for some reasons this particular Admin (being influential at other trackers as well) managed to dig you out at other trackers too (either based on similar username or email address), then I'll say you have a serious case to fight, and to fight for what you have been building for the last few years.

    [note]: which is why never ever use the same username or email address more than once at different trackers.

    Your adrenaline starts to rush...you felt an overwhelming mixed feeling of both anxiety and excitement...it felt like first kiss and your heart pounds like crazy... you know you have only one chance to explain yourself. You know you have only one chance to get this right. If you screw this up, you know you are going back to square one where you first began few years ago.

    If this described your situation, then this is the tutorial for you.

    What you should not do?
    Never ever login to IRC unprepared. That is committing suicide. You need to get your stuff ready before you do so. The Admin won't know when you have read his email, so even if it takes you a day or so to come on IRC, that is fine. It is vital for you to come prepared in anticipation of the things he might ask of you.

    Likely things the Admin will ask:

    1. Your upload speed via Speedtest.net
    If let's say you have been cheating at high speed, then it is likely he may ask you for a speed test. Go to this thread http://www.sb-innovation.de/f56/fake...test-net-8845/ and see if you can get ready as many speedtest results as possible based on:
    • Your broadband service provider. If you cannot find any, then worst case you can still try to find result of other broadband service providers in your country. Just pray and hope that the Admin would not cross check to determine if your IP corresponds to the service provider where the speedtest result showed.
    • As many test sites as possible. Focus on all those test sites in your country and get results of them. Also get results of all test sites in the country where the tracker is hosted. Look through this forum to find out where that particular tracker is hosted if you are not sure. Most likely, the Admin will just name 1 or 2 random sites asking you to conduct the speedtest.
    • Your cheating speed. If you had cheated at for example, 2MB/sec then make sure the speedtest result can justify for that.

    If you really have no luck with any fake speedtest result, here's one last thing you can do. Put together a 404 page-not-found error screen shot of your browser with the speedtest.net URL shown in the URL locator. Then suggest to the Admin that the site might be blocked or down and you have problem accessing it.

    2. Screenshot of your Torrent Client user interface
    The Admin might also ask you to grab a few screens of your torrent client UI to either show your overall statistics and/or to show the upload/download info of the torrents which you were suspected of cheating.

    The purpose of him doing this is to compare the stats between what is stated in your client versus what he sees at the server console or admin modules. If the stats matches up, he might let you go free. If the stats differ a little, as in the case for example your client shows 32GB uploaded while his server stats show 31GB, it is still arguable since its natural for your client to show slightly higher stats due to the "handshaking" or what-not data perhaps.

    Now what if you have been using RM or similar tools to fake download & upload and you have not actually downloaded the files at all? What you gonna do? You will need to show screenshot of those torrents at 100% completed and upload stats at XXGB that corresponds to his server stats.

    Now imagine you cannot login to the site since your account has been disabled, and as such would not be able to find out what is that XXGB which you have uploaded via RM. So what you gonna do?

    [Note]: It is always a good practice to note down your upload amount before you close your RM window for each torrent when you want to stop faking. You never know when you gonna need it.

    Now, let's say you haven't done so, and you are clueless what is that magic number, what are you going to do? Do you have a duplicated account which you can login and search for your disabled ID? If yes, are you able to locate that ID's snatchlist and find out the upload stats?

    If the answer is "NO" to all the above, panic not. You can still argue that when your account get disabled, and you were getting errors with those torrents so you deleted away those torrents from your client apparently. And now that you are asked to provide screenshot, you have added the torrent back afresh. And doing so, reset your upload amount to zero in your torrent client. Hence you do not need to worry about the magic number anymore eventhough if you had the number it would make your case more convincing.

    Now, let's get on to business. How do you make those torrents you have just added to show 100% completed?

    If you are using uTorrent, you are in luck! The answer lies with this advice from Cheatos:

    In short, search those torrent files from other trackers, download only the .NFO file and/or any few bytes file if you need the file structure to be intact, then remove the torrent. Open it with torrent file from the tracker which its Admin is going to interrogate you, select the same path and do a 'force re-check'. And you will have a 100% completed torrent on your uTorrent.

    Just make sure when doing the screenshot you click the mouse on a white area to remove the grey panel under.

    And if you are asked to provide screenshot of your overall uTorrent stats, here's 2 tutorials from Anon.

    (i) When you edit settings.dat, it will allows you to change your uTorrent overall stats value via "tu" and "td". Should you decide to change "rt" as well, refer to this site first. Old Version of uTorrent 2.0.2 Download - OldApps.com Look up the utorrent version and find out its release date. The "rt" value cannot be older than that respective utorrent version's release date. Or else, it will be a tell-tale sign you have meddled with the .dat file. So be careful on this aspect. The best is not to change "rt".
    (ii) The important thing to note is that after you have saved the .dat file, uTorrent will know its files have been replaced and it will auto replace back with a backup. So what you do is delete away the settings.dat.old file before re-opening uTorrent.

    If you are using Vuze, my apology there is nothing on Vuze as of now. Let's see if any veterans here can provide any related info and I will update this tutorial on that.
    [Edit on 27th June 10 at 3AM]: Found the Vuze setting change tutorial at http://www.sb-innovation.de/f59/how-...ts-vuze-20849/

    3. Screenshot of your window explorer to show the downloaded files
    The next thing the Admin might ask of you is a screenshot of the files which you have been "uploading" in window explorer so that he can see if the files really "existed". So in reality you do not have those files since you've been using RM. Here's what you can do:
    #1 - Go to your uTorrent "Options" -> "Preferences" -> "General" and make sure that "Pre-allocate all files" is checked.
    #2 - Likewise, download the torrents from another tracker. Download only for about 1min for each torrent and then stop it when all the files within its structure have showed up.

    [Note]: The important thing here to cover up your track is to remove "Date Created" and "Date Modified" from the window explorer on the right pane.

    4. Crash dump files
    If he asked you for the crash dump files of uTorrent for whatever reason, you can go to the uTorrent official forum to search: Troubleshooting - Forums - Torrent - The Lightweight and Efficient BitTorrent Client

    Look for the ones which matches your uTorrent version and Windows version. The naming convention of the dmp file goes like this: 19225-utorrent.2f62.dmp
    where 19225 is your uTorrent 2.1 Build 19225; while 2f62 is just a random number which uTorrent generated.

    Open the .dmp file with tools like windbg to find out if the dmp file's window version matches yours.

    If you could not find a dmp file that matches both uTorrent version and Windows version, then use this tool Download Random File Generator 1.1 Free - Random File Generator is used to create text or binary files with random records. - Softpediato generate the .dmp file.

    The best is to send him a corrupted dmp file which he can't view.

    [Note]: Whatever you sent to the Admin during the IRC interrogation, be it the screen shots or the dmp file, do make sure that you edit the "Date created" and "Date Modified" of those files using tools such as FileDate Changer v1.1 - Change the created/modified time of files before you send them over.

    READ ME:
    Spoiler This tutorial needs your participation:

    This tutorial is meant as a "living" article, meaning that I will update it periodically from time to time depending on the amount of feedback/comment given by you - the readers - to improve this tutorial. I see it as a joint effort of this brilliant community and therefore seeks your participation. If you have any inputs out of your past similar experience, pls craft it along the lines of:
    (i) What could the Admin ask of you to provide? and;
    (ii) What are the steps to provide the required stuff?


    Thank you! | "Rep me if you found this useful"
    Last edited by anon; 12.06.18 at 02:00.
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    Rupel89yt (08.09.22) , sigduwksnsksis9283 (29.11.20) , hellodark69 (14.06.20) , Cr@zYiNsEiN (27.06.17) , Leecher#1 (29.08.16) , ozymandis (04.03.15) , yeewhat (20.10.13) , fraudman (19.06.13) , asghar841 (09.05.13) , key (02.04.13) , stacatto (07.12.12) , spamalot (31.08.12) , zora (21.08.12) , D3TR1TUs (15.08.12) , Smiths (12.07.12) , Jordan (15.03.12) , ninty25 (18.01.12) , lilbryman3 (11.08.11) , WhaSUP? (23.07.11) , logicfrog (17.07.11) , SealLion (16.06.11) , hamdoon (12.06.11) , Mr Wiz0rd (30.05.11) , Imacheater (01.05.11) , Illuminator (18.04.11) , bobiscool (15.03.11) , ParamouR (03.03.11) , Yuppy (24.02.11) , yodaddy (21.11.10) , BaMbO (30.10.10) , seldom (22.10.10) , Ahdan (29.09.10) , DukeTT (11.09.10) , caballero (22.08.10) , CosaNostra (19.08.10) , dexterawy (02.08.10) , saba (23.07.10) , Akira (15.07.10) , Uninvited2611 (10.07.10) , RUBBER (07.07.10) , MacGyver (06.07.10) , Blocker (06.07.10) , majorram007 (06.07.10) , saebrtooth (05.07.10) , kazuya (04.07.10) , supermarrioh (04.07.10) , fakeking (04.07.10) , jacksbi (01.07.10) , dreamer (27.06.10) , Vuze-Sbi (27.06.10) , sudar02 (27.06.10) , cheatos (27.06.10) , SBfreak (27.06.10) , qik5l (27.06.10) , BrianBosworth (27.06.10) , tokiodrift1 (27.06.10) , slikrapid (27.06.10) , anonftw (26.06.10) , Extraterrestrial (26.06.10) , Nobody (26.06.10) , Mihai (26.06.10) , anon (26.06.10)

  3. #2

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    Seems like this is one tutorial which most people doesn't need. lol... not a single post over the last 1 week+.
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  4. #3
    Elite hellman's Avatar
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    because its a rare case dude that's y... in most cases u get banned if caught cheating..once i had this situation.. i never relied to pm .. i got another pm and i ignored that one too.. i guess i was lucky he did'nt disabled my acc
    Tutorials one should read\
    1. The ultimate weapon- Waffles method
    2. Categorized tutorial list

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    hearthrob (04.07.10)

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    Well, usually if we got banned we'll just find another account. And we'll make it unrelated to prevent chain reaction.
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  7. #5
    *Uhm ,I'm sorry for faking so many TBs,I had to help my grandma and I forgot the RM opened.
    Can I have my account back now?*
    *Seriously I'm an honest cheater,I don't know how PMR got on my pc*

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    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    Seems like this is one tutorial which most people doesn't need. lol... not a single post over the last 1 week+.
    The staff in some trackers sometimes isn't relaxed enough to take the fake proofs you mention in the tutorial (What CD are you talking about?).
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    The staff in some trackers sometimes isn't relaxed enough to take the fake proofs you mention in the tutorial (What CD are you talking about?).
    Exactly, trackers like what.cd and bitme staff won't even entertain on IRC given the amount of so-called evidences they collected through their scripts as claimed by the 'mn' mod from whatcd. I would even imagine they already have some kind of scripts to detect RM via that 'scrape info/peer info' thingy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    I would even imagine they already have some kind of scripts to detect RM via that 'scrape info/peer info' thingy.
    That's why it's better to turn scraping off in the RM and your real client.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellman View Post
    because its a rare case dude that's y... in most cases u get banned if caught cheating..once i had this situation.. i never relied to pm .. i got another pm and i ignored that one too.. i guess i was lucky he did'nt disabled my acc
    Lucky for you I must say! Yeah one way is not to entertain pm. That works if the account is not disabled yet.

    ---------- Post added at 00:22 ---------- Previous post was at 00:19 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by fakeking View Post
    Well, usually if we got banned we'll just find another account. And we'll make it unrelated to prevent chain reaction.
    Very well said. that's the basic rule of thumb when creating any new account - make every account with every tracker unrelated.

    ---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:22 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by SBfreak View Post
    *Uhm ,I'm sorry for faking so many TBs,I had to help my grandma and I forgot the RM opened.
    Can I have my account back now?*
    *Seriously I'm an honest cheater,I don't know how PMR got on my pc*

    Or even better - "I use a shared computer that has many other users who each has account with your tracker. They all use RM, but not me."

    ---------- Post added at 00:34 ---------- Previous post was at 00:28 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    That's why it's better to turn scraping off in the RM and your real client.
    Exactly, and I would say its the basic rule of thumb when using RM at those high level trackers. Having said that I was under the impression that Gazalle based tracker and NexusPHP based trackers does not (currently) detect the scrape info difference. So those trackers using these codebase should be ok (*for now).
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    SBfreak (04.07.10)

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    Quote Originally Posted by hearthrob View Post
    I was under the impression that Gazalle based tracker and NexusPHP based trackers does not (currently) detect the scrape info difference.
    There's a difference between the vanilla source detecting something and a tracker using that codebase doing so. Most stock sources only come with "detect abnormal uploads" (if speed > X, consider the user a cheater) incorporated.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Most stock sources only come with "detect abnormal uploads" (if speed > X, consider the user a cheater) incorporated.
    Indeed, and some trackers I know set X as about 2MB/sec.

    Another basic stock rule which came default is "detect upload when there is no leecher" (if speed > XXXKB/sec, consider user a cheater). And from my experiment, it is above 100KB/sec.
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    That's why it's better to turn scraping off in the RM and your real client.
    that means it is better to turn off scrape while using rm on what?

    i am using it by ticking almost for a month nothing happened
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  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    that means it is better to turn off scrape while using rm on what?
    *thinks of a creative way to say yes*
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  18. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    that means it is better to turn off scrape while using rm on what?

    i am using it by ticking almost for a month nothing happened
    jack, there's an "and" in anon's sentence.
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  19. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksbi View Post
    that means it is better to turn off scrape while using rm on what?

    i am using it by ticking almost for a month nothing happened
    Yes, what anon meant is that when you are using RM on high level trackers, scrape info should be turn off on RM and your client.

    And I added that if its on low level trackers which uses Gazelle codebase (such as Torrentvault), or NexusPHP codebase (such as CHDbits, HDStar, HDcity, pig2pig, etc), then it is still OK as of now to turn on scrape info in RM and your client.

    On these trackers, I have tested out and its safe to use. Scrape info turn on will allow you to use the feature in RM of auto-stopping cheating once leechers fall below X number. I find this feature very useful to avoid getting caught in the unfortunate event that faking upload still continues when there is no leecher, and you sort of did not notice it when probably you are busy having some fun on the bed for example...:-P

    However if you are using Waffles method, there is no need to turn on scrape info.

    Hope this clarifies.
    Last edited by hearthrob; 07.07.10 at 08:29.
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    fakeking (07.07.10)

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