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Thread: Any mods for BT / ED that can block peers based on country location?

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    SYNs and ACKs are TCP messages. SYN stands for "synchronization", ACK for "acknowledged". It doesn't matter whether you're connecting to the tracker or a peer.
    Yes, this was indeed my supposition, some time later I will capture some packets and check if the theory
    about the IPv6 peers sending SYNs but me not sending any SYN-ACKs back is true.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I'm not familiar with the IPv6 ranges of anti-P2P bots (only the v4 ones ). However, did you install Teredo or something similar? That may be the cause of your problems.
    No, nothing IPv6 at all installed on my pc.
    On the router, a Thomson Speedtouch 585i v6, there is no mention of IPv6 in the GUI,
    however, the configuration may be saved to a "user.ini" file,
    and this one contains a section called "connection.ini"

    [ connection.ini ]
    appconfig application=IP6TO4 trace=enabled
    appconfig application=PPTP trace=enabled timeout=300
    appconfig application=ESP timeout=900
    appconfig application=IKE trace=disabled timeout=900 floating=enabled
    appconfig application=SIP trace=disabled timeout=21600 floating=enabled
    appconfig application=SIP SIP_ALG=disabled RTP_predict_for_term_SIP_ALG=enabled
    appconfig application=JABBER trace=disabled timeout=120
    appconfig application=CU/SeeMe trace=enabled
    appconfig application=RAUDIO(PNA) trace=enabled
    appconfig application=RTSP trace=enabled timeout=0
    appconfig application=ILS timeout=300
    appconfig application=H245 timeout=300
    appconfig application=H323 trace=enabled
    appconfig application=IRC trace=enabled timeout=300
    appconfig application=GAME(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=60
    appconfig application=CONE(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=300
    appconfig application=LOOSE(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=300
    appconfig application=FTP trace=enabled
    bind application=LOOSE(UDP) port=69-69
    bind application=LOOSE(UDP) port=67-67
    bind application=GAME(UDP) port=27010-27011
    bind application=JABBER port=15222-15222
    bind application=JABBER port=5222-5222
    bind application=FTP port=21-21
    bind application=IRC port=6660-6669
    bind application=H323 port=1720-1720
    bind application=ILS port=1002-1002
    bind application=ILS port=389-389
    bind application=RTSP port=554-554
    bind application=RAUDIO(PNA) port=7070-7070
    bind application=CU/SeeMe port=7648-7648
    bind application=SIP port=5060-5060
    bind application=IKE port=500-500
    bind application=ESP port=0
    bind application=PPTP port=1723-1723
    bind application=IP6TO4 port=0
    config configchangemode=immediate probes=disabled
    debug trace=disabled
    timerconfig timer=tcpidle value=900
    timerconfig timer=tcpneg value=120
    timerconfig timer=tcpkill value=3600
    timerconfig timer=udpidle value=65
    timerconfig timer=udpkill value=60
    timerconfig timer=icmpkill value=60
    timerconfig timer=ipidle value=60
    timerconfig timer=ipkill value=0
    timerconfig timer=aiprefresh value=10
    You see there are 2 references to "IP6TO4"

    appconfig application=IP6TO4 trace=enabled
    bind application=IP6TO4 port=0

    At first I thought this was the "services.ini" section,
    which is a list kinda like this..:

    [ service.ini ]
    add name="ABC (Another Bittorent Client)" mode=client
    rule add name="ABC (Another Bittorent Client)" protocol=tcp portrange=6881-6889
    add name="Age of Empires" mode=server
    rule add name="Age of Empires" protocol=tcp portrange=2302-2400
    rule add name="Age of Empires" protocol=udp portrange=2302-2400
    rule add name="Age of Empires" protocol=tcp portrange=6073-6073
    rule add name="Age of Empires" protocol=udp portrange=6073-6073
    add name="Age of Mythology" mode=server
    rule add name="Age of Mythology" protocol=udp portrange=2300-2300
    etc. etc...
    This "service.ini " section is a list of pre-configured applications that I may use,
    or create my own custom ones, so that I may tell the router e.g.
    "If any packets come in destined at 6881/tcp, send these to this particular pc on the LAN"
    My router uses NAT, so it has a public IP address issued by my ISP,
    and a private IP address which is in my LAN sub-net.
    The GUI allows me to use / create these rules.

    However, that "connection.ini" section - I have a feeling these are pre-configured services that can not be edited (by the GUI at least)
    - as there is no IRC, FTP, JABBER etc in the "services.ini" section.

    So, another thing I'll test, is to remove those two "IP6TO4" lines
    and see if that changes anything..!

    Also, I'll try to disable the UPnP features.

    And, btw2:

    I'm currently building a new pc for a friend, which has Windows 7 installed.
    IPv6 is by default enabled on this one.
    I have just connected it to the LAN, and while it has got an "internal" IPv4 address from
    my Speedtouch's DHCP pool, it has also got a IPv6 address:

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : lan
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd%13
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    Tunnel adapter isatap.lan:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : lan
    Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 11:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:5ef5:73bc:cdef:cdef:cdef:cdef
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::cdef:cdef:cdef:cdef%13
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ::
    (The "abcd:" and "cdef:" are of course edited for my protection)

    But as you can see, the one IPv6 Address that is not "Link-local"
    does indeed start with "2001:0:5ef5:73bc:"
    - just like 3 of the ones in the list that I posted in the previous post.
    And I don't live in the US!
    So now I wonder if there is an error with Vuze's "CountryLocator" plugin,
    - or maybe with the lists it uses.
    As I wrote in the previous post,

    "Network Number 2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 2001:01FF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF"

    is supposed to be located in "Country United States (US)"

    - according to Person NIC Handle Whois Lookup
    But either this is wrong, or else my router or Windows 7 is wrong.
    I also wonder where it got that IPv6 address from..

    Well - I'll test those things I mentioned as soon as I finish my friend's pc! :-)
    Last edited by uchiuke.duke; 24.04.10 at 21:24.
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  2. #17
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uchiuke.duke View Post
    But as you can see, the one IPv6 Address that is not "Link-local"
    does indeed start with "2001:0:5ef5:73bc:"
    - just like 3 of the ones in the list that I posted in the previous post.
    And I don't live in the US!
    So now I wonder if there is an error with Vuze's "CountryLocator" plugin,
    - or maybe with the lists it uses.
    Have a look at this quote from the IPv6 article in the Azureus wiki:
    An address starting with 2001:0: is a Teredo-Tunnel
    I guess IP2Country somehow defaults to the US for those. Not really knowing much about IPv6, I couldn't tell you, but is there a real need to keep it enabled in your friend's PC? It isn't in widespread usage yet...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Have a look at this quote from the IPv6 article in the Azureus wiki:

    I guess IP2Country somehow defaults to the US for those.
    Yeah, I just noticed! I was scanning the registry for changes with Advanced Registry Tracer,
    then I noticed there had been a change in

    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iphlpsvc\Te redo\PreviousState\(some MAC address? not his)\

    So it seems those other people that I've seen in Vuze also have Teredo running, then..

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Not really knowing much about IPv6, I couldn't tell you, but is there a real need to keep it enabled in your friend's PC? It isn't in widespread usage yet...
    I don't know either! :-)
    But I can't see it doing any harm either... he (my friend) is not a "P2P-person",
    so I guess he won't see any difference.. I'll just leave it by the default setting.
    I have built a lot of XP computers, and installed XP at least 30 times all in all,
    but this is the first time I try Windows 7.
    (Have never used Vista, either)
    So I'll just leave things that are new from XP the way they are for now!
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