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Thread: Al Jazeera English: Palestinian PM blasts Israel ID law

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    Al Jazeera English: Palestinian PM blasts Israel ID law

    I couldn't stop shaking my head after reading this AJE article.
    By-the-life of me, I can't believe the blatant nonchalance that is so heavily evident by the Israelis over the Palestinians in the WEst Bank.

    Reading material like this on what's happening with the Palestinians just kills the spirit each time.

    Apparently, there's a new Israeli law that seems to have abundant protectionist mechanisms in it to expel the Palestinians from land that they live on. This land also houses the homes that Palestinians live in, of/c.

    check it out:

    The Palestinian prime minister has sharply criticized a new Israeli military order that could allow the army to expel tens of thousands of Palestinians from their homes
    Suppose some one came up to you and told you, you were being evicted because of that same person's consistent and ever-present ethnic cleansing regimen of people just like you.

    You were told to get out.
    ....and stay out.

    Along with Israel's ethnic cleansing regimen that has been happening since 1947 which includes the land grab from the Palestinians by the Security Wall that is planned to be expanded throughout the region which forcibly evicts Palestinians from their homes and land, the more recent news out of Israel and how it manages to deport or charge and jail Palestinians is that Israeli authorities (mainly the military) are now given the unprecedented new powers to jail or deport Palestinians who it deems are in the West Bank illegally.

    If you are aware of anything on how the common rogue Israeli soldier behaves himself, you'll know that a number of these soldiers, who are bored most of the time, look for action by mistreating the common Palestinian pregnant woman who needs to go over the Israeli side to see a physician or the common Palestinian worker who needs to go over to Israel to his job. Or any common Palestinian who needs to traverse from one side of Palestinian land to another but has to enter through Israeli occupied territory that once belonged to Palestinians in order to get there.

    You see currently, under Israeli occupation, Palestinians are already required to carry ID cards showing where they live and restricting their movement at even the basic level.
    Just like I explained above.

    I have a video here from AJE. Watch and pay particular attention to the nonsense that this journalist who's being interviewed by AJE.

    You'll hear the profoundly ridiculous reasoning that people are wanting to move into the West Bank and that the reason why this law is needed is because people want to move there and share in the prosperity.

    Perhaps Israel is economically prospering,....but.....

    ......that prosperity wouldn't be there if it wasn't for foreign money from the UK, the US, financial aid from Germany and France, the IMF, and a few others.

    There is one particular thing that I do like and that is one of the questions of the interviewer for the political correspondent from Jerusalem.
    He gets right to the point at one place in the interview.
    He mentions outright that this law is part and parcel of the ethnic cleansing regimen that I've spoken of above.

    Here's the video:

    So you heard in that video of the economic aid that is given to Isreal by the UK, the IMF and all the other nations I've listed above.

    There's others too, like Canada which I have no clue why it even supports Israel other than to appease it's southern neighbor.

    You also heard that this new policy is an attempt by the Israeli military to maintain order in the West Bank.

    If that's isn't' the most purest of pure BS, then I don't know what is.

    YOu also heard on the video "The situation in the West Bank is getting better and better and better."

    But that is ONLY applicable to one set group of people. It is not a valid statement applicable to Palestinians.

    So here's what this new law which gives wide-ranging authority ( as it already needs more) to the Israeli army:

    "The military order that seeks to deport Palestinians and/or subject them to prosecution on the grounds of being without proper residency - this is something that in every way is illegal," including under international law
    basically, if you weren't born in the region and your Palestinian, your history.

    The military policy now stipulates that all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank not carrying what Israel deems a valid identity card can be classified as "infiltrators", and as such, could face deportation or up to seven years in prison.
    That valid ID card that is mentioned of, is subject to the wide-ranging ideas of what any Israeli rogue soldier would deem a valid ID card.

    It is not something that is classified as being something 'official' or anything.

    It is entirely up to the soldier's discretion of what a valid ID card would be:

    The Israeli military order does not specify what would be accepted as valid identification.
    Here's more of course:

    "It's something that definitely has to be rescinded. ..... it as an example of the latest form of adversity that is associated with (the) occupation regime."
    No kidding.
    Adversity isn't even the right word to explain things there.
    Personally, I'd call it ethnic cleansing.
    And that is exactly what it is.

    That form of removing people of an ethnic origin is what has been happening there for a long time.

    Systematically destroying Palestinian's homes with the D9's, forcibly annexing historic sites into Israel's territory, building a wall under the pretext of security, and what-not else. .....

    "This is part of a series of steps implemented by Israel to empty the West Bank of Palestinians, especially by removing them to Gaza,"
    That's for sure.
    If it ain't killing Palestinians or purposefully destroying their homes so as to make living for Palestinians as uncomfortable as possible, ......then either just arrest them or kick them right out.

    And then state that they are a criminal.
    Can you believe that??

    "There is no protection here - the opposite, for the first time the military is declaring it a crime for a Palestinian resident to be present in one part of the Palestinian territory."
    Now seriously....tell me I'm dreaming and I'm in LaLa Land or something.

    Here's the link:

    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    I can't believe the blatant nonchalance that is so heavily evident by the Israelis over the Palestinians in the WEst Bank.
    maybe such behavior should actually be expected from them, considering how their state was created by and ruled/controlled by zionist founders & supporters, who have a disturbingly aggressive nationalistic & militant ideology, further, their religion according to the talmud approves sadistic/invasive/devious/intolerant relation towards all non-jewish persons (as they are considered lower level humans, aka gentiles, close to animals), furthermore the local israeli media (large part of it) is most likely going along with these attitudes, indoctrinating the general israeli population, all of which creates a distorted image leading to a more or less hostile attitude towards the palestinians (as we witnessed on previous videos from that area when ordinary israeli citizens were interviewed)

    only a smaller number of israeli citizens are aware of the deception and sometimes they criticize these outrageous (by any democratic standard) practices which by now have become a standard (or even 'normal' if one can use this expression at all, meaning: usual, nothing out of the ordinary) when dealing with palestinians in all of israel and especially brutal in the so called 'palestinian territories'

    of course, since afaik there is no palestinian presence in the western media, which is largely controlled by jewish/zionist owners and/or supporters, obviously most of the news and articles related to that area will be biased in favor of the israelis or somewhat ambiguously neutral, painting the israeli government as proactive, engaged in resolving the situation and viewing the palestinians as some kind of nuisance or even terrorists (when hearing about the supposed hamas actions)

    not to mention that the israelis/jews have a strong support from usa, as they are deeply infiltrated into its political, financial, entertainment and media (to name the obvious ones) structure and the situation is somewhat similar in other 'important' world powers and organizations

    in light of this, it seems as if the israelis have just about every card in their hand, thus being able to steer every outcome in their favor and up to now they were able to get away with all kinds of discriminatory behavior one could imagine and there is no sign of them getting tired of it either - the israel example shows the western hypocrisy as they are, on one side, publicly rushing to 'help' other nations to supposedly restore democracy and whatnot, yet are turning a blind eye on the decades of palestinian suffering, on the other - obviously, the palestinians are not an interesting party to the western powers, as they don't have much to offer in return, just their gratitude, but that one is of low value in today's world - in the meantime we can expect the israelis to continue their agenda, wallowing in misanthropic depravity

    Apparently, there's a new Israeli law that seems to have abundant protectionist mechanisms in it to expel the Palestinians from land that they live on. This land also houses the homes that Palestinians live in, of/c.
    its one law in a long line of similar previous laws aiming at denying the palestinians a right to own their land (and live on it), forcefully & intentionally expelling them to ghetto zones like gaza & west bank, virtually cleansing other parts of israel of palestinian presence, proof of that can be seen in the population structure of that area before and after the creation of the israeli state and during the years of their rule over it, and as if this alone wasn't enough, they continue the same politics on these 2 so called 'palestinian territories'

    You see currently, under Israeli occupation, Palestinians are already required to carry ID cards showing where they live and restricting their movement at even the basic level.
    with this new law you can imagine how easy it can be to deport any palestinian, simply by taking away his ID and/or destroying it

    You'll hear the profoundly ridiculous reasoning that people are wanting to move into the West Bank and that the reason why this law is needed is because people want to move there and share in the prosperity.
    the interviewee is using simple evasive speech, avoiding to directly answer the questions and doesn't even get upset when asked about ethnic cleansing, as if it was something trivial

    as for the prosperity, notice how he avoided to mention why is the area seemingly growing (because of the israeli immigrants and investments in their luxurious settlements which, when calculated in the equation, do increase the average economic prosperity level, yet it is limited solely to the israelis, not the palestinians living close nearby in utter poverty)

    also, the only ones immigrating are actually jews from all over the world, a practice continuing even from times before the israeli state was created, but surely after the time when it was conceived in corrupt zionist minds, for reasons ranging from religious propaganda (god given land for god chosen people) to monetary benefits (as every jewish immigrant is heavily financially sponsored by the israeli government) and so on

    you can hear another israeli goal directly from the interviewed journalist where he openly said that israel is trying hard to be the light into the nations that its prophets & founders set it out to be, admitting how they are out to shape the world or show it how things are done, this being the original goal of their founders (secular part) & prophets (religious part), a light undoubtedly drenched in blood & misery of other nations, as the palestinian example amply proves

    then he mentions how al-qaida people want to get into israel to make terror, another ridiculous statement, as there is plenty of proof that al-qaida (aka 'the list') doesn't really exist, that it is a fictional creation by the usa & israeli puppeteers (its actions performed by their intelligence agents), for the purpose of having an excuse to invade other countries (war on terror), decrease civil liberties (patriot act), create panic & insecurity, just to name the obvious ones, so if the al-qaida labeled members want to get into israel they would of course be allowed to, since they are on the governments 'approved' list anyways

    then he talks about how hamas wants to 'push the israel into the sea', the only question is: with what? with their 0 tanks compared to thousands of israeli ones

    There's others too, like Canada which I have no clue why it even supports Israel other than to appease it's southern neighbor.
    a quick overview of canadian 'important' business/financial/media owners or large political donors may give another reason for this support
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    You know, it's not just blatant non-nonchalance that we could expect, but you could also expect aggressive tone of intervention against journalists who try to report from Palestinian areas. That is, occupied areas.
    Most of the time, the Israeli military is quite antagonistic towards journalist who report from occupied areas. Sometimes firing directly toward them with the excuse that there were militants in that same area.
    I believe I even showed a YT video on that. There's a few YT vids of journalists being harassed and/or shot at by Israeli military.

    And yes. It is true that only a small number of Israeli citizens are aware of the deception that is being played against them by their own government.

    Also, this here:

    .....to be the light into the nations that its prophets & founders set it out to be, admitting how they are out to shape the world or show it how things are done, this being the original goal of their founders....
    Now that had me thinking of a couple of things.
    ..."how things are to be done. "

    I still think on the odd occasion when I come across news of mistreatment of Palestinians, that the current situation in Palestine is in fact an experiment. An experiment on what future developments could become. And how this experiment might be a showcase of a sorts on how future world governments would / could expect on population control methodologies and potential solutions to what-ever problems those governments could encounter and how to resolve them with respect to population controls.

    Does that make sense??

    This statement by the interviewed person:

    .....'push the Israel into the sea'....
    is propaganda. It is to instill fear to those listeners.
    This is part and parcel of Zionist agendas to instill fear to those Israelis that are gullible enough to believe this nonsense.
    When enough Israelis believe this nonsense after the 'fear-production-machine' has started working, more and more people in Israel will not only believe this garbage but more importantly, spread the same nonsense.
    In effect, a domino effect starts.

    additionally, the propagandist-zionist will have fulfilled their own machinations.

    Having this journalist on-air only aids that same cause.
    Last edited by SealLion; 17.04.10 at 04:53.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    Now that had me thinking of a couple of things.
    ..."how things are to be done. "

    I still think on the odd occasion when I come across news of mistreatment of Palestinians, that the current situation in Palestine is in fact an experiment. An experiment on what future developments could become. And how this experiment might be a showcase of a sorts on how future world governments would / could expect on population control methodologies and potential solutions to what-ever problems those governments could encounter and how to resolve them with respect to population controls.

    Does that make sense??
    it sure does, i'll just repeat a previous comment on that:

    so in the end we see continuing destruction (step by step) of the palestinian property, snatching of their land (new israeli settlements on it), economic & medical blockade (similar to what was done in iraq) so the people are being starved, impoverished, physically & mentally abused (constant fear - imagine the effects on human psyche), isolated, their human dignity reduced to that of a hunted animal (as talmud prescribes) - just as mentioned in a previous article, it looks like a huge testing ground of human endurance considering various abusive influences (because if the israeli army wanted to completely occupy the area they would do so, considering their military advantages as seen in the Occupation 101 video, but no, they obviously want to induce a long lasting effect, as much suffering as possible with various methods)

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    When enough Israelis believe this nonsense after the 'fear-production-machine' has started working, more and more people in Israel will not only believe this garbage but more importantly, spread the same nonsense.
    In effect, a domino effect starts.
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    saebrtooth (17.04.10)

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