Trident Media Guard, the French anti-piracy outfit that was picked by the music and movie industry to track down French pirates under the new ‘Hadopi’ anti-piracy law, has been spotted in action wasting resources in an attempt to stop a sole pirate.

Over the last years we’ve seen many companies that try to stop piracy by polluting file-sharing networks with fake data. These outfits are usually hired by major movie and music studios to ‘protect’ popular albums or movies by sending fake data or uploading fake files.

Trident Media Guard (TMG) is such an outfit. TMG has submitted a patent application for their revolutionary P2P-spamming technology and were recently chosen to participate in tracking down French pirates for the three-strikes law.
Read further at freakbits:
Anti Piracy Outfit DDoSes Sole BitTorrent Pirate | FreakBits