Since there isn't enough space in the subject header, the correct title for this thread is:

Manual teaches intelligence agency employees how to spy on problem journalists
check it out:

The weekly Semana ( a newspaper) has just revealed the existence of an instruction manual for employees of the Administrative Department of Security (DAS), Colombia’s leading intelligence agency, that explains how they should spy on, threaten, intimidate and discredit NGOs, judges and journalists who create problems for the government.
Sniff, sniff......Do you smell that??

I smell corruption.

“Such methods of surveillance and intimidation are worthy of a police state,” Reporters Without Borders said.....
I agree with that.
Police states that keeps tabs on reporters.
Keep a tight lid on things so that undesirable and/or unwanted news reportage of truths isn't revealed so as to cause a calamity for the government.

If you read the article, there's more news on who was spied upon and why.

HEre's the link: