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Thread: Tophos Full Shit List, now exclusive on SB-Innovation

  1. #46

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    you a hata

  2. #47

    I am cheatos


  3. #48

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    nothing im just kidding around

  4. #49
    good, have you found that account i mentioned , in your logs, database etc?
    is it disabled or pruned?

    I am cheatos


  5. #50

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    it was disabled for inactivity

  6. Who Said Thanks:

    cheatos (05.12.09)

  7. #51
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheatos View Post
    i guess it is disabled now because of inactivity , but anyway its here to prove that your script to detect reviewers has failed, and no i didn't have that "theghurka" account.
    lol@that poor guy who got disabled by wrong lol
    +1. I mean, the guy's account was 150 weeks old. But I think he got reenabled as he's not in the shitlist anymore.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. #52

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    i think that i mighta talked melvin into letting us add images to the shitlistings.

  9. #53

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    well mister magoo i see that you tried running a cheat script. here is a tip for you in the future einstein..when you are showing as uploaded 22 gbs when less than 17 users were on a 1 gb file? the problem you thinktank you. so exactly what are you actually talented at? cuz it sure isnt at cheating. you actually kinda suck at it. perhaps youre talented in other areas? like giving moustache rides to downs syndrome infected queers? or licking off your transvestite brother swens whipped cream bikini? hey i heard in romania all you gypsy , gay vampire lovin, homos drink alot. before it gets you an ulcer ima give you some great advice...get an unneeded traecheotomy...then u can simply pour any household products containing alcohol down your new throat blowhole. aqua velva, rubbing alcohol, nyquil, etc...should save you a bundle so that you can take a class on being stealth ya butternecked, too fat to walk on rice paper like kaine from kung fu, pork tar tar eating son of a whore. enjoy being talented at filming your mom blowing carnies for corndogs chump. (1 week ago) adam Delete
    well mister marine corp jarhead. i guess you can enlist in limewires army now. look private pyle...we dont want creepy byte sucking, non sharing tubs of shit like you using this site. sharing is caring. i do not care if you eat breakfast 300 yards away from a buncha cubans trained to kill you. ill bet you were banned from too is why they wanna kill ya. god, family, corp, country? well i guess you shoulda put sharing somewhere in there mister. about face...ten youre facing the kazaa site) ready..march. (2 weeks ago) adam Delete
    is also already shitlisted and banned crybaby infinity. sorry fatman but we dont want you on this site. regardless of what you think...a website doesnt share the views and rules of america. this site isnt the home of the free, the brave, and freedom of speech. sure you can express your opinion...and i can express mine. and in my opinion you can get your shit from kazaa from now on you brainless bumblefuck. also in my life leeching hit n runners like yourself can go hug a tree as your mother bangs a horse named fact go hug the mininova tree. to call us communists for warning you over flaming a staff member here is kinda ridiculous. im not hitler and you arent anne frank. however if i were? id toss u in the kazaa oven. if we are so horrible then why do you keep sneaking back on? youre like the date that wouldnt leave. infinighty: so adam and melvypoo whats my chances of ever getting to suck your cocks? adam and melvin: 1 in a million now piss off homo infinighty: 1 in a million? omg so youre saying that theres a chance ??!!?? woot woot...adam and melvin: get away freak (2 weeks ago) adam Delete
    Uploaded 6.6 gigs on a torrent that has had no leeches other than him for 8 weeks. (2 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Attempted RSS feed hacking. Nice try... Im banning you for stupidity sake. (2 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Speed: 46.57 TB/s Within: 1 seconds << Epic failure. Try to set it a little higher next time for more laughs and ownage. (2 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Ratio cheat. At least when your going to attempt to cheat make sure there are people actually downloading the files. (2 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Ratio Cheater .(Uploaded: 4.30 TB Speed: 169.20 GB/s Within: 25 seconds ) Give Me a Break .. (2 weeks ago) Carm Delete
    We dont allow people of his overly perverted nature on this site. (Jokes are 1 thing but this moron takes pervertedness to a new level.) (3 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    ishare aka dr kazaa aka bagpus. a mid fifty year old fatman with a whore wife that weighs more than a volkswagon. this 57 year old fatman dj wannabe is such a retard he was caught camming a movie and actually walked to his car knowing he was followed. why not just hand them your id ? after his vericose veiny plumper whore wife was rejected by many on the site ishare became melancoly and started trying to give male staffers " a jump". yes ishare 2 inches is tiny...if you cannot please youre whore of a wife try a dildo. when she removes her panties and its like pulling the ripcord on a parachute? that shoulda been the hint you needed that the bitch has gone down on more men than marilyn chambers. listen up mister dj...i know what you can play...try...sleeping single in a double bed, or..the frog song by mccartney...u kinda look like a frog. huge flubber patch under your chin, bug eyes, we tossed you off of the topho island because you didnt share, abused users when u were staff, and ran your ratio into the ground as a user until you were finally banned with a .003 ratio lol. by the way ishare...when i banned you? same when i demoted you....i pee'd alittle i thought it was so funny. so keep making nics and coming on...sad, pathetic fat old need a hobby...i know...shuffleboard or the purple hat club ya old fart. they say he has anger problems but i say hes about as threatening as a boxful of kittens. whats he gonna do stab us with his bingo dauber? get a life fatty and get over just arent tophos material. next (3 weeks ago) adam Delete
    ello ello miss bytegurl. do you still feel as if you were mistreated and would you like an apology? because i kinda feel bad now. i dare i look out for the other users and not allow you to hit and run on every new release. im a no good bastard. so here goes my very genuine and sincere apology. sorry that youre a byte sucking vampire that doesnt share with the other hos and ended up being banned. im also sorry that youre fattycapped. fattycapped= a very fat person that uses walmarts electric scooters because they are fat and lazy but really doesnt need one. im also sorry that your whore of a mother ended up a crack whore turning tricks on street corners just to eat once a week getting the buffet at sizzlers. now she can turn more tricks for invites elsewhere. (4 weeks ago) adam Delete
    listen up mister red dragon. sure you snuck back on and mooched again on another account...but we caught you yet again. go directly to not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. the only thing that you have in common with the true red dragon and buffalo bill prolly do have a harelip and im certain that you tuck your penis between your legs trying to see how you would look as a girl. oh and you prolly named your faggotty poodle precious just like buffalo bill. in your case we do understand why u butcher fat chicks trying to make a skin dress. because its the closest thing that youll ever get to being inside of a woman. so go leech elsewhere, try yo fat moms red snapper, or lift one of her bingo wings and try doing one of her armpits. poof (4 weeks ago) adam Delete
    Ratio Cheating Uploaded: 13.38 GB/7.60 MB/s Within: 1801 seconds When no one was downloading the file.. Nice Try!! (7 weeks ago) Carmenprf Delete
    listen up aunt bea ya mooching bitch...this aint mayberry and though ducktape might resemble opie...he isnt. so go bake barney another possum pie ya butterchops lardo. we understand that sharing isnt in your ragu blood typed fatty nature...but files arent food. everyone is well aware that trying to take a biscuit off of your plate is like trying to steal a kodiak grizzly bears cub from its mother. listen up bingo wings..halloweens coming up...this year why not give out all the caramel apples and not, accidentaly, leave a couple hundred in the kitchen that we all know you plan on scarfing down later. there are basic realities in life that you must accept and face pamie. 1. fat chicks are really hard to kidnap so stop worrying. 2. the reason that you never get asked out is...fucking you is about the equivelant of trying to ride a psychotic bull named dynamo in a rodeo...nobody wants too. 3. losing 2 pounds when you weigh well over 300 isnt really much of an accomplishment...its like trying to piss into a hurricane. 4. youll die young and be buried in a piano box with 26 pallbearers. 5. youre really not supposed to use a beach shovel on macaroni and cheese. 6. bleeding gravy...though short term might seem great...long term its very very bad. 6. there is a reason why girl scouts never ring your doorbell when they are selling cookies. 7. that raunch odor that you smell is NOT dog shit. in fact your chihuahua has been dead 3 years and still stuck to your fatass. the smell is from those unwashed folds of fat that you have ya hambeast. 8. yes the back of your buttery neck may very well look like a pack of hotdogs...but that doesnt mean that it TASTES like a pack of hotdogs. 9. pork tar tar isnt supposed to be eaten as if its popcorn. 10. the only thing that your fatass is good for is the anchor of a tug-o-war team. so click those ruby red slippers that you havent seen since jkf was killed 3 times and say...theres no place like mininova (8 weeks ago) adam Delete
    this lil dracula is a pole smoking twink. dragula...the queen of darkness...usually targets mens only clubs in search of testosterone. his victims first notice 2 lil fang marks on their nutsack...before you know it..they start enjoying musicals, broadway plays, and sign up for twitter a tweetin away. dragula da drag queen is a semen demon originally from that gay romania place known for its gypsy whores and its homo vampires. remember brad pitt/ tom cruise/antonio banderas gay love triangle in interview with the vampire? they sure suck more than just blood. listen up count dicksucker..go be a vampire someplace else..poof (8 weeks ago) adam Delete
    listen up nikon...we all know about your internet wife and how net whipped you are...and we are all aware that you must have nuts the size of a couple of raisens...this doesnt mean that its ok for you to lie and whine in shoutbox over a much deserved warning long after youve been told to pm the staffer. Bitch Dependency 2 up, 1 down A disease that is the leading cause of the need-a-hoe is a psychological disease that can strike not only men but also women who like women. Bitch dependency can not only cause but also lead to: -Excessive phone calling to the bitch -Extreme increase in masterbation . In few serious cases, patients tend to strike women on site if bitch dependency rate has an abnormal increase,if the bitch gains control of the relationship, and even if she ignores u in public. bitch boy 125 up, 44 down when a boy is going out with a girl and has absolutly no say in what he does, how he acts, thinks or the things he's allowed to say . The boy is completly dominated in everyway imaginable and is a boy but a bitch hence the name bitch boy.A weak, effeminate male; a sissy. Especially one who whines a lot. (9 weeks ago) adam Delete
    agustin son of mother agusta..Agusta 2 up, 8 down love it hate it Smelly buttsuckling whore who enjoys playing DDR and doing Nish while eating sauerkraut. agustin is a member of the superhero wannabe group..."the homo ninjas" superhero testing...1)able to walk on rice paper without making slurping sound while oogling masters ass=FAIL. 2) able to sneak back onto tophos using ninjitzu art of stealth camoflage=FAIL. able to play slanty tricky tricky sucky sucky to unban please kissing up art of brownosuti?=PASS. agustin: please guys let me back on...i love the site...i didnt mean to try creating 25 different nics to one armed man !!! listen lil homo...try using your gay tactics on mininova users...or go twitter perez hilton and try exchanging blow job tips.. .its just not how we roll here dude...try offering anon your tangerine sized buttbeads so you can cram em up his ratio cheat script german freaky sexed ass and start em up like a toro lawnmower..perhaps then he might try teaching you their failed art of site cheating. Leg humper 2 thumbs up love it hate it A sycophant or ass (arse) kisser who does not know when to let go. Gives people unwanted attention or compliments, especially when least convenient. poof (13 weeks ago) adam Delete
    hero aka agent47 who thought that he could use his 00 1 1/2 inch penis skills to download off another account after being download disabled for not sharing with others. well hero here is what youve won... SKIN FLUTE HERO 3 19 up, 18 down Mouth-Based Video Game inspired by The Guitar Hero Series to Fit The Needs of a Male Homosexual. Instead of Having Guitar Hero's Controller and Layout, This Will Feature a Penis-Shaped Controller With Motion Sensor Buttons Jerk,Suck.and Lick. you suck as a superhero and we place you in the homo hero nerd herd with equal losers sporkman, douchemas maximas, and the dingleberry. perhaps when you got your secret spy agent kit you shoulda gotten a tutorial on how to seed eh fatty? hero biscuit 8 up, 1 down when someone does a small feat and gets excited or acts overly proud, someone who is making fun of them for being so excited or proud over such a small feat would say it sarcastically. person 1 : oh yay! I'm done cleaning my room! person 2 : **tosses you a hero biscuit** (13 weeks ago) adam Delete
    Well miss lake..the great porno hit and runner would be a more aprapoe nick. From titles such as...I did my pool boy lol and A fistfull of poontang, im wondering just how fat and ugly you might be. I mean what kinda hoe grabs the freaky pornos? my guess is...a 350 pound hambeast with bingo wings working out while eating a glazed donut with her thighmaster/folded up buick..humming as she eats and watching her zitfaced 17 year old pool boy having very bad thoughts. Hell if you wanna sin so bad ya whore...gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and youre well on your way to the demon hall of shame butterchops. ugly fairy 1 up, 1 down A mythical creature that slaps woman as they sleep rendering them unattractive. Sister of the girl fairy... McSlut 38 up, 4 down..a girl whose so slutty, shes even willing to fornicate behind the dumpster of a filth ridden McDonalds. poolboy:that McSlut gummed me behind that big green dumpster in the McDonald's parking lot. Fat Benatar 10 up, 26 down An extra large woman who dresses like Pat Benatar.. (14 weeks ago) adam Delete
    i want a mano/aka zombie. zombie 657 up, 395 down when a homo is sucking a guy off he shoots cum in his eyes so she cant see....and he walks around with his arms extended looking for a towel to wipe his eyes with.....looking like a zombie .. example..cheatos gave zombie the zombie this morning he fell down ....full thriller style. now listen up homo-chops..i doubt that anon is homosexual..though he does run a gay version of e-harmony so perhaps you could " coach" him into it? then again cheatos lips are already currently planted to anons ass. perhaps they can create a cheat script to increase your penis size? or one to make the back of your buttery neck stop looking like a pack of hotdogs? then again it could end this way..anon: You got some money or not? Basehead/zombie: Come on, man. You know I'm a little short. Hook me up, man. anon: Nigga, hook you up?! Fuck outta here. zombie: Man, I got these cheeseburgers! They some double cheeseburgers. anon: Nigga, I just ate. I just ate. If you ain't got no money, you just assed out. zombie: [as anon was leaving] Come on, man. I'll suck your dick, man. anon: The fuck you just said?! zombie: I said I'll suck your dick, man! Come on now. anon: [shoots zombie] Suck on that, you bitch-ass trick! [to sb-freak] Anybody want a hamburger? sb-freak: I don't want no motherfucking hamburger. anon: I got it from that zombie. (14 weeks ago) adam Delete
    "Don't toot your horn, honey. You're not that good. " Quoted from the movie Scarface. Yet another SB-I member bites the dust. Better luck in the afterlife. (14 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Heres another update for Cheatos... hope your keeping up with archiving all these. Another SB-I cunt bites the dust. (14 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete
    Soph participated in the testing of Viagra, and has apparently agreed to do some promotionals for the drug. Possible content: "I didn't win cheating on tophos, but with the help of some Viagra I can act like I did! For the epic win in life use Viagra to up your game... I know I do." (Another cheat found from everyone's favorite shitty forum SB-I.) (14 weeks ago) MelvinMeow Delete

    I have read anons requirements for getting that private member special i thought that i would start my pilgrimage to earn said title by helping update the shitlist. now after banning cheat talented it was brought to my attn by mr meow that it could be an sb member. if so? im really sorry. i normally dont handle that area but had several staffers in a tizzie over him cheating and melvy was out getting a sheep mascot for the site.
    Last edited by anon; 24.12.09 at 21:27. Reason: Use the QUOTE and SPOILER tag for long quotes

  10. Who Said Thanks:

    cheatos (24.12.09)

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