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Thread: BBC NEWS: Congo army used aid as bait

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    BBC NEWS: Congo army used aid as bait

    here's a good article on how to get your enemy trapped and kill him.

    Use bait.

    The Democratic Republic of Congo army has used vaccination clinics as "bait" to attack civilians, says aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).
    here's insight of what was going on and who was helping whom....

    .....The UN had been helping the army tackle the FDLR ( the Hutu rebel group )since January 2009.

    and then there's this....

    On Monday the UN withdrew its support for a government army unit,....
    Firstly, remember Rwanda and the genocide that occurred there?? That's where the Hutu population came from.
    Now their in Congo.

    ....Their leaders fled to the area in 1994 after being accused of taking part in Rwanda's genocide and have since been fighting with the local Tutsi population and government troops.
    Too many questions to ask. Unless I haven't read it correctly, I question this:

    Why is the UN helping the army to "tackle" a rebel group??

    In what way is the UN helping to 'tackle' a rebel group??

    Did the UN withdraw it's support only when news of this broke out??

    I realize that it's widely known that the UN is a corrupt organization in which many people there take bribes for what-ever, but this is a joke, yes??

    The UN helping to tackle a rebel group??
    Shouldn't the UN be helping to bring these 2 antagonists together??

    Or have I missed something here??

    Here's the link:

    Your say??

    Last edited by SealLion; 07.11.09 at 17:43.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    On Monday the UN withdrew its support for a government army unit, accusing soldiers of killing 62 civilians.
    Why is the UN helping the army to "tackle" a rebel group?
    good point there SealLion, the un troops are supposed to be a neutral/peace-keeping, certainly not to support either side in a military way - afaik there was no need to guard the area from Hutu rebels since it was the Hutu from that area that were receiving the vaccinations

    i saw a recent movie (not a documentary) where one character explained that the Hutu & Tutsi actually originate from the same ancestors/tribe, that this division was artificial, done by belgian? colonial forces on the basis of physical appearance of the tribe members (good looking ones were called by one name & others by the other name, that division remained during the following years), sounds unbelievable, right? i didn't follow up on it though

    as a side note, the MSF would be more effective if they worked primarily towards improving the living conditions, hygiene habits & sufficient nutrition of the population, instead of giving them (some argue - completely useless or even dangerous) vaccines since the above mentioned will surely increase their immune system's defensive capabilities
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    SealLion (07.11.09)

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    I have to agree with you slik.

    Hygene is a very importanty factor in preventing physical diseases. So also is nutrition.

    But it is common knowledge that the more money one makes, is a predictor to that person's health. This is based on the assumption that one has more money available to make health related choices.

    So with respect to nutrition, for some of the people in Congo on which this event is taking place, nutrition might not be that readily available.

    I am sure that you know that Africa is a less well off continent in comparison to countries in the western world.

    With Dictators and various corrupt government officials from various governments in Africa running some of the African States and stuffing thier pockets full of money they get from their own countries coffers as well as from foreign corporations supporting financially in various ways, it is no wonder that food production as well as being on the receiving end of the food production element, makes some of the people there less healthy than they could be.

    I do agree that MSF might be able to do a bit more with respect to hygene. After all, hygene is part and parcel of one's health.

    But who knows...maybe they are doing it already. It's just that, that article didn't specify what specifically MSF is doing there.

    Just that they were wanting to give out vacccinations.

    yes it is also true regarding the health consequences of some vaccinations. There's countless stories of the health setbacks one can suffer from some of vacines currently available.
    There's much debate on that issue as well.

    I heard some years ago that the reason why some countries are withholding thier financial support to the UN is b/c of the beurocratic corruption that exists in the UN.

    I believe this was during the Bush era. At least in the beginning days of his place in office. I don't know how it is nowadays, though. Probably changed.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (08.11.09)

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    I am sure that you know that Africa is a less well off continent in comparison to countries in the western world.
    we discussed some time ago about this scenario being a preferred one by the western countries, the needed difference in economic/life/... standard for making profit (or savings) from using less developed countries...

    the beurocratic corruption that exists in the UN.

    I believe this was during the Bush era. At least in the beginning days of his place in office. I don't know how it is nowadays, though. Probably changed.
    you know, people are worried about this UN apparatus and its actual/true purpose - we know that there is no real equality within UN (example: veto power) and as such it is steered by the interests of a few privileged countries (naturally the usa being one of them), yet another thing is that UN is basically a global organization which is always something to be watched very carefully in the light of the new world order agenda, last but not least - UN's special bodes have already gathered a number of questionable decisions/ & critics:

    There are many UN organizations and agencies that function to work on particular issues. Some of the most well-known agencies are the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the World Bank and the World Health Organization., IMF,...

    the more notorious ones above
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    SealLion (08.11.09)

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    very interesting that link you supplied. I read on the link this:

    ....In the United States, an early opponent of the UN was the John Birch Society, which began a "get US out of the UN" campaign in 1959, charging that the UN's aim was to establish a "One World Government."
    if not a one world government, then a player with others in building towards that target.

    If not a player with others, then....a puppet organization.

    remember. the UN is known for it;'s corruption at the higher levels of it's bureaucracy, yes??

    One other thing:

    Charles de Gaulle criticized the UN, famously calling it le machin ("the stuff"), and was not convinced that a global security alliance would help maintaining world peace
    Maybe so.
    But under the guise of it.
    Since we're talking about Congo here and the UN's involvement, this comes as no surprise considering the following statement from the wikipedia link:

    n 2004, former Israeli ambassador to the UN Dore Gold published a book called Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos. The book criticized what it called the organization's moral relativism in the face of (and occasional support of) genocide and terrorism that occurred between the moral clarity of its founding period and the present day
    Sounds familiar with the BBC's article re: what the UN was doing to help 'tackle' the rebels and it's 'moral clarity', yes??

    I find that this quote from the weblink holds true:

    This obsession would make sense if Israel was among the worst human rights offenders in the world. But by any objective measure this is not the case. Even with the harshest interpretation of Israeli’s policies, which takes no account of cause and effect, and Israel’s predicament of facing existential war, there can be no comparison to the civil wars in Sudan, Algeria, or Congo
    No kidding.
    Worst offender??.....that's an understatement, I'd say.

    Very good link, I'd say.
    Never thought of looking at wikipedia myself.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (08.11.09)

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    as a side note on the

    MSF would be more effective if they worked primarily towards improving the living conditions, hygiene habits & sufficient nutrition of the population, instead of giving them (some argue - completely useless or even dangerous) vaccines since the above mentioned will surely increase their immune system's defensive capabilities
    i found some interesting links about vaccine inefficiency:

    "Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. The regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene. Contrary to general belief, the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained only one result the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine should have prevented, but which has solicited instead. The temporary but immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to prevent an epidemic...Vaccines don’t protect. but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal, damages they cause are a proven fact. by Dr. G Buchwald MD"


    Vaccination - The Hidden Truth

    english with hardcoded ES subs
    1:30:31 full version

    video documentary "Vaccination - The Hidden Truth" where 15 people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, and parents' experiences, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, ironically the important facts presented here come from the orthodox medicine's own peer-reviewed research, of which a total of well over 100,000 pages has been studied by those interviewed. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. It shows that parents are not being told the truth by the media, the Health Department and the medical establishment, with a medical doctor, Dr. Mark Donohoe, confessing that "It is a problem for me that I am part of a profession that is systematically lying to people." Find out how vaccines are proven to be both useless and have harmful effects to your health and how they are often erroneously believed to be compulsory. Many people simply refuse to believe the truth regardless of how clear it is, but the impeccable documentation presented in this amazing video has changed the minds of many who have seen it.
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    SealLion (11.11.09)

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    recently i watched a documentary about congo history & the role of belgians (especially their king Leopold II) as another colonialist wannabe (following in the footsteps of his royal counterparts like the UK & co.) in the exploitation & atrocities committed upon the native people - its a dark belgian part of history, yet publicly less known as the royalty made sure the real truth is being suppressed while portraying the kings image as as liberator of congo, when in fact he was a merciless (torture/killings that resulted in some 10 million deaths almost reducing the native population to the half of its previous size) exploiting (mostly rubber for the automotive/tire industry of that time) profiteer (some half of the profits went to him which is the reason why he was able to build a large amount of the belgian monumental architecture from that time)

    many documents that would further implicate the king have been stored in belgium and are even today inaccessible by the public - using the propaganda machine the king today has a status of a benefactor to the nation without mentioning his bloody role in the colonial congo history...so, once again we get a few more officially spread historic lies thrown on the ever-growing worldwide pile, eh?

    White King, Red Rubber, Black Death

    The story of King Leopold II of Belgium's brutal colonisation of central Africa, turning it into a vast rubber-harvesting labour camp in which millions died.

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    very interesting. Most especially at the point where they were going to hang the king.

    ---------- Post added at 16:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ----------

    but you know, that kind of behaviour was expected as well considering that it was the era of colonialism. Lots of countries in Africa had their resources taken and shipped off. In north america, it was no different.
    From the 1500 to 1800's, the fur trade was the big thing.
    Millions of beavers (most especially those animals) and other animals had their hides and skins ripped off, of them to be shipped back to Europe to be made into garments. For beavers, it was for hats.

    ---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

    Colonialism isn't just where people suffer. Unfortunately, it's also the environment.

    Trees get rooted up. The ground gets torn up and turned over into mines, rubber is produced where-ever the supplies can be taken from, etc...etc....
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (30.11.09)

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    I sometimes wonder one things about colonialism.

    What was in the minds of this people who traveled so far far far away from their home to the STRANGERS lands, to the locations where they didn't even know that people existed before. And when they get there, all that was in their minds is how to EXPLOIT them? WTF?! I can't understand that thinking no matter how hard I tried. What about compassion, respect for all people, trying to understand other kinds of beliefs, cultures and opinions?! I'm ashamed to share same AIR that breath(ed) people who had (has) no such values in their lives.
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    slikrapid (03.12.09)

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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww View Post
    I sometimes wonder one things about colonialism.

    What was in the minds of this people who traveled so far far far away from their home to the STRANGERS lands, to the locations where they didn't even know that people existed before.
    well, back then afaik they lived in empires and empires by definition tend to expand, ie. acquire new territories

    And when they get there, all that was in their minds is how to EXPLOIT them?
    they couldn't do it (though there were attempts) if a strong civilization already existed before they arrived (like china, japan,...), so basically if people are primitive/gullible enough then they are easy targets (same as today but in a different manner) - in a way one could say that part of the guilt/blame lies on the aggressors and part on the victims for not being wise/aware/resistant/advanced enough

    as for exploitation itself, its about control/power - i had some previous discussions with SealLion about absolute power and such

    What about compassion, respect for all people, trying to understand other kinds of beliefs, cultures and opinions?!
    i suppose it is a higher level of human relationships, an evolution if you like

    which reminds me of an interesting video about black slave trade and its hidden history (not what you heard in school ) as lectured by a professor of 'black history' in the usa:

    The Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade

    In this brilliant foray into the hidden dimensions of the chronicle of black servitude, Tony Martin, professor of African History at Wellesley College, lectures on the role of Judaics in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and the impact of racist rabbinic texts on the formation of the contemptuous view of Africans which led to the justification of their enslavement. Dr. Martin's speech is introduced by Michael A. Hoffman II who provides insight on recent scholarly developments concerning the "Curse of Ham." Brief concluding remarks are offered by historian David Irving.

    1:08:24 english

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