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Thread: BBC NEWS: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez defends 'Carlos the Jackal'

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    BBC NEWS: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez defends 'Carlos the Jackal'

    CHECK it out.

    This is nuts.

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has defended jailed killer "Carlos the Jackal" and several world leaders he says are wrongly considered "bad guys".
    ah. ok. sure.

    ....He is serving a life sentence in France for murders committed in 1975.
    so I guess if your bad and you kill people, your not supposed to be a bad guy, then.
    Is Chavez on crack or something??

    And that's not all he said;

    Mr Chavez also hailed Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the late Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.
    ah. ok.

    In his speech, Mr Chavez also described Presidents Mugabe and Ahmadinejad - who like Mr Chavez are strong critics of the US - as brothers.
    Well, considering how anti-US, Chavez is. I guess that would make sense in him saying that, yes??

    About former Ugandan President Idi Amin, Mr Chavez said: "We thought he was a cannibal... I don't know, maybe he was a great nationalist, a patriot."

    Idi Amin seized power in 1971. About 300,000 people were killed during his eight-year rule.
    He either ate them all or he is demonically-psychotic.

    ...killed about 300,000 people.
    That must include people who were kids, old people too old to even care about what-ever dispute was happening, no doubt.

    Thank goodness Amin passed away in 2003.
    His ethnic persecution days and nepotistic behavior is at an end, obviously.

    Here's the link:

    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    slikrapid (22.11.09)

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    Chavez made himself unpopular to the western powers by refusing to play their games and instead strengthening connections between south american countries

    as for almost all other persons mentioned they sure were ruthless and had a few things in common, like opposing usa, israel, supporting others that did the same and so on

    an unusual source of information, but there might be something to it:

    Why Venezuela's Chavez is an imminent danger to the so-called 'civilized' world

    the main reason why Aristides was forced out of power was because Aristides had taken the first steps toward what might have eventually led to a mass world uprising against all colonialists: the British, the French, the "Americans," the Portuguese, the Spaniards, the Dutch, the Belgians, etc. What Aristides had apparently begun would have led to a mass uprising against those countries

    In 2000 Aristide published a book, The Eyes of the Heart: Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization, which used Haiti as a case study of globalization. Aristide specifically points out problems with the World Bank and the IMF

    some connections to iran:

    A U.S. Intelligence Hoax on Venezuela?

    April 18 2006. morning, Caracas awoke to the news in the Venezuelan daily paper, 2001, that US intelligence sources had reported the existence of a secret agreement between Iran and Venezuela whereby Iran will be sending nuclear weapons to Venezuela and Cuba.


    another interesting thing if you remember one of your earlier news here:

    The United States and Colombia have signed a deal giving the US military access to seven Colombian bases........to combat drug trafficking and rebels.

    combined with:

    Chavez Says Venezuela Will Defend Itself Against Colombian-U.S. Aggression

    In response to Colombia’s complaint to the United Nations about Venezuela’s “threats of war” earlier this week, Venezuela reiterated its intention to promote peaceful international relations while defending its sovereignty against a potential attack from Colombia.

    all pieces of a puzzle, huh?
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    SealLion (22.11.09)

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    So everybody gets told that Venezuela gets nuclear capability technology from Iran to bolster it's potential defense against US based troops in Columbia whereby those 2 countries signed a deal to supposedly help the Columbia troops combat drug cartels and drug trafficking when instead the true motive is to secure a closer presence to Venezuela.

    From the link:

    Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Relations, Ali Rodriguez Araque...(says)...."We have no arms deal with Iran, and the country’s military relations are totally clear and public."

    He indicated that Venezuela believes in the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction in the world, although he added that any country should have the right to use nuclear energy with peaceful goals. He went on to condemn the intense US propaganda campaign to portray Iran as a “dark beast.”
    But you know after having read that, who's to say that Venezeula isn't lying instead. When I read that statement that any country should be allowed to use nukes to defend themselves, that just seems suspicious.

    I understand that nuclear weapons have never really been identified in Iran as equally as they had never been found in Iraq. Maybe it's all a hoax too re: nuclear weapons purchases and so forth.

    also from the link:

    .......“added that such lies are part of the US drive to destabilize the Chavez administration, and recalled that weapons of mass destruction were the pretext to justify the war on Iraq.”.....
    that statement comes from the Latin American paper: Prensa Latina

    And then of course there's this guy here:

    “Kenneth Rijock [was a] former banking lawyer and money-launderer in Miami in the 1980s, who spent two years in jail for his crimes and is now teaching law enforcement how financial criminals work and think
    who, after reading the article is doing this:

    .....it is most likely he is being paid to disseminate misinformation, disinformation, and lies
    about the Venezuelan government by his payers.

    And who are his payers.....???
    Someone in another country that want's to get rid of Chavez.

    Anyways....with the US wanting to be closer to Venezeula by bieng in Columbia, I am sure it's not just to secure a closer eye on the Venezualian border. There;s probably some texas oil that somebody want's too, should Chavez ever leave and the people become tired of him there.

    Actually, I don't think that people in Venezuela are far off from that possibility. From what I recall watching on a documentary on Chavez and Venezuela is that not all his reforms are acceptable to the people there.

    Some are still without homes and an improved education of which they were promised since a long time ago.

    Apparently, most have though, but I guess not all reforms have been satisfactory to the people there. But I don't think Chavez is too overly concerned about that at the moment since he's in office for as long as he likes.

    He's got the army and of course the the country's oil riches to use that for what he deems necessary.
    Oil for money to ensure the populace is happy and on his side, yes??

    One thing is missing in all of this:

    I haven't heard from Iran. There's no response from there re: this supposed deal with Venezuela.
    Last edited by SealLion; 22.11.09 at 07:54.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    slikrapid (23.11.09)

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