A lot of people don't know anything about linux and dont want to pay for a windows OS. So here is where this guide steps in. I will show you how to connect,update,install everything you need to setup a seedbox. This guide will cover Debian/Ubuntu based OS's as others are a bit more different and not as widely used as I have seen. This also covers the install of rtorrent, the best torrent client imo and many others.

First we need to grab a couple programs for you home Windows based machine.
1. PuTTY:http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/.../x86/putty.exe is a telnet/ssh program for windows that you will use to connect to your new server
2. WinSCP :Download WinSCP from SourceForge.netis a free sftp/ftp program you will use to upload files and .torrent files to your server. Most servers dont come with a FTP client installed so thats where this comes in since it uses ssh protocol.

Once you receive a email with your ip and login info from the server host you will want to fire up PuTTY.

Here you will want to enter the ip of your server in the 'Host Name' box. Make sure the SSH tab is clicked and its on port 22 (default ssh port). Under the 'Saved Sessions' box enter a name for the connection and click 'save'. Now click 'Open'

You will then see a window asking for a login.

Enter root as the login name and the password provided in your email. NOTE: You will not see anything being typed for your password for security reasons so dont be alarmed.

Once your logged in at the prompt we will want to update the OS.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Click Y when prompted

Once everything updates and installs we will want to install rtorrent. This is a very popular linux client due to the low resource footprint First the dependencies....

apt-get install build-essential libsigc++-2.0-dev pkg-config comerr-dev libcurl3-openssl-dev libidn11-dev libkadm55 libkrb5-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev
Now for the rtorrent/libtorrent fetching and install...

cd /tmp/

wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downlo...-0.12.0.tar.gz
wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downlo...t-0.8.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf libtorrent-0.12.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf rtorrent-0.9.0.tar.gz
cd libtorrent-0.12.0
make (this can take some time)
make install
cd /tmp/rtorrent-0.8.0
make (this can take some time)
make install

Now we want to make a user login since root should not be used as a everyday login. Root should only be used when you need the rights to install stuff or run stuff.

adduser name (name being what you want)
enter your new password twice and then just hit enter for the name,address prompts till you get to the y/N prompt, click Y to save.

Go ahead and log out of putty by typing exit or just simple closing the window and reopen PuTTY and login with the username and password you just made. This will be your normal login from now on.

Now open up the program WinSCP. Enter your ip and new username and pass and connect. You will want to download this config file from here:Savefile - Free File Upload and edit it to your liking and use winscp and upload it to your server. Once uploaded you will want to rename it to .rtorrent.rc so rtorrent can see it.

Now we are pretty much ready to download and seed. In the PuTTY window type screen rtorrent this will open up rtorrent with a program called screen that will allow you to disconnect from putty and let your torrents still seed/download. Now to upload a .torrent. Find a wonderful torrent that you want to try your server out with and use winscp to upload it to the server. Once uploaded in the PuTTY window hit backspace and type out the name of the .torrent and hit enter. You can just type the first couple of letters and hit tab to tab complete, keep in mind everything is case sensitive. You will then notice rtorrent downloading the torrent at awsome speeds most likely

When you want to close the putty connection and let rtorrent still work its magic.... ctrl a+d this will detach the screen and bring you back to the prompt. When you log back into PuTTY and want to get back to the rtorrent screen you type screen -r (resume screen)

Here is a simple user guide: RTorrentUserGuide ? The libTorrent and rTorrent Projectto rtorrent. Keep in mind when it refers to ^d that means ctrl+d....

A couple of need to know commands....
up/down arrow to highlight a torrent, right arrow to see info,ect. left arrow to bring you back.
To stop a torrent, arrow up to highlight it and ctrl+d. To remove a torrent from the list hit ctrl+d again (ctrl+d once = stop. ctrl+d twice = remove)
To shutdown rtorrent from the rtorrent screen, ctrl+Q

Hope this makes sense to you, it may seem like much at first but really isnt that hard. Just play around with rtorrent for a day and I bet you wont even have to look at the user guide for guidance.

Here is a little pic of rtorrent that will give u a idea of what it is if you have yet to see it.