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Thread: eMule 0.47c - Off+ v2.0 by NoXZ

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    eMule 0.47c - Off+ v2.0 by NoXZ

    SB-Innovation Presents

    >>>>>> eMule 0.47c - Off+ v2.0<<<<<<

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> NoXZ<<<<<<


    >>>>>> Snakedoctor <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ v2
    21 Mars 2007

    -Le mod ? était refait pour retirer les erreurs accumulées
    -Optimisation of Drop auto
    -Block Dropped src for 10 min (NNS & FullQ)
    -Management of src KAD
    -Send a Fake Rank during the NO-UP
    -Percentage Client
    -Send a random message to the ModThief and NickThief users (show in the log)
    -Ban Community user (SNAFU)
    -Some changes of no importance in "preferences.ini" (look stats - remove the date of the log)

    -Emulate Settings
    -AntiFakerank Setting
    -fakeRank Setting
    -"boost KAD & Sources Exchange" Settings
    -All official fix

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.53
    19 Decembre 2006

    -Plus agressive que la version precedente
    -Changement du nick par defaut (pour ne pas avoir de probleme avec l'AntiNickThief)

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.52
    19 Decembre 2006

    -New Rotation server
    -Rotate server every 2 min during QuickStart
    -New AntiNickThief & AntiModThief
    -Modif Drop (HighQr is dynamic, Drop & ban Fake rank)
    -Support UPnP

    Fix emule-project:

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.51
    30 Novembre 2006

    -Special NickThief [gatchymule]
    -Spammer-Ban v1.1 [gatchymule]
    -Fix Reask Sources after ID Change [gatchymule]
    -Option "No Up" in shared file list
    -Update Emulate
    -Add "Auto" in boost KAD & Sources Exchange
    -Friends and Community in bold & color
    -Drop are now automatic (inspiré et conseillé par Gatchy)
    -Log Fake Community (in emulate)
    -Reduction time of server Rotation: 11mn
    -Update of all my settings
    -Small modif in "About"

    -AntiNickThief & AntiModThief // Pourquoi ? demandez ? gatchymule lol

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.4
    11 Novembre 2006

    -Fix bug Server Rotation

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.3
    09 Novembre 2006

    -Control slots (in "Upload management" option)
    -Show in MSN
    -Add "Ban User" and "UnBan User" in Client List
    -Add "Ban User" in Queue List

    -Modification of Boost Score QR<x in upload:
    send a score of 1 at FullQ end no-emule clients

    -WiZaRd:bfuscation FiX

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.2
    03 Novembre 2006

    -Fix bug (crash) ??
    -Optimization KAD & Sources Exchange (adjustable: Off / Low / High) *
    -Optimizer // -> [from TheKillerbean SE (=> shadow2004)]
    -Dont Remove Static Servers
    -Source cache
    -ModThief (TEST)
    -QuickStart Auto

    * in general:
    if you have many sources, prefer “LOW”
    if your processor works too much, prefer “LOW” or "OFF"

    eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.1
    20 Octobre 2006

    -Fix bug in Display of Reask manual
    -Removed Max File Buffer Size: 3.5 Mo

    -Add "Ask Server for New Sources" in Reask manual
    -Add "Ask Kad For New Sources" in Reask manual
    -Kick & Ban user from Upload
    -*TEST* Optimization KAD --> Drop auto must be active
    -*TEST* Optimization Source Exchange --> Drop auto must be active

    eMule Off+ 0.47c
    14 Octobre 2006

    -Community eMul€€cheR [gatchymule]
    -Random Modstring [gatchymule]
    -System of reversed credit
    -Modifications of Research
    -Modifications of Reask
    -Optimization of KAD
    -AntiFakeRank + DiffQR
    -Reask source (NNS et Full Queue) & client manual
    -Ban spam senders
    -Reglage IRC for: /join #eMul€€cheR
    -Change Max File Buffer Size: 3.5 Mo
    -Drop system auto & manual
    -Save Load Source
    -Boost Score QR<x in upload (on/off & adjustable)
    -Server Rotation
    -Show ModString client in upload & download list
    -Copy Statistiques perso
    -Remove ratio
    -Change minimum queuesize 100
    -Change color in download (red)
    -NO-UP [Dazzle]
    -No share files completed [Dazzle]
    -Kick upload after 2.11Mo
    -Dynamic bloc request + adjustment perso
    -Fake-Rank for Position in Queue > 30
    -No fake-rank for community and friends
    -Boost friends (has priority on Boost score QR)
    -Boost score community (has priority on Boost score QR)
    -No ban friend
    -Show QR in upload list

    * Boost Score QR<x in upload
    Le probleme de l'upload management traditionel est qu'il agit comme un "no share files completed", et on ne peut rien up d'autre.
    Avec un "Boost Score QR" on peut continuer ? up, mais le up des fichiers en QR<x reste la principal prioritée.



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    Last edited by Snakedoctor; 27.06.07 at 01:41.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    pupet (01.07.24) , seedorf90 (10.06.23) , surgat (09.01.12) , Izakis_s (21.03.10) , - (19.02.09) , - (19.04.08) , ef-fix (09.01.08)

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