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Thread: Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART I

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    Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART I

    Firstly, this tutorial is a 2 part series that is going to introduce the reader to using Ratio Faker.

    Part One deals with Reporting Your Upload as 'X' times your (real and genuine) Upload as reported in your client.

    Part TWO is located here:

    Part Two deals with Reporting Your Upload as 'A' to 'B' times your (real and genuine) Download as reported in your client.

    Secondly, I need to take care of some issues of credit:

    This program belongs to the author of RATIO FAKER.BLOGSPOT.COM. This is a tutorial on how to use it to best serve your interests in gaining a better ratio. This tutorial isn't going to answer questions on program-related problems or anything of that sort. Go to Ratio Faker.Blogspot.Com for that or go here in the RF release thread. I can't take credit for this program, only the author does.
    Thirdly, read this tutorial thoroughly to gain a grasp of it. Including the textual introductory info listed below.


    1. For the complete noob and novice who wants to know how and when to use this particular cheating tool;
    2. For the person who wants to complement his own cheating knowledge.

    1. You will learn the best settings, as per my own experience, to gain a better ratio, yet still maintain your account's survival without compromising any loss in ratio.

    2. You will learn when to use RF so as to maximize your ratio building potential and when to slow down your ratio building exercises due to circumstances that are beyond your control so as to ensure your account's survival.

    3. You will become familiar with a formula that I"ve adapted from using Greedy Torrent; however, this formula for using RF is a little different to that of Greedy Torrent. The formula will have maximum and minimum values that you can use to set RF to report your spoofed upload amount to the tracker.

    4. You will also be made aware of what settings are best to use depending on the size of the torrent.

    1. According to my own experiences, and with much success at that too, I have found that to increase my own ratio when it does suffer is to UPLOAD content onto the tracker.

    You, the user of RF, needs to know this. Whether you suffer from the 'ratio-blues' or whether you just want to increase your ratio to a more proportional value so as to allow you to not have to worry for seeding torrents over a long period of time (i.e. 2 weeks or so because you are on RatioWatch)

    To avoid being placed on RatioWatch or to ensure your never going to be on it, UPLOAD content to the tracker augmenting the use of Ratio Faker to ensure your advantage is maximized.

    2. There are other obvious occasions when to use RF.
    This you'll see as you go into the tutorial a little more.
    I will show you how and when to use it and when to 'tone' it's use down


    Set RF to report your upload to the tracker as 0.7 to 1.2 times the number of leechers currently on the torrent that you're on whether seeding or leeching.

    For example:

    Torrent size: 5 Gigs;
    # of leechers: 3
    # of seeders: 1

    Set RF to report Your Upload as 3 (leechers) X 0.7 = 2.1 (Minimum Amount)or;
    Set RF to report Your Upload as 3 (leechers) X 1.2 = 3.6 (Maximum Amount)

    You should be made aware that in some cases, you can round up the values to the nearest half value or whole value.

    For example:
    2.1 You can round this value up to 2.5 or round down to 2.0; and 3.6, you can either round down to 3.5 or round up to 4.0
    The rounded values are dependent upon your own comfort levels.

    Just be aware, this formula is meant to give you a start on what values to use while using RF. It basically gives you ball-park figures to work with.

    When the number of leechers is only 1, most obviously you wouldn't be setting RF at 0.7 if using the minimum calculable value.

    For example:

    #Leechers: 1
    #Seeders: 1 (you)

    0.7 X 1 (leecher)=0.7
    Such input into RF wouldn't make sense.
    In such cases, set RF value to at least 1.15 to1.4 X Upload Amount only if you have just one (1) leecher throughout your entire uploading session while augumenting your ratio spoof with RF.
    You can always change the input value afterwards as the number of leechers change.

    You don't want to use absurd value's inside RF to spoof your ratio.

    For example:

    Torrent File size: 60 Mb
    Number of leechers: 1
    Number of seeders: 1 (you)
    RF Upload Amount: 2 X
    Modified Upload: 160 Mb
    True Upload: 60 Mb.

    Do you see the absurdity in the Modified Upload Amount if you were to not think critically.

    The current leecher of your uploaded torrent could report your Modified Upload Amount to the tracker.

    Smaller Modified Upload Amounts could be accounted for in the form of lost hash values, for example.

    To begin with, I initially set RF to purposely report my spoofed upload to at least 2X my actual upload before receiving my first 2 leechers.

    This is moderately good practice as you want to maximize your ratio building potential on the first instance.

    You can only do this on large torrent file sizes (i.e. 1.5 or larger GB torrents), not on smaller torrent file sizes such as 100 MB file sizess.

    Here is an actual occurrence:

    Here are the beginning specifications on my uploaded torrent:
    Torrent file size: Greater than 7 GB;
    # of seeders: 1 (me);
    # of leecers: 0

    Before I received any leechers, I set RF to report my upload as 2.0 X my upload.Remember, you do this to maximize your ratio building potential.
    You can make adjustments to the value if you want to do so.

    Soon after uploading, I received 2 leechers. Here's a pic of what the tracker reported on my spoofed upload while augmenting the use of RF for my ratio spoofing:

    Remember, prior to receiving any leechers, I automatically set RF to report my upload as 2 X. In the pic above, soon after I uploaded, I received 2 leechers and the result of having spoofed my upload corresponds to what the tracker is now reporting of my activity.

    Then I noted that I received 5 leechers on my torrent.
    Here are the continuing specs on my uploaded torrent:
    Torrent size: greater than 7 Gigs;
    # of seeders: 1 (me);
    # of leechers: 5
    As such, I make an adjustment to the formula to reflect the growing number of leechers on my uploaded torrent. Have a look at the new formula values reflecting those growing numbers.


    5 (leechers) X 0.8=4.0

    0.8 falls within 0.7 to 1.2.

    Here are the five leechers on my uploaded torrent. The results were not yet recorded at that time on the tracker, but rest assured they were. This is a pic to illustrate the numbers present at that time.
    I am at the top having 100 % of content seeding to the leechers.

    This is what was reported in my client:

    But have a look at the leechers having arrows pointed to them. Notice something unique about my upload and their download amounts after the next tracker update occurred??
    I will tell you more about this below. Stay tuned on what to do.

    Nevertheless, here are the updates as reported inside RF. The tracker made the hourly updates and these are the results as shown inside RF:

    NOTE: The values shown inside some of the RF pics and stats are different than those shown on the tracker as I have to stop and re-start my torrents in order to reset RF settings. I also closed and re-opened RF (The latter is not necessary, its just that I did this).

    and another update shown inside RF. These results were also shown on the tracker as well.

    Now. Because I am receiving new opportunities to spoof my upload, I am going to incrementally increase my ratio building exercises using RF.

    This is crucial that you know this. When you receive new leechers on your uploaded torrent, incrementally increase RF settings.
    Use the formula that I gave you above as a guide to help you navigate the settings.

    I will demonstrate what I have stated above:

    Here is the pic:

    I now have additional leechers. Eight in fact. But notice something different about the pic above as with the other pic I gave you earlier. Notice the small amount of MB that the tracker has reported about those leechers downloaded amount. The reported download values of the other leechers is quite small even when taking into consideration the spoofed upload amount that RF has reported to the tracker.

    According to the stats shown above, if one were to add all the download amounts together, you would see that I should only have about 4.0 GB uploaded. The tracker reports 4.9 GB. See what I mean when I say, you need to be conscious of what's going on??

    Remember when I mentioned above in the introductory text about being aware of events or circumstances that are beyond your control??

    This is one of those events. You cannot control another peers internet connection. You need to be aware of this. You need to remain conscious of what RF is reporting and the number of leechers on your uploaded torrent.

    You don't want the tracker's anti-cheating scripts to become aware of strange events and come to the conclusion that your a suspect in cheating because of a small download amount that's reported by the tracker's report stats on each peer.


    1. You either reduce RF settings or;
    2. Maintain the current settings.

    Reduce settings from 1.0 to 2.0 ( or accordingly) of your current Upload Report settings until you see opportunities grow to your advantage and capacity to cheat undetectably.
    Remember, you want to ensure your account's survival.

    Example 1: Current RF settings: 4.0
    4.0-2.0=New RF settings (2.0)

    Example 2: Current RF settings: 3.5
    3.5-1.0=New RF settings (2.5)

    However, in this particular situation, and being mindful of what's going on, I decided to go against my own recommendation and incrementally increase RF settings ( I actually received even more leechers on this uploaded torrent quite quickly):

    Using the formula that I gave above, let's go over the newly incremented settings of which I am using the minimum RF formula values:

    Leechers: 8
    FORMULA: 0.7 X 8 (leechers)=5.6
    However, I am rounding up RF settings to 6.0


    In such situations, prudence is warranted. You need to keep an eye on what's happening on all your torrents.

    Here's an example.

    I downloaded a torrent from another site, while I was still seeding my uploaded torrent mentioned above.

    Here's the stats on this particular torrent:

    Leechers: 2
    Seeders: 2
    Torrent file size: Less than 70 MB.
    Formula: 2 (leechers) X 0.7= 1.4
    Round RF either up or down as per your comfort level.

    In this case, I rounded slightly down as the leecher count was relatively small and I noticed that the leecher's download amounts themselves were relatively small while looking at the Seed/Peer List. This you also need to take precautions towards. Remember, you want to ensure your account's survival, yes??

    When I decided to download this torrent while also uploading the same torrent mentioned above on a completely different site, these were the new stats on this torrent after I decided to join the peer list:

    And here's a pic of what my client is reporting as upload:

    However, while augmenting the use of RF for my ratio spoofing exercises, here are the new stats as reported on the tracker side after some time has passed with an update:

    So what is all this about. You need to ensure your account's survival. In this particular case, if downloading while seeding or uploading at another tracker, you need to adjust RF settings accordingly.

    This is crucial that you know and understand this.


    1. The settings that you set RF at are entirely dependent upon the torrent size and in many cases, the number of peers.

    For example:

    Torrent file size: 250 MB
    Seeders: 1
    Leechers: 2
    Total Amount that could be uploaded by the original Uploader using only those 2 leechers: 500 MB .

    If you are that seeder, it would seem completely ridiculous to spoof upload an amount of 700 MB, yes??
    Therefore, you need to be prudent what settings you use.
    Even while seeding, you need to ensure your prudence. Reasonably higher upload amounts could be accounted for in the way of lost hash values for example, though, its important that you understand the necessity of awareness.
    This is true with all tools and even mods of clients.

    2. RF can be used with various uT versions. Using RF with uT presented no problem as equally as it should not present any problems with other P2P downloading programs that are popular at Private Torrent sites.

    3. RF can be safely used on mid-high to low level music sites, low to mid-high movie sites, and low to mid-high general torrent sites.

    Part 2 will deal with spoofing your ratio while you with Report Your Upload as 'A' to 'B' times your (real and genuine) Download as reported in your client.

    See that section soon. Don't forget to check out my Greedy Torrent tutorial as well to gain additional benefits and insight also in the Tutorial section here.


    1. If you get ban-hammered to death augmenting or using any information set forth in my tutorial, it's your fault, not mine.
    I'm just the messenger. Take your complaint to management. I'm not management.

    The information set forth in this tutorial is meant as a guide only. Use your discretion when cheating.

    3. The information set forth in this tutorial has helped me in my cheating experiences. It may help you as well. In particular, the formula.

    If you've found this tutorial useful and beneficial to you, please do 'thank' me. It gives me an idea of whether or not I've helped you. I would tend to believe that I have.

    Last edited by SealLion; 15.10.10 at 21:11.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    Lucius (23.07.12) , seldom (15.10.10) , Vation (28.01.10) , dl_rank1 (14.12.09) , saebrtooth (09.11.09) , Renk (08.11.09) , fromas (29.06.09) , Mihai (29.06.09) , Zaibisi (29.06.09) , kelly (16.04.09) , boruc (15.04.09) , mmmmm (12.04.09) , anonftw (11.04.09) , shoulder (11.04.09) , zatoicchi (11.04.09) , hitman (11.04.09) , SBfreak (11.04.09) , abookhalil (10.04.09) , Se7Ven (10.04.09) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (10.04.09) , anon (10.04.09) , Dynamic (10.04.09) , kazuya (10.04.09)

  3. #2
    Retired Staff hitman's Avatar
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    Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART II

    -----> Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART II <-----

    added this tutorial to the newest ratiofaker version thread in the first post

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

    No Place to Hide
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    kelly (16.04.09) , mmmmm (12.04.09) , SealLion (11.04.09)

  5. #3

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    this ratio faker looks kinda complicated... im a newbie 2 all o this,and i have rly low ul speed XD
    now i have one question is there a simplified vers of this tut,or cn u give me a link for an easier ``upload cheating system`` tq
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    It's not really all that complicated. It just looks like it is.

    Though if your looking for something that requires you to not think as much during your cheating, you could just use use your best judgements.

    Or have a look throughout the board for some other mods. :)

    Your not being confined to use just one thing.

    There's a tonne of tools and mods around here. :)

    Last edited by SealLion; 18.04.09 at 03:30.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  7. #5

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    lolz ok.. bt cn u recommend me a tool for beginers???
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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kakuzu View Post
    im a newbie 2 all o this
    Check this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by kakuzu View Post
    lolz ok.. bt cn u recommend me a tool for beginers???
    You could start for using the RatioMaster on a tracker that's open for signups.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    kakuzu (18.04.09)

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    ok,yq agen... jst cn u give me a link 2 ratiomaster tut???
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    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  12. #9

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    someone tested it on what and waffles?
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  13. #10
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    There should be no problem whatsoever, given that you don't get greedy and use realistic multipliers. Read the guide posted on #1.
    it's hip to be square
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    must i cheat on new torrents?
    Last edited by Zaibisi; 29.06.09 at 09:36.
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  15. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaibisi View Post
    must i cheat on new torrents?
    imo cheating at waffles and what depends on luck the most...

    sometimes its better to cheat on old torrents so no staff can look at the peerlist,
    and also sometimes its better to cheat on newly added torrent so other members covers you..

    I am cheatos

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    Zaibisi (29.06.09)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaibisi View Post
    must i cheat on new torrents?
    Not necessarily, but new and popular torrents can be a good choice, because when using RF, torrent activity is a must, so you figure the picture.
    it's hip to be square
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    Zaibisi (29.06.09)

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    From what I have heard, better be careful when using the download multiplier at What. You may want to limit your download speed so as to send an steady fake upload.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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