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Thread: Uber Unfair Pricing Algorithm

  1. #1
    Member Cr@zYiNsEiN's Avatar
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    Uber Unfair Pricing Algorithm

    Just came across this insight on Uber's unfair pricing algorithm on the news quite recently.

    Original Source - https://twitter.com/merishabh_singh/...36795647611165

    News Source -

    I wonder how many of you have noticed this.
    Last edited by Cr@zYiNsEiN; 22.01.25 at 11:08. Reason: Added news source link
    Talk about goin' Cr@zY? Goin' iNsEiN more like it ~Cr@zYiNsEiN
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  2. #2
    Is this the same thing ? I remember this video making the rounds a while ago.

    Last edited by buttnudge; 22.01.25 at 23:02.
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (26.01.25)

  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    So they're shafting passengers and drivers? Because try to call a Uber during a holiday or off-peak hours, and you'll find fares go up like the Apollo 11.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. #4
    Member Cr@zYiNsEiN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttnudge View Post

    Thanks for sharing this video. It's good to know others have discovered this too.

    I personally had to choose to opt for normal taxi's incase of these transportation apps to save on cash especially when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. I find I can bargain a specific rate instead of relying on an unfair system.

    For more context, couple of years ago I had to travel to an event on three consecutive days. I use a similar app named Ola which is same as Uber. Each day I travelled to the same location back and forth. The rides prices would never be the same despite the same pick up and drop off point. This made me skeptical about these apps so I only use it when I need to get somewhere on an emergency basis and there's no other means for me to get there.
    Talk about goin' Cr@zY? Goin' iNsEiN more like it ~Cr@zYiNsEiN
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  6. #5
    I kind of like these apps as there is upfront payment but I understand your feeling. I've had taxi drivers try to scam me multiple times either by taking absurd routes for no reason thinking I don't know the city or asking for absurd prices thinking I don't know their average rate.

    I honestly don't know why the government isn't stepping in countries other than USA.
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  7. #6
    Member Cr@zYiNsEiN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttnudge View Post
    I kind of like these apps as there is upfront payment.
    Such apps have a upfront payment. However, if certain routes are not available and the ride is longer in time or travel distance the prices change instantly. Moreover, they implement harsh payment methods that you can pre-pay it online or have to pay it in cash after you reach your destination. No option to pay other than cash. This is just incovenience packed together.

    Quote Originally Posted by buttnudge View Post
    I honestly don't know why the government isn't stepping in countries other than USA.
    In my country the government doesn't cares about this stuff unless it affects some rich people.
    Talk about goin' Cr@zY? Goin' iNsEiN more like it ~Cr@zYiNsEiN
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