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Thread: The Missing 2021's articles. Where to find them?

  1. #1

    Question The Missing 2021's articles. Where to find them?

    Just to briefly introduce the matter:

    Omicron backbones, the ones with the higher retention, have removed a large portion of articles around the year of 2021 (reaching from 2020, and now up to 2022). NZBs pointing to these articles will not complete.
    The issue is specially sensitive to nzbs pointing to less known media, generally posted in more closed indexers and forums. These are real media shares over the Usenet and most likely NOT DMCA/NTD targets: it just got caught by the "Swiss cheese" retention filter. (They are usually of no economic value to be taken down). For a further detail on backbones infrastructure I posted that famous map here: https://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?36051-Usenet-Backbone-and-Provider-Tree-Map

    So, I have been hitting some hard to find releases released during the 2021s and they will not complete on Omicron, UNE, or Farm backbones. I have seen people talking about uzo-reto, netnews and Abavia as completion block solutions, but always very vaguely.

    Was anyone familiarized with such problem able to find a solution for these "dead" nzbs?
    If so, in what backbone was your solution found?
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  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Worrying news, especially since Usenet's biggest selling point is getting something posted a decade or more ago as quickly and reliably as if it'd been uploaded today, and Omicron was considered the most trustworthy backbone on this regard.

    Quote Originally Posted by sbestran View Post
    They are usually of no economic value to be taken down
    Yes and no. Storage space isn't free and NSPs must not only keep that data, but also be able to deliver GB/s speeds on it at all times. Even something like deleting the bottom 1% of articles from the last 'x' years on an LRU basis could amount to significant savings. Nonetheless, if they're promising "6,000+ days of binary retention" (or whatever number we're up to now) to paying customers, they should either fulfill that promise or change it to a more realistic one, that's out of the question.

    In any case, I cannot help directly on this regard, but if you have a reliable tip-off on which provider(s) haven't deleted this data, I may be able to supply you with access. Also, this could be a dumb question, but have you made sure yours carries the groups you want to download from?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Worrying news, especially since Usenet's biggest selling point is getting something posted a decade or more ago as quickly and reliably as if it'd been uploaded today, and Omicron was considered the most trustworthy backbone on this regard.

    Yes and no. Storage space isn't free and NSPs must not only keep that data, but also be able to deliver GB/s speeds on it at all times. Even something like deleting the bottom 1% of articles from the last 'x' years on an LRU basis could amount to significant savings. Nonetheless, if they're promising "6,000+ days of binary retention" (or whatever number we're up to now) to paying customers, they should either fulfill that promise or change it to a more realistic one, that's out of the question.

    In any case, I cannot help directly on this regard, but if you have a reliable tip-off on which provider(s) haven't deleted this data, I may be able to supply you with access. Also, this could be a dumb question, but have you made sure yours carries the groups you want to download from?
    I understand how the Retention filter works for more providers, but the "2021 blackhole" (initially going from September 2020 to August 2021) was a known problem, and it seems that it now grew again reaching the start of 2022.

    Omicron resellers confirmed a problem, one of them saying "As for 2021, we had a temporary infrastructure issue that was addressed and we restored everything we could.". And one Indexer saying: "There seems to have been a major purge at EWEKA recently. We have no further information on this at present, but many NZBs dating from 2021 and earlier appear to have become unavailable.".

    So, about the groups, yes. While the groups and even the headers are there, the articles content has been deleted. I can confirm that Farm peered this problem, so did to a lesser extent UsenetExpress (this backbone has some of the articles but not enough to really complete things).

    My main question here is: What backbone can still be used to fill this gap?
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (22.01.25)

  5. #4
    I've found lots of issues with NZB's from that time. I usually go on different indexers to look for alternate nzb's, usually older one work fine. Yesterday I downloaded a 14 year old one that work perfect when one's of the same release reup in 2021/22 failed.

    I had read about the Omicron issue elsewhere, I hadn't heard of any Eweka purge. Somebody mentioned astraweb might work where others fail. But I've no experience with them, but I am tempted to take a one month sub and see how those failed nzb's go with them included as a provider
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  6. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbestran View Post
    So, about the groups, yes. While the groups and even the headers are there, the articles content has been deleted.
    I see. Can you send me some of these NZBs (preferably the smallest stuff)? I can't give an ETA, but I'd like to check this hands-on. Those files can't be gone from everywhere...
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  7. #6
    @confused11811 , Astraweb is in the same omicron boat as eweka/easynews/newshosting (Backbone AS33438). The ones I need to try are Netnews, Abavia, Uzo Reto, Giganews and Newscene.

    @anon I'll have to find which ones were giving problems (I already deleted them). When I end up finding a new one, I'll back up for you, I was hoping somebody with that experience could have already found an ideal backbone.
    Last edited by sbestran; 22.01.25 at 19:03.
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  8. #7
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbestran View Post
    The ones I need to try are Netnews, Abavia, Uzo Reto, Giganews and Newscene.
    I can check all except the last one. GigaNews was never known for its great retention, but it should be within range for this.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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