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Thread: Hello and Thank you !

  1. #1

    Hello and Thank you !

    Hi Folks,

    I just wanted to say Hello and Thank you. I started using USENET at the start of December 2024 and found much of the information I needed on here. The pointer to the BD25.eu dump has proven to be a great resource for me and my personal projects.

    I make custom ISO, upgrading UK/USA UHD with poor video source with the video source from better international releases while keeping the original functionality menu's audio etc. I'm not into remuxes so having such a large database of ISO has been amazing.

    I'm now an active uploader on a USENET forum under a different username than what I'm using here. I've released some of my own custom 4K ISO which have been well received.

    I've also joined a number of other indexers as a general user. I'm not into automation, just ISO and have found a majority of everything I wanted could be sourced on free tiers of several indexer but I was so impressed by some I signed up to subs with them.

    I don't really post on internet forums in general but I really wanted to say thanks to the users here.
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  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard. The Usenet discussions here have gathered a good following over the last three years and I'm also grateful to the contributors that made that possible. Don't be afraid to join them!

    Quote Originally Posted by confused11811 View Post
    I started using USENET at the start of December 2024 ... I'm now an active uploader on a USENET forum
    You must be a fast learner
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #3
    It was actually easy enough !! The Forum I'm uploading on where looking for uploaders, they provided a NYUU script and access to their own USENET upload server. I don't have the fastest upload speeds but can get a UHD uploaded in 4-6 hours depending on size.
    Last edited by confused11811; 20.01.25 at 09:33.
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  4. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Nice, looks like we've come a long way since the days of JBinUp.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by confused11811 View Post
    Hi Folks,

    I just wanted to say Hello and Thank you. I started using USENET at the start of December 2024 and found much of the information I needed on here.
    I just want to say Hello and Welcome!

    I myself am looking for good info on how to upload safely, and I come from a very paranoid point of view on that. But it's already nice to know that information itself creates content in the end, anyways. :-)

    Be welcome to contribute to the Usenet section as you can: This forum has some other focuses when it comes to torrents, but for Usenet it is a clean and very "googlable" source of information that stays on. It's also awesome for those who don't use JavaScript and those who don't like registration tracking.
    I hope the Usenet section keeps on with the quality it has :)
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  6. #6
    Well for uploading I use the Usenet service provider paid for and provided to to me by the user board I'm Involved with so there is no financial paper trial back to me
    SSL should be secure enough for uploading too , but you can use secure yourself further using a VPN.

    I have a few Usenet providers for downloading but decided I wanted my own personal Usenet provider for uploading too. To purchase that service I used a Turkish Debit Card from the Turkish Bank FUPS to pay for it. I'm not Turkish , I don't live there (I'm in the EU) but like lots of people I used the FUPS card to pay for Turkish Netflix. Up until about a year ago it was possible to setup a Limited Turkish bank account without providing ID and a random Turkish address !!! That loop hole is closed now but it's fair to say anything purchases on that card is untraceable back to me too.

    I look forward to contributing here in what ever way I can
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    sbestran (21.01.25)

  8. #7
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    I'd say... find a provider that allows posting and anonymous payments (typically BitCoin). Register with a throwaway e-mail and Tor or a VPN, which you will continue to use for any and all interactions with them, including the actual posting. The idea is that it won't matter if your data makes it to NNTP article headers or is shared with law enforcement, because it ultimately leads nowhere. Of course, your e-mail and VPN if applicable must be procured and used in the same way (chain, weakest link).

    Note that SSL (technically TLS) only encrypts data between you and the news server. Very important to ensure your credentials and activity never travel in the clear, but in this scenario you have to treat your NSP like an adversary, so it won't make you any more anonymous on that regard.

    Mind you, all of this is ultimately generic opsec advice, so make sure to do further research before diving in.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  9. Who Said Thanks:

    sbestran (21.01.25)

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