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Thread: OMGWTFNZBS, NZBs.in and other private indexers

  1. #1

    Question OMGWTFNZBS, NZBs.in and other private indexers

    Hi all,

    I'm new here but have actually browsed this forum many times in 2024 so I decided to create an account in 2025 to join the community.

    I saw an old thread of OMGWTFNZBS which is now closed but saw activity where users shared when the registration window opened. I thought this very useful and would like to know if it is possible to use this thread for that purpose? Another rare indexer is NZBs.in so perhaps we could combine them?

    Obviously if any current member wanted to share an invite they had, this could be a thread for that purpose as well.

    The only private indexer I'm part of that offers invites is DOGnzb. Happy to invite users once I've gotten to know some of you. Ninna Central is the other private one I'm part of but does not operate an invite system so I can't help anyone get in there.
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  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pxlidxn View Post
    I saw an old thread of OMGWTFNZBS which is now closed but saw activity where users shared when the registration window opened. I thought this very useful and would like to know if it is possible to use this thread for that purpose? Another rare indexer is NZBs.in so perhaps we could combine them?
    No objection to that per se, but the OMG thread was closed because any benefit gained from informing others that "invites are now open (best of luck actually finding one)" didn't compensate for having to delete all the subsequent invite begging posts. I don't see a thread about .in faring any better...

    Obviously if any current member wanted to share an invite they had...
    ...they would hopefully read what the forum rules say about that first
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #3
    Yeah agree on the "begging" front. I think most places don't allow asking for invites though so I would take that as a given assumption to not make a post asking for an invite.

    Not sure about trades though. Are trades allowed?
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  4. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pxlidxn View Post
    Not sure about trades though. Are trades allowed?
    I believe the forum rules are fairly clear on that one...
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. #5
    You are correct. I apologise. I read those late last night but only remember the asking for invites rule. This is pretty clear.

    So then this page is only for offering invites, nothing more. Simple as that.
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  6. #6
    https://nzbs.in/ is actually open right now, just sign up, grab some stuff before they close the registration and ban your account because you weren't already a member.
    I don't understand why not just send emails with private registration links.
    Last edited by buttnudge; 11.01.25 at 21:23.
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    threedom (12.01.25) , Schnackt (11.01.25)

  8. #7
    Indeed I saw that but as you have pointed out, this is temporary and they will be pruning those accounts so I didn't want to advertise it. Ultimately, they are so focused on building the new website now that as long as there isn't a huge influx of new people and nobody being toxic, I reckon they may leave the new accounts.

    I also learnt today that OMG doesn't actually have a formal invite system. They only allow existing members 1 temporary invite to use during the "open week" whereby they open registrations for invitees for one week only. They also only provide a weeks' notice to existing members. So that is really practically impossible
    Last edited by rocket-99; 11.01.25 at 23:55.
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  9. #8
    Forgive me I know jack shit about NZBs and usenet in general. Why are these sites secretive ? they don't have seeders or anything. Are they secretive just because of the private trackers that they mirror ?
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  10. #9
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttnudge View Post
    Why are these sites secretive ? they don't have seeders or anything.
    Usenet became a bigger target from 2012 onwards, with NZBMatrix (the biggest and best indexer of the time) having to shut down that year after pressure from copyright agencies, and automatic takedowns becoming the norm. The "we don't host any files, only metadata" rationale doesn't protect anyone anymore. Furthermore, even if uploaders don't expose their IP directly, posts can still be traced to their NSP which in turn could be compelled to turn over logs and customer data.

    Of course, just like with private trackers, some indexers are less closed than others.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. Who Said Thanks:

    buttnudge (12.01.25)

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