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Thread: On Entertainment

  1. #1

    On Entertainment

    A very easy subject which can be reduced to "It. Doesn't. Exist".

    I had my suspicions for over two decades now on what is entertainment. The idea of having something to pass the time. Two things never made sense to me: 1. why would you want to pass the time? 2. why do you need something that other produce to pass the time?

    For years I saw the well-executed mind-control over the population and I just felt disgusted by the way it was approached. It gets much easier when you understand that every failure is an opportunity, but to what? When you are going downhill, the opportunity however is to move in the same direction, at a much higher pace. Which means, worse follows bad. It’s race towards failure. That’s what entertainment is, essentially: you (accidentally) stumble upon something, kill it, and upon your failure, another takes over, and later on fails, and so it goes.

    Never has entertainment been created as what the population think it was created for. As before, and as is now, any form of entertainment is simply a medium to send messages across borders. A back-forth communication; and you know to be true when you see real-world effects after a form of entertainment was consumed.

    I just finished a book on the subject that pieces all things together. By its title it doesn’t mean much, but it is mind-opening. It is called Kids' Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American by Gary Cross. It is interesting that authors make use of simple means of exposing greater means. They had to back then in order for them to be published, and we have to today in order to continue living…

    The written work proves the following: a. there is no such thing as entertainment; b. there is no such thing as toys; c. brainwashing and mind-control are self-induced; d. there is no point in having a job if you don’t consume; e. so as long as you consume, you will never be free; f. collections are proof that you are willing to follow the system.
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    Blocker (12.09.24)

  3. #2
    I found an interesting thing in one of my utopian books - the path of less resistance. Funnily enough, everything that man ever made follows its main trait: whatever is hard to do, it won't get done. I'm seeing this is everything now and it's 100% true. I always said that man's inventions are nothing more than copies from nature, but with the path of less resistance, this becomes copy from nature, or copy from itself. So, a copy from a copy, which is exactly what humans are: copies of begetters and their medium.
    Unnatural behavior also derives from this, since it's much easier to do the opposite of what you need to do. If you take as example homosexuals. Think about it, how easy it is to be with another one of you; same body, same physical traits, same needs. In such a relationship, things are easier because you're living with a copy of yourself, essentially. And unnatural behaviors are being promoted everywhere today; as attempt to make people stand out, or come out of the closet as it was once known. It is well known that what one person does, another will try to emulate.
    The bulk of the global population s formed from confused individuals. Whenever you seek others for opinion, it means you have no idea, and if you have no idea, society will eat you alive. The internet has this effect on people on leaving them confused after consuming a material, which the opposite f books. It's intended to be this way such to get a second, third, fourth opinion, which an an exact copy of the first.
    Any unnatural behavior will be punished in the afterlife. And what they are promoting through entertainment is that you can do whatever you want because nothing will happen. Women especially - and I can't stress this enough. Recently, I also became aware of the following, their monthly 'burden'. The truth of the matter is that it, in itself, is a curse. And as any curse, it increases or decreases when certain thresholds are reached. Meaning, for the reason the curse exists, you either not feel anything at all - as if it weren't there; or you feel everything. The former is when the woman does what is she suppose to, the latter is when she doesn't. It's effectively a way to keep things under check, until, the greater curse comes afterwards. Raging lunatics are an example of women that fight their condition - fire meets fire. This all is a side note, but still relevant.
    Last edited by Master Razor; Today at 16:54.
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