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Thread: Common Torrent Client You Used?

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    Common Torrent Client You Used?

    I was using u torrent 3.54 without any issue along with mratio. 1 week back i got invite to MAM, then i realized that they don't allow u torrent. So i then started qbittorrent for real download and upload (I plan to use mratio after sometime). Then 4 days back i got invite to Private HD, I'm now screwed up as they don't recommend u torrent. In addition i have bunch of nexus PHP trackers that don't allow qbittorrent. I downloaded deluge and start downloading from Private HD (Later i plan to use Mratio). Now my issue is, i have more than 500 torrents in mratio which is using utorrent 3.54.

    Which is the best client to emulate that almost majority of elite trackers had whitelisted? any suggestion?
    Last edited by nageshnarian; 17.11.23 at 06:55.
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  2. #2
    qBitTorrent is the most ubiquitous so I?m surprised it?s not allowed, followed by transmission, deluge, rtorrent/rutorrent
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    Quote Originally Posted by deforest6170 View Post
    qBitTorrent is the most ubiquitous so I?m surprised it?s not allowed, followed by transmission, deluge, rtorrent/rutorrent
    My Bad, they allow qbittorrent, but I never used it and as is it safe to use with mratio? But currently my situation is like this

    1. Have bunch of Chinese NExus PHP trackers that don't allow qbittorrent
    2. MAM that not allow u torrent
    3. Private HD don't recommends u torrent.
    Last edited by nageshnarian; 17.11.23 at 06:53.
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    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Here are a few pointers to help your decision.
    • uTorrent and qBittorrent are not the only clients in existence, you may be able to find another you like that is accepted by all your trackers.
    • If you don't, it's possible to run more than one client at the same time.
    • While OT and GGn set a precedent on this regard, blanket bans of highly popular clients like uT and qBt are very rare, make sure it's not just specific versions that are blacklisted.
    • "Does not recommend" doesn't mean you can't use a client, only that staff won't help you if your stats don't update correctly or similar problems occur.
    • You can use multiple emulations at the same time in mRatio and mass-change them for any stopped torrents.
    • Every client file thread has some very helpful text above the download link, I recommend reading it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Here are a few pointers to help your decision.
    • uTorrent and qBittorrent are not the only clients in existence, you may be able to find another you like that is accepted by all your trackers.
    • If you don't, it's possible to run more than one client at the same time.
    • While OT and GGn set a precedent on this regard, blanket bans of highly popular clients like uT and qBt are very rare, make sure it's not just specific versions that are blacklisted.
    • "Does not recommend" doesn't mean you can't use a client, only that staff won't help you if your stats don't update correctly or similar problems occur.
    • You can use multiple emulations at the same time in mRatio and mass-change them for any stopped torrents.
    • Every client file thread has some very helpful text above the download link, I recommend reading it.
    Thank you for the pointers. Yeah, I decided to go with qbittorrent for Private HD and MAM and U torrent clean version by you for Nexus PHP trackers.
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    Quote Originally Posted by nageshnarian View Post
    I decided to go with... U torrent clean version by you
    Always a pleasure to hear this As someone running Windows on old hardware it is the best (or least bad) choice available.
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Always a pleasure to hear this As someone running Windows on old hardware it is the best (or least bad) choice available.
    I have a doubt as i use 98% of the torrents in mratio with u torrent and some 2% with qbittorrent. So when i start mratio does the memory reader prompt for u torrent settings will apply to all torrents? Because when i checked its telling to apply for all torrents it seems.
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    Quote Originally Posted by nageshnarian View Post
    when i start mratio does the memory reader prompt for u torrent settings will apply to all torrents?
    No, because that feature is only supported for the uTorrent emulation.
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    Qbtorrent has always been my favourite. Never any issues.
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    Honestly, I've never used mratio. So I cannot say I have any experience with it, but what I do have experience with in uTorrent and Azureus/Vuze/BitlyBT.

    And while uTorrent was convenient, it doesn't play nice with Windows11. It made my system go bonkers and crashed it twice, with others having noted that it's not really compatible. Tho the issue might not be a 'compatibility issue' at all, as others have claimed it's always been secretly siphoning off resources to run a crypto service. True or not, I honestly don't know. All I can say is that before 10/11 I don't recall having any issues.

    So with that outta the way, I gotta say, Azureus has always been my favorite. I've used it to boost my upload and fake my client for years, without issue. And it's cause of how well it worked, that I never bothered with mratio. Faked over 10tb uploaded on a certain problematic tracker. And would have gone beyond that, had a friend I let use my account not screwed up and got me banned. There days I don't really frequent private trackers as much. But yeah, it always did the trick for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by rando007 View Post
    while uTorrent was convenient, it doesn't play nice with Windows11. It made my system go bonkers and crashed it twice
    Not sure which version or mod you're referring to, but I can attest that Serenity and Clean uTorrent work fine under Windows 11, whereas the official 3.6 is unstable under any system.

    In any case, at the end of the day uTorrent is still proprietary adware, so it's not hard to see why qBittorrent became so popular (making a Windows build and removing the client spoofing features also helped).
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Not sure which version or mod you're referring to, but I can attest that Serenity and Clean uTorrent work fine under Windows 11, whereas the official 3.6 is unstable under any system.
    Serenity with the hardcoded separate exes, don't remember which mod release that was. Always worked great prior to win11. Doesn't really matter much tho, since it just encouraged me to return to Azureus.
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  13. #13
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rando007 View Post
    Serenity with the hardcoded separate exes, don't remember which mod release that was.
    A very outdated one, the latest version includes a fix for these crashes.

    it just encouraged me to return to Azureus
    Fair enough
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