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Thread: Scene releases extract with WinRAR

  1. #1

    Scene releases extract with WinRAR

    Hello. Can any on you guys do a test and let me know what is the outcome of the following cases?

    Given a scene release, packaged X.r00 .. X.rar:

    1. Can you extract the contents of only opening the X.rar archive (open in WinRAR and choose extract).
    2. Can the contents be extracted by right click on the X.rar and choose Extract.
    3. Select all archives parts, X.r00 to X.rar, right click on any of then (randomly) and choose Extract.
    4. Select all archives parts, X.r00 to X.rar, right click on X.rar and choose Extract.
    5. Choose a random .r part archive, open it in WinRAR and select Extract.
    6. Right-click on any .r part archive and choose Extract.

    I no longer use Windows, nor WinRAR for that matter, so it will be difficult for me to test. But I think it will be good info.

    Last edited by Master Razor; 24.09.23 at 11:35.
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  2. #2
    have you downloaded from tl, ipt? or usenet?

    win rar can extract in windows, i downloaded a torrent a year ago, was a scene release.
    you can download same encode/release uploaded by different user and check torrent detail. or only download with tagged no rar in title in brackets.

    for use net. use sab nzb or nzb get. they will auto extract content.

    no one will waste a time to test content for you.
    most of users not download torrents with zippy files, but on use net no issue.

    i hope you will not angry at me for my point of view.
    Last edited by JohnWick; 24.09.23 at 22:08.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnWick View Post
    have you downloaded from tl, ipt? or usenet?

    win rar can extract in windows, i downloaded a torrent a year ago, was a scene release.
    you can download same encode/release uploaded by different user and check torrent detail. or only download with tagged no rar in title in brackets.

    for use net. use sab nzb or nzb get. they will auto extract content.

    no one will waste a time to test content for you.
    most of users not download torrents with zippy files, but on use net no issue.

    i hope you will not angry at me for my point of view.
    I haven't downloaded anything; it's a curiosity. It's the inner workings of WinRAR, and their proprietary format, that I am interested in.

    No, I'm not angry, but what you wrote does not help. I'll just test it myself then, if no one has time for it.
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  4. #4
    Advanced User alpacino's Avatar
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    1. works
    2. works
    3. works only if X.rar or up to x.r29 is chosen to extract
    4. works
    5. works only if .r part is from r00 to r29
    6. same as 5.
    it's hip to be square
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    Mag1sk (25.09.23) , Master Razor (25.09.23)

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    1. works
    2. works
    3. works only if X.rar or up to x.r29 is chosen to extract
    4. works
    5. works only if .r part is from r00 to r29
    6. same as 5.
    Thank you! I so love testing things.
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