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Thread: DOCKER : BiglyBT Extreme Mod (Leecher) ready for NAS

  1. #1

    DOCKER : BiglyBT Extreme Mod (Leecher) ready for NAS

    Hi there,

    I would like to promote to you a docker container based on the Extreme Mod.

    Years ago I compiled a Transmission version for NAS Synology for this site. Now it is outdated and useless.
    As I learned docker I discover the Github of Brett and we deployed the Extreme Mod to his docker. It is fully tested and working.


    Here are the minimum docker variables::
    - port 5901 TCP (This is used for VNC but I mapped mine to 45901)
    - port 9091 TCP (This is used to access remotely biglybt in a web browser)
    For the Volumes
    - (yourdockerpath)/config : /config
    - (yourdockerpath)/in : /in
    - (yourdockerpath)/out : /out

    And that is all, it should work like that. Once it is installed you can access it using a VNC client with the URL like (depending on the port you assigned above)

    If you want more options read the Github but the most common ones are :
    VNCPASS = 'yourpassword'

    Do not forget to activate the remote connection as it is nicer than the VNC.
    Also note that you can make your config persistent.

    Please if you see any improvement drop a message.

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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    Novo sød (29.01.23) , anon (29.01.23)

  3. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    This is good, thanks! But the one fatal flaw of the Web interface is that it doesn't expose cheating features, did you take any measures on that regard? Otherwise, VNC would be the better choice.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. #3
    Hi Anon!
    No, I did not change anything on the web interface, so your point is still valid.
    But if I am not wrong, even if you can not change the cheating features from the web interface, as long as they are active, it will work the same.
    You only need to use VNC to change the cheating settings. Correct?
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  5. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbesclapez View Post
    if I am not wrong, even if you can not change the cheating features from the web interface, as long as they are active, it will work the same.
    You only need to use VNC to change the cheating settings. Correct?
    True, but using the Web UI alone, you won't be able to see even basic details like fake upload speed or fake uploaded amount. Also, newly-added torrents will copy the Extreme Mod settings you specify under Options, which may or may not be what you want on a particular case.

    Bottom line, I'm glad you included VNC. The only other options I can think of are Telnet and X11 forwarding, neither of which is particularly easy.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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