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Thread: How do I join BeyondHD and GGn?

  1. #1

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    How do I join BeyondHD and GGn?

    I'm in general trackers like FL,TL,IPT and AR and they full fill most of my needs but I also want to climb the private tracker ladder and see what's it all about. Like what makes these tracker so high status. The only niche trackers I'm on are BLU and HD-T and between the two of them I don't think HD-T will have good invite forums so I'm not even gonna try to rank up there. I heard that MTV recruits on BLU so can I get into GGN or BHD from MTV? I know RED has the best recruitment forums but ranking up on RED is quite tough. I also don't want to waste money on buying Vinyls and uploading to RED. AFAIK that's the only way one can rank up.
    Last edited by anon; 27.01.23 at 03:25. Reason: Removed disallowed request (see rule 11)
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  2. #2
    You are right, FL,TL,IPT are enough for most of your needs. You can browse the forum for discussions about this, here is an example: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthre...-best-trackers
    Some reasons why people would like to join "elite" trackers: well organized content, large library, good internals, request system, well seeded torrents with good speeds, good retention of old torrents, sometimes they have rare content not found anywhere else.
    For a detailed information on how to climb the ladder, read the latest comments in this thread and ask here if you have specific questions: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthre...other-trackers

    You can join MTV from BLU and from MTV you can join BHD. GGn doesn't recruit there. Source: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthre...l=1#post367240
    You don't have to buy Vinyls to rank up on RED, there are many other ways, like ripping your own CDs, downloading albums from deezer and uploading that to RED, just make sure you upload flac albums.
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (27.01.23)

  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by averageHomoSapien View Post
    I also don't want to waste money on buying Vinyls and uploading to RED. AFAIK that's the only way one can rank up.
    It's neither the only way nor the best, due to the costs (which includes owning a good turntable) and expertise required. Most people rip albums from music streaming services and upload them with a seedbox to get the most bang for their buck. There are other possible sources, but keep in mind that unless you're filling a request, anything not from the current year is unlikely to be snatched and thus give you ratio.

    Quote Originally Posted by DataOverfl0w View Post
    Some reasons why people would like to join "elite" trackers: well organized content, large library, good internals, request system, well seeded torrents with good speeds, good retention of old torrents, sometimes they have rare content not found anywhere else.
    Don't forget lack of decent alternatives (PTP, BTN, KG, GGn)
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    DataOverfl0w (03.02.23) , averageHomoSapien (27.01.23)

  6. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by averageHomoSapien View Post
    I'm in general trackers like FL,TL,IPT and AR and they full fill most of my needs but I also want to climb the private tracker ladder and see what's it all about. Like what makes these tracker so high status. The only niche trackers I'm on are BLU and HD-T and between the two of them I don't think HD-T will have good invite forums so I'm not even gonna try to rank up there. I heard that MTV recruits on BLU so can I get into GGN or BHD from MTV? I know RED has the best recruitment forums but ranking up on RED is quite tough. I also don't want to waste money on buying Vinyls and uploading to RED. AFAIK that's the only way one can rank up.
    How can I get FL, IPT and Desitorrent invite?
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  7. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  8. #6
    BHD isn't recruiting currently. For GGn, you have a myriad of options. See: https://inviteroute.github.io/graph/
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