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Thread: How should I get into TheOccult or ThePlace?

  1. #1

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    Angry How should I get into TheOccult or ThePlace?

    I used to be a member of both of these websites not so long ago (4 months ago). I was actually a great member , never have I once cheated, and had donated about $400 or euros over the 8 years I was a member. I made some friends on there, and one day for no apparent reason, after being a member for 8 years, donating thousands of dollars worth of courses that I had purchased myself, I was banned from all .click trackers.

    I spent countless hours of my life , supporting them. I went to IRC and I was told by an admin that I was banned because I was a leaker. I told them that they are wrong and it might be a mistake on their side, they told me that I may be a mistake , and if it is , that they’re sorry for it , but they’re not taking any risks and that I would be forever banned.

    Now my question is, what would be the best way to get back in? Join TheGeeks and work my way up? (Invites are closed and might be closed forever). Should I buy an account? Should I change my ip and start over? If starting over won’t be an option, does anyone have their files archived? I would be willing to trade as I have a lot of content from TheOccult.
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  2. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    This is not the first unfair ban on a .click site, and it's a very vexing scenario. Normally, I'd be the first to tell you to flip them off and turn to some other, friendlier tracker offering the same content. Unfortunately, alternatives to these particular ones are either inexistent or nowhere close to the same level.

    Your best bet would be to find a recruitment thread, reach whatever requirements are necessary, then make a fresh start with a new IP and identity (see https://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?t=19023). https://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?t=20228 says they don't ban accounts for country changes, which in theory makes buying one a feasible option; however, I'd advice against that out of principle, and because it'll make for more wasted money in the event they do notice.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #3

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    Alright, I can easily change my static IP by calling my ISP, but will they notice the location? As I haven?t changed my location (just my IP). Also Ill sign up on a fresh laptop I have. So how will this work? Would I just need to get an invite on any tracker that has recruitment to TP and wait 6-8 months while uploading the relevant content?

    So three questions
    #1 - would I sign up to the recruitment tracker on the new IP?
    #2 - how do we even know that their recruitment is still active? Some of the recruitment posts are 6+ years old
    #3 - would they be able to identify my new fresh IP and Mac Address from
    Unchanged location?
    Last edited by Fuck.click; 10.04.22 at 04:30.
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  4. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuck.click View Post
    will they notice the location?
    Of course.

    Would I just need to get an invite on any tracker that has recruitment to TP and wait 6-8 months while uploading the relevant content?
    Yes, assuming you aren't on such a tracker already.

    #1 - would I sign up to the recruitment tracker on the new IP?
    #2 - how do we even know that their recruitment is still active? Some of the recruitment posts are 6+ years old
    #3 - would they be able to identify my new fresh IP and Mac Address from Unchanged location?
    1. the facts you'll need to change it before rejoining ThePlace, and applying on a recruitment thread will invariably link both accounts together, make this inconsequential.
    2. in that particular scenario you can just send the recruiter a PM asking if the offer is still standing, or simply assume that it is if no posts or comments indicate otherwise and you already meet the requirements. Do note that recruitment threads are often mobile, volatile, high-latency or even de facto abandoned. https://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?t=9925 is an attempt at keeping track of this madness.
    3. not in principle (what would be the point of changing it otherwise?), but the ISP and location won't change and could be considered circumstantial evidence and/or correlated with other data. Follow the guide above and you'll maximize your chances of success. MAC address is irrelevant other than as a means to change your IP when applicable.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. #5
    Sadly I don't think those trackers recruit at any trackers anymore. Even recruitment within the network seems to be inactive.
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  6. #6
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Well, that would explain why Blocker has been looking for a TheVault invite for several years now.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Blocker (25.04.22)

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Well, that would explain why Blocker has been looking for a TheVault invite for several years now.
    Hahaha thats true! Now its very difficult to get a TheVault invite. years ago they open from time to time. Maybe one of these they will open their doors hopefully.
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  9. #8
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    I know, I still remember the old days of 2009 when they all had open signups and I used them to test new cheating programs and tactics

    Hope you make it one day. I asked around, but either no one has invites or they're all afraid to use them... understandable, given how nice and friendly staff there are known to not be.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Blocker (27.04.22)

  11. #9
    JohnareyouOK's Avatar
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    i vaguely remember seeing on thegeeks' forum last year that an admin (or moderator) replied to a member who complained about the difficulty of joining other .click sites, saying that ?you need to fully demonstrate a sincere interest in that site's content before will be recruited?. how to demonstrate? he gave an example: upload enough content in that area on thegeeks.
    idk if this route is reliable and if it's still open (might have to do with recruiter's mood), but this provides a direction to work towards if anyone really eager to join. not sure, but that thread is likely still accessible on thegeeks' forum
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  12. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (04.05.22)

  13. #10
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnareyouOK View Post
    ?you need to fully demonstrate a sincere interest in that site's content before will be recruited?. how to demonstrate? he gave an example: upload enough content in that area on thegeeks.
    A subtle way of suggesting the acquisition of unavailable material that can then be uploaded as "exclusive". That and TheVault's investment advice are why most people want to join these trackers, for everything else there's eBookee and Z-Library.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (04.05.22) , JohnareyouOK (03.05.22)

  15. #11
    +Join TheGeeks
    +Apply in the TP and TO IRC
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  16. #12
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bomber View Post
    Apply in... IRC
    As far as I've read and been told, this is "theoretically possible" but not really an option. Would love if someone proved that wrong, of course.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. #13
    Not sure if you are still looking, but thevault has open application on IRC. Instructions: thevault.click/app.php
    I wouldn't do it if I were you, but if you are desperate enough, there is a chance.
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