review of 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (2017)' documentary

PG | 1h 38min | Documentary | 4 August 2017 (USA)
5.7/10 (3,377)

Directors: Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk
Writer: Al Gore
Stars: Al Gore, George W. Bush, John Kerry


so apparently al gore & co. are still pushing their climate concoctions, previously it was called 'global warming', though later on they started using a more ambiguous 'climate change' label

he speaks of how climate related extreme weather events have intensified, but not once did he mention the currently heavy usage of geoengineering practices, like chemtrails, all over the world

supposedly 'tons of money' have been used to stop the change he is leading, whereas there is serious money allocation to all kinds of programs and projects falling in line with the globally pushed 'climate change' agenda, meaning that if your project supports this, you are more likely to get funding, effectively using bribery to create or at least give an impression of a world-wide consensus

naturally, his so-called republican or big industry opponents in usa are actually profiting from his actions, since they do not bother with environmental concerns and may continue enjoying their industrial monopoly, while other countries get forced to sign damaging agreements, making sure they remain 3rd world countries in debt and dependent on western technology
in other words, the usa republicans play 'the bad cop', whereas the usa democrats play 'the good cop', while pushing identical exploitative interests on the global market
al gore doesn't waste time, recruiting thousands of leftist activists, many of them eager to do something beneficial regarding the environment, yet they're being used to exert a continued global USA/EU dominance

how to create hottest years? keep spraying metal particles via chemtrails, warming up the atmosphere, thus effectively creating your own proof of the warming

they have also updated the old hockey-stick curve, into a 'summer temperature shift' curve, claiming it shows a continuous rise in warmer-than-average days - however, what they fail to mention, visible on the same graph, is that the frequency of occurrence along the whole curve is reducing, which means that the total sum of heating is likely remaining constant (the area under the curves) - it means that their experiments in influencing the weather have indeed brought up warmer days, though the earth's climate balance mechanism answered with a reduction of the incidence of these warmer days, in order to keep the total warmth unchanged - in other words, if humans try to push it too far, the nature self-regulates it back again - al gore & co. are simply trying the age-old recipe of deceptive interpretation of facts, trying to achieve their exploitative goals through fear-mongering and then take credit for nature's own regulating mechanisms to claim their counter-climate change efforts helped to stabilize the situation again - a similar method was used to claim the effectiveness of vaccines, precisely at the time when the diseases they were supposedly manufactured to combat with, were already naturally declining

parts of the glaciers (probably the ones that mysteriously failed to melt while recording gore's first documentary) are now exploding?! from high temperatures
naturally, they take the trip during the warm period of the year, when melting is natural
they joke about the ice being like swiss cheese, though we don't see any of that, just an example of a decaying glacier close to the ocean, that does look like it may have been cgi-ed

interestingly, gore says that we have to act on the climate crisis issue, which is generally correct, however in a different sense: that this intentional global geoengineering of climate ought to be stooped if we want to solve these manufactured problems

next we get images of floods in florida - someone might want to check whether the contractors handling the flood there are also contributors to al gore or his cause
naturally, al gore, our man of action, has to go there where the water reaches above his boots, scoring some additional points in the process

the 'projected sea level rise' graph of course does not take normal levels of previous years into account when making inflated future projections
the mentioned cities in danger are interestingly also mostly located in 3rd world countries (miami might be used as a 9/11 type of accelerant in swaying usa public opinion in their favor), half of these countries currently in opposition to usa, namely brics countries india and china
notice that usa have likely managed to develop earthquake-inducing weapons that may be used to incite tsunami-causing earthquakes in the vicinity of these coastal cities, something whch is suspected to have already happened at fukushima, japan some years ago
kiribati supposedly already purchased land to relocate their entire population - someone might want to check whether new land owners of kiribati and/or those selling land to the kiribati in this deal are also contributors to al gore or his cause

'large contributors are calling the shots', 'we need to fix the democracy' - well, he also has large contributors, fixing democracy is usually an excuse to implement totalitarian practices, like forcing you to vote for al gore's proposals, because al gore knows best, because it will save humanity and the like
he is supposedly a recovering politician, but as we can see, all he talks is still politics, even if with an environmental packaging
he pushes for usa leadership role (democrats playing the republican card), even though it is known that usa manages to dip its fingers in issues and conflicts all over the world, trying to police the world into playing by usa rules and desires

so what about solar, wind and other renewable energy sources? they still cost a lot (meaning high private profit, large public expenses) and in order to get produced, they still need significant amounts of coal/oil and precious metals, not to mention that they depend on favorable environmental conditions, the very thing that is supposedly out of control worldwide, thus this area of energy production is still immature to fully implement, but very attractive from a viewpoint of possible profit through wide-scale global implementation and vulnerability to geoengineering attacks

he speaks of a tipping point in reaching a global agreement, which is an easy prognosis since most of these countries are heavily supporting these initiatives, ie. their votes have already been bought and paid for
naturally, his feigned opponent trump will make sure usa gets out of the agreement and take the blame, just so that the democrats can 'stay clean' and push the common agenda further

next, there is some nonsense about how the images of earth, supposedly taken from space, energized the environmental movement, however it is more likely that this is due to heavy financial injections for political purposes

did he just make another "hockey stick curve" attempt with the global cumulative solar installations?

what the public wants doesn't seem to matter? sure, as long as they want what al gore is attempting to sell them

another strange scene shows trump saying how solar sounds better than it is, how the investment returns in about 36 years and how the panels severely deteriorate after about 10 years, whereas they show al gore nodding his head to such inconvenient information to his agenda!

another way to push people towards the renewables market is to make them believe how this new choice gives them some energy-related freedom from fossil-fuel based sources or the related industry or how it is going to save the environment, whereas they still depend on costly energy-generating equipment (industry dependent), they remain fossil fuel dependent and it is only going to get worse regarding the environmental situation since new resources need to be extracted for these huge projects, new areas need to be cleared to set-up the installations and numerous additional equipment needs to be manufactured, whereas some of the key components won't last more than around 10 years (planned obsolescence) in relatively ideal conditions - at the same time we can expect some serious environmental effects from a large number of solar farms (additional warming) or weather effects from wind farms

the activists get fed the false idea how their activist effort pushes the official change towards renewables, whereas the governments are the ones already pushing it, what remains is to convince ordinary people to start massively buying and promoting it, they still need customers for what they are trying to sell, they need public approval to spend more and tax more because it serves a supposedly good cause

if other countries invest in cheap coal, they won't need al gore's solar cells
if other countries don't bother with the emissions reduction, they can be forced to cooperate through international sanctions that can damage their economies
another interpretation of 'peak oil' is 'peak oil-industry growth' - when close to maximum levels, growth slows down, profit slows down and in order to get back to increased growth one needs to sell a new product or create a new (virgin) market and that's what the renewables campaign is designed for, it is a way to keep boosting economic growth and greed
obviously, such investments and deceptive behavior will not reduce poverty, but rather increase it

al gore tries to use all available arguments, even conjectures involving the zika virus as a result of warming, whereas there is suspicion of genetic experiments leading to the development of such viruses

strange superstorms are of course also a result of global climate change, surely they have nothing to do with testing usa geoengineering weapons and upcoming climate conferences
what else? extreme droughts, firestorms, floods are all supposedly proofs of this, event though they have been known a long time ago and somehow they manage to coincide during the era when geoengineering semi-secretly gets used on a wide scale
several times he uses biblical catastrophic events (noah, revelation) as a comparison to magnify the issue

this resembles the action-reaction-solution scenario - artificially manufacture environmental problems, use the media to create a sense of panic and urgency, then provide deceptive solutions for the problems, all coming from the same globalist kitchen or rather their think-tanks

naturally, al gore plays along with usa foreign politics, accusing 'the big bad syrian dictator' assad and the local drought (naturally, due to climate change) for causing a 'civil war' in syria and refugee streams towards europe, although other sources speak of a usa supported t3rrorist invasion, trying to establish a militant caliphate on syrian territory and an intentional steering of refugees towards europe to destabilize these countries

'the link between climate change and world peace is clear' - there is another link that speaks of intentionally caused problems in order to push own solutions to these problems, climate change apparently is no exception

then there is a convenient t3rrorist attack just before the climate change conference, which will most certainly be used to connect it to the need of solving global problems, thus reinforcing the globalist agenda

al gore quotes God saying: 'I lay before you the choice of life and death', however this verse continues with ' (lay before you the choice of) blessings and curses.' - this means that if al gore's deception is supported, it will bring forth death and curses, and since there is no significant opposition to the globalist climate change agenda, we may expect the global situation to worsen due to such ill-conceived choices

and how does the problem of india not accepting a wide-scale move towards renewables get solved? by offering them access to credit at a sufficiently low interest rate (financial blackmail) and a transfer of solar-cell technology - there was also a convenient flood in india due to continuous extreme rainfall (supposedly heaviest in the last 100 years), so that they don't change their mind

there is another graph used, depicting mobile phone subscriptions in developed countries stagnating (peak subscriptions?) and then a move towards the developing countries market, a fresh market ready to be flooded with mobile phone subscriptions, which may be seen as analogous to the above mentioned move from saturated old to new virgin markets

a usa city example was mentioned where they switched to renewables after another one of those convenient tornadoes destroyed some of their infrastructure

'truth to power'?
on one hand, al gore is a covert representative of that power
on the other, power does not care about the truth, it just wants to stay in power, by any means necessary (those in power define the truth according to their desires, just like it is said that the winners write history)
so we get 'power talking to power', while the citizens remain mere spectators of the show

'if our leaders refuse to lead, citizens of the world will' - which means that due to the intentional incompetence of our current governments, the leadership will be taken over by the likes of al gore's trainees, with the mutual goal of getting closer towards a one wold government solution, where the globalists will enjoy a monopoly on all decisions, and the citizens yet another form of slavery