Touch Typing - a skill that everyone should possess.
Training sites vetted by me, in this order:
I was thinking about wallets. I've always been a firm believer in a good quality, pure leather wallet but nowadays these are hard to come by. And the real problem is that it's not a buy it for life anymore. Things are changing, rapidly. Maybe you need a bi-fold with 6 card slots now. In 6 months from now you'll discover that you don't need card slots at all. I discovered that is much easier to not use a wallet at all. You can get these thick rubber bands to tie up your cards and banknotes. This won't work well with thin rubber bands, so you try to find thick, as in 10mm width, with the smallest diameter possible. I think the smallest one might be 25mmx10mm. It's important to get a band that holds firmly all your cards without needing as twist.
On the plus side it is much cheaper and lighter than any wallet.
Last edited by Master Razor; 30.05.23 at 02:15. Reason: Rephrasing
Military load-bearing standards, specifically the ALICE manual.
I recently discovered that when ordering stuff without an account is the same thing as having an account. Your data is still there, even with a single non-account order. Thus, with and without is the same, from a privacy standpoint.
On top of this, you don't actually need to place an order, you just to fill the fields up to the shipping and they will add you to their newsletter. I'm guessing, from a legal standpoint, no order placed, no account it's something like "the user did not express himself, so we have our standard option".
Last edited by Master Razor; 09.06.23 at 21:46.
I came to realization that a wrist-watch makes sense and has benefits. Checking the time on a phone is not good because most of time while you're there you may find the urge to do something with it, since you went those the hassle of taking it out of the pocket and unlocking it. In other words, they provide distraction. Smartwatches are the same thing - in essence they smartphones to be carried on your wrist. And as far as I know, to save battery, these only awake the display upon action, a move, a face, anything.
I think it is very important that watch should be visible at all times, especially when not looking at it. The idea is to quickly see the time, no matter where you are, or what you are doing. And by seeing it, most of the time, you can manage time better rather than without it. I've personally have found that people who are always late do not have this so-called connection with time. And this is only given by a watch.
If you are thinking of buying one, consider mechanical watches, and go as old as possible.
Last edited by Master Razor; 11.06.23 at 20:40.
I think the most important lessons that I have learned are Question everything and Never follow the heard.
Nothing that you know from mass-media is true. Always question everything you hear and read. If it's not from a source of the 1800s you should really question its validity. Trust no one, follow no one.
Whenever you see people fighting for something, that is a sign telling you it's something not worth getting. Your own path is much more fulfilling than that of path of millions. You'll most likely have a harder time, and sometimes it will feel wasteful and challenging, but it is the one true path.
I've recently became aware that no data is ever deleted from anywhere. This GDPR that Europeans cheered for is useless since it is not enforced, it's nothing. And while this is true, delete your account or asking for it to be removed will actually make them aware that you no longer need it, and will make them more susceptible to sell the data, since it's in a grey area: you can't sell your customer data, but what if an individual is no longer your client? You know.. we're living incredible times, everything that is created to help the population, does not help the population. It's amazing. Based on these findings, I suggest never request to delete anything and just fill it with random data and leave it. They will remove it themselves once they find the gibberish, in the years to come.
Second order, keep all your old phones. They are very good for temporary phone numbers used for sms verification or other. The older the phone the better the battery. And also keep any SIM cards you may have. Even expired may help in the times to come..
As addendum to wristwatches, I notice that people no longer have any idea what day of the month they are in. So.. "what is today's date? (Draws out phone)". And this is caused by the lack of physical calendars. Wall calendars were created to be seen, whether you wanted it to or not. You knew what day was today. The problem with technology is that it is on-demand. You never get to see a clock, a calendar, a to-do unless you want to .. but that's the thing: you never want to unless you need to, and when you need to, you waste more time than before. I'm starting to realize that technology main purpose is dumb down the majority of people. Ease comes with a price, and we have yet to pay it..
Today I learned that macaw parrots eat chillies, there's someone on youtube who I watch his videos inside his shop and he has a pet macaw parrot, called Ruby - that's how I found out. It was never something that I'd expected them to eat, but I suppose they mustn't notice the spice or mustn't find it intense.
At the beginning of this year I was intrigued by old things. And while I was digging up information about them, I realized that it's not important how and where it was manufactured but when it was. Everything manufactured from a given time is exactly the same quality regardless of company or brand.
You don't really need to know anything except the year. You just specify a given time frame and it speaks for itself.
And product serial numbers, factories, assembly lines.. are exactly the same. Different manufacturers, of different countries, having the same serial numbers for their products.
Simplicity was their goal. Reuse and simplicity. This is why, whenever you see something complex, it's a product of man's environment. Human beings are simple creatures. Nature by definition is simple. Complications are man's creation.
If you look around you'll notice things get more an more complex.
I learned two important things today:
1. How to write with a pencil such that it will auto-sharpen itself. We're talking about wooden pencil, hb. This is because I made some tests and I discovered that I'm paying for graphite dust rather graphite. Sharpening removes the entire pencil, yeilding about 5%-10% of it to writing. And yet.. graphite has the most writing length of all writing instruments. .. I don't even want to ask who/why this has been done.
This is similar to the water conspiracy.. we take something free and sell it. .. We pay 100% for a writing utensil, which nets to 5% of its content.. So I'm paying 100% for 5%, I'm paying 100% for something free.. I'll tell you this: man a very peciuliar animal. If only it could be studied without human-rights barriers..
2. I don't if this is the result of all this learning but I prefer the base material, or however you would like to call it. For instance, take a utility blade.. did you know that the snap-off blade works a lot better without the handlle, i.e the knife? I've gotten to a point where I work directly with the blade rather than with the knife/handle. It slows you down. It just never occured to me it could be do.
Another thing, I did some work on filing some metal. Took some large metal files, with handles and without them.. I prefer the bare file, ro the handle-one. It really works better.
I learned something important while reading the news today.
Tired of searching on Google with AI overviews everywhere? Just drop a "F-bomb" before your search and see the magic.
Source -Code:
Last edited by Cr@zYiNsEiN; 03.02.25 at 13:25. Reason: fixed the "/" code tag
Talk about goin' Cr@zY? Goin' iNsEiN more like it ~Cr@zYiNsEiN