Last edited by Blocker; 07.05.14 at 05:49.
People being focused on their phones all the fucking time is something I despise of this era.
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
James Cameron did an ama on reddit recently. One of his responses -> Link
Last edited by Damnsel; 07.05.14 at 16:37.
- there is no 'Machines' or 'Skynet' or 'self-aware AI' and there never will be, at least not genuine ones - however, there will be attempts at mimicking, that may look very realistic, just like nowadays cgi looks kinda realistic (and looks are deceiving, yeah?)Originally Posted by James Cameron?
- anything man-made, like technological systems, cannot achieve the same level of efficiency/usefulness/adaptability/space and energy requirements/prototyping/... as comparable 'nature-made' biological systems, ie. biological > technological, and always will be
- so a cellphone can't win (ok, maybe the manufacturers/designers/managers might want to), its your own addiction that won, at least for a while
- the technology is here to stay obviously, its simply a matter of using it reasonably and moderately, just as it is with anything else you use or encounter - as opposed to, say, consumerism, addiction, obsession, perpetual growth,...
- wrong again, it doesn't matter how many universes there may be, none of them can function contrary to its own basics and these basics/fundamentals are THE SAME for every universe - the only thing that differs is in what way these basics are used thus resulting in different outcomes (and looks are deceiving, yeah?), so they only 'look' differentOriginally Posted by James Cameron?
- and even if our james did know how its done, he doesn't control all the variables (and never will), thus cannot predict the outcome, so it doesn't really matter what he reveals, especially since it has been shown in just a few sentences that he doesn't really know much about the things he is talking about
also, the bold parts may be used as comments to the OP's video
- social interaction can also become extreme (where almost no amount of solitude is bearable)
- solitude is more important than social interaction, especially in terms of introspection (see sig)
- people/strangers still didn't communicate that much before cellphones arrived, the latter allowed for pushing this behavior further
- cellphones aren't 'the cause' of this behavior, humans themselves are (via the choices they make), though they might have had some help with that (society, trends, availability, advertisements,...)
- cellphones are simply electronic devices/machines, they will certainly acquire more functions & capabilities, but they will never evolve into something beyond a device/machine (no matter what our james or numerous other enthusiasts might think about it, no matter how much science/technology advances)
TL;DR - I can't believe you sifted through the entire post just to pick it apart rather than read what was relevant to the context at hand. How is that you missed that almost all his posts were made out of levity and not intended to stand up to scientific scrutiny. Take it easy greasy!
too long? and yet you expect others to go through a far lengthier txt of marginal value...interestingOriginally Posted by Damnsel
what post? you mean numerous comments of little informative value, the usual reddit chit-chat
what relevance? maybe half of the the 1st cameron's quote and thats just about it
you're forgetting a few things:Originally Posted by Damnsel
- james is a highly influential public person, his words have a certain (promotional/propagandist) weight
- as a veteran in the business he talks carefully in public (part levity part belief part PR)
- since he deals in SF as a genre, i'd say his statements on such topics do have a certain scientific basis
- finally, of all people such famous persons have to be prepared for some extra scrutinizing
kept it (kinda) short for the 'damsel in distress'![]()