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  1. #5941
    Member buttnudge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    I liked the movie when it was out, nowadays I have a different political opinion and I'm not too fond of these kind of movies, they seem to be made to perpetuate the brazilian dog complex.
    Sorry but what is the brazillian dog complex ?
    I don't know if the series are any good, but considering the current trend, I'd expect it to be woke as hell.
    One of the original dudes from the movie dies and they start singing and dancing in front of the cops and they do the "Wakanda Forever" gesture.
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  2. #5942
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttnudge View Post
    Sorry but what is the brazillian dog complex ?
    It's an abstract concept that brazil will always be an underdog no matter what, this is mostly promoted, caused and perpetuated by the brazilian artistic class (who think highly of themselves as intellectuals) always doing movies and tv shows about how poverty is "beautiful" in Brazil and it should remain the same (not evolve). They don't promote things that would influence people to be better as human beings, to challenge cultural taboos, to try to get a better life, etc. For them it's best for the poor to stay poor forever. They love to romanticize the slums, prostitution, crimes and drugs. You will only get this kind of crap when looking for brazilian cinema.
    it's hip to be square
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  4. #5943
    Member buttnudge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    It's an abstract concept that brazil will always be an underdog no matter what, this is mostly promoted, caused and perpetuated by the brazilian artistic class (who think highly of themselves as intellectuals) always doing movies and tv shows about how poverty is "beautiful" in Brazil and it should remain the same (not evolve). They don't promote things that would influence people to be better as human beings, to challenge cultural taboos, to try to get a better life, etc. For them it's best for the poor to stay poor forever. They love to romanticize the slums, prostitution, crimes and drugs. You will only get this kind of crap when looking for brazilian cinema.
    I don't mean to disagree, but isn't this just part of the current trends in each country's film scene? I'm no expert, but from what I've seen, every country tends to showcase its strengths and unique stories. For example, in Romania, the two most famous and acclaimed films are about an elderly man being moved from hospital to hospital because of the country's shit conditions, and a young woman dealing with an unwanted pregnancy and forced sexual situations while her friend tries to help her during the communist era ( these are charitable summaries ). On the Italian side, even though I'm not deeply familiar with their cinema, it seems like their top TV exports often focus on crime in southern Italy, featuring ruthless characters involved in cutthroat activities in poor, high-crime neighborhoods.
    Last edited by buttnudge; Today at 12:29.
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  5. #5944
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    Pelé >>>>>>>> Maradona.
    Maradona? You mean this guy?

    Also, I don't hold the 7-1 against Brazil. You were two star players short and that had an impact on the rest of the team, so it was hardly a victory (the Germans said as much).
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  6. #5945
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpacino View Post
    It's an abstract concept that brazil will always be an underdog no matter what, this is mostly promoted, caused and perpetuated by the brazilian artistic class (who think highly of themselves as intellectuals)...
    Interesting, I was not aware of this. With that said, the "always been and always will be" mentality is present on all of our continent to an extent, so what you mention may be both cause and consequence.

    Bukele must not have got the memo, though - his anti-crime campaign in El Salvador has been incredibly successful in just a few years.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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