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  1. #1
    Advanced User The Shutter's Avatar
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    i'm interested in learning programming especially to know to code programs like mratio ,Greedy torrent & modded clients .

    what do i have to learn to be able to code like these programs ?

    so list down all what i have to learn + some ebooks that you used or resources that help you learn
    Last edited by The Shutter; 02.09.11 at 02:40.
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  2. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shutter View Post
    can you tell me the idea of this tool , i see port & multiply upload by Number , isn't this like gt?
    Yes, more or less like greedy torrent.
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  3. #17
    Advanced User The Shutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The248 View Post
    Yes, more or less like greedy torrent.
    ok but there's 2 files in project one is proxytool which contain the tool & other my project contain a whole list ... can you tell me what's the use of the second one?
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  4. #18
    You need Microsoft Visual Studio to open the solution file (*.sln file).
    The "My Project" folder contains all sort of information about the program you are creating, like author, version, copyright, resources used by the program, settings, a bunch of things that you don't need to care about because Microsoft Visual Studio handles all of that for you.
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  5. #19
    Advanced User The Shutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The248 View Post
    You need Microsoft Visual Studio to open the solution file (*.sln file).
    The "My Project" folder contains all sort of information about the program you are creating, like author, version, copyright, resources used by the program, settings, a bunch of things that you don't need to care about because Microsoft Visual Studio handles all of that for you.
    ok , you said the program isn't ready to be released can you tell me what is missing & what i need to fix?
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  6. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shutter View Post
    ok , you said the program isn't ready to be released can you tell me what is missing & what i need to fix?
    It's not like we want the program to be complete, use it for learning (after you learn basic VB.NET skills first),
    with that example, you learn how to listen on a port (sockets), asynchronous operations(multiple things doing things at the same time ), dealing with tracker responses (a bit)..etc.

    I am cheatos

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  7. #21
    That's up to you, depending on what you want to do with it.
    What do you need to fix?

    You can start with the problem of it reporting less upload than last time. Example:
    Announce 1:
    Upload = 2 Gb
    Multiply = 5
    Reported upload = 10Gb

    User changes multiply from 5 to 2 while the torrent it's running.

    Announce 2:
    Upload = 2.2 Gb
    Multiply = 2
    Reported upload = 4.4Gb

    You can't lose upload on a real client and that may lead to a ban.
    There you go, something to start with.
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  8. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by cheatos View Post
    multiple things doing things at the same time
    synchronous operations can do that too ;-)
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  9. #23
    Advanced User The Shutter's Avatar
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    what language is the proxy tool written in ? cause i tried to search for some of the attributes & didn't find any info about it.
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  10. #24
    Visual Basic .Net
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  11. #25
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    what i don't understand are these attributes

    TorrentClientSocket.BeginReceive(TorrentClientBuffer, 0, TorrentClientBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf OnReceived), TorrentClientSocket)
     'Obtain upload amount
                    Dim UploadedStart As Integer = GetString.IndexOf("&uploaded=") + 10
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  12. #26
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    SBfreak (04.09.11)

  14. #27

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    @The Shutter You should be reading about asynchronous sockets first. Better yet about threading and implicitly about forking. Good programmers always know their toolset. It's not that hard to jump in and understand clear code that others have written in higher level programming languages but when you try to develop something I highly doubt anything good will come out of it without good practice before hand.
    And another thing, you mentioned you were a web developer. My suggestion to you is the following: decide on one thing and one thing only and keep working at it. Most good programmers are polyglot, but as it turns out to be good they only focus on one domain. It's good to have written something in let's say Haskell or done scripting in *nix, because trying things out of your comfort zone grows you as a professional, but try sticking with your piece of bread and practice, practice, practice. When you reach a level where using that specific toolset is like breathing and you say to yourself that you still aren't good enough than you've become a good programmer.
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