- Mozilla - Files in your Mozilla profile directory

In your Mozilla profile directory are a lot of files. Most of them have really confusing filenames. Here's a list of the files you properly find in your profile directory and what they do and are good for.

If you need help in finding the path of your Mozilla profile please refer to this page.

This article is also available in: Czech

Since Netscape 8 is build on the Mozilla Firefox base all of the files that apply to Mozilla Firefox also apply to Netscape 8

Do NOT edit any files in your profile without completely exiting Mozilla. Exit Mozilla and shutdown any Mozilla Quick Launch from the System Tray before editing any files. Editing the files can cause Mozilla to not start!


I really wanted to quote the article here but the table form gave me a big headache...

I don't know how old this is but I did a quick check to see that most of the information is still relevant...