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Thread: eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition

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    eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition

    >>>>>>eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition<<<<<<

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> Engo3k <<<<<<


    >>>>>> system28 <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:

    eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition [Engo3k]

    Changelog - 08.05.10
    fix: Download of large files (4GB) - thx [morph4u]
    fix: block the up and down - thx [morph4u]
    add: max client upload time (5-360 mins)
    add: max chunks to transfer
    ADDED: remove block ratio (BR:) clients
    ADDED: Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
    ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
    ADDED: Unlimited Slot
    ADDED: Clear Banlist
    ADDED: Don't Ban Friends
    ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients
    ADDED: Client-BAN All List
    ADDED: Coloring for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
    ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
    ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
    ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
    ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
    ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
    CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
    CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
    CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
    REMOVE: Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
    ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog)
    ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
    ADDED: Kick single Upload Slot
    ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
    ADDED: Friend Boost*200
    ADDED: Community Boost*200
    ADDED: Antileech v41 Bad USERNAME Ban
    REMOVED: My Mod's Ban
    ADDED: Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
    to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
    tested on Win7 x64 Enterprise

    Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0
    Merged to 0.50a [Stulle]
    CHANGE: update libping to 1.41 [Stulle]
    ADD: Visual Studio 2008 project files and solution [Stulle]
    ADD: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation [Stulle]
    ADD: Settings removed from official eMule to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
    ADD: Some more Tooltips for the preferences [Stulle]
    ADD: Icon for "Pause when preview possible" menu entry [Stulle]
    ADD: Find menu and OnLvnGetDispInfo to History list [zz_fly]
    ADD: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle]
    ADD: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle]
    ADD: Option to restrict user from downloading files via multiuser webserver [Stulle]
    ADD: Option to set level of optimization for NTService [Stulle]
    ADD: Some more optimizations for NTService [Stulle]
    ADD: Localization for NTService logging [Stulle]
    ADD: Adjustable NT Service Strings [Stulle]
    ADD: Fakealyzer [netfinity]
    ADD: Display progress percentage for chunk details and sort chunk details by them [Stulle]
    	+ Note: This might cause weird results if client switches requested chunks or
    		does not download blocks sequentially.
    ADD: Chunk details column in DownloadClientsListCtrl [SiRoB/JvA (idea)/Stulle]
    ADD: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle]
    ADD: New preferences.ini-only settings to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
    CHANGE: Disable FollowTheMajority if file is renamed in Shared Files Dialog [Stulle]
    CHANGE: General settings dialog has been revised to achieve original layout [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToHexString [netfinity]
    CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToBinaryString [netfinity]
    CHANGE: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
    CHANGE: Improved filetype sorting in History list [zz_fly]
    CHANGE: Improved reading of Webserver template [Stulle]
    CHANGE: User priviliges for multiuser Webserver [Stulle]
    	+ Guest: Viewing information from webinterface
    	+ Operator: Adding/Removing downloads and according to other settings
    	+ Admin: Like Operator plus privilege to close eMule
    	+ Hi-Admin: Like Admin plus privilege to shutdown/reboot windows
    CHANGE: Improved Failed Login Screen and Login Screen of Webserver [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved UPnP info display [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved setting of the preferences window title for tabbed Webserver panel [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Sort client progressbars by percentage finished [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Stretch chunk always to column width for chunk details [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved upload state sorting for additional information [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved sorting for Download State in ClientListCtrl [TAHO]
    CHANGE: Allow searching for client name via key strokes in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
    	+ started searching at A4AF info until now
    CHANGE: Set read-only instead of system attribute for custom incoming/temp dir [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly Asian leechers) [zz_fly]
    FIX: Properly localize some Advanced Preferences (official) [Stulle]
    FIX: (Official) Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Don't publish incomplete small files [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Possibly crash fix on ShowComment [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
    FIX: Display all time requests in History list [zz_fly]
    FIX: Some bugs in the Webserver templates [Stulle]	
    FIX: Bad login handling for Webserver [Stulle]
    FIX: multiSort in Search List [Xman]
    FIX: Localization of tabs in Webserver panel [Stulle]
    FIX: Don't reset Connection Settings without reason [Stulle]
    FIX: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
    FIX: Wrong custom folder icon was displayed [Stulle]
    FIX: CRC32 recalculate commando in SharedFilesWnd did not work properly [Stulle]
    FIX: Setting HideOS for files was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle]
    FIX: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle]
    FIX: Min Upload setting triggered nagging popup when Upload Capacity set to 1 kB/s [Stulle]
    FIX: Setting appropriate settings for NTservice did not work properly [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build (redundant) [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Official changes for high upload speed in favor for more advanced MorphXT code [Stulle]
    REMOVED: New official Ask-On-Exit Dialog in favor of Morph's one (NTService) [Stulle]
    REMOVED: "MorphXT 9.7" workaround [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Unusued ressource strings [Stulle]
    REMOVED: AppleJuice detection [Xman/Anonymous Anti-Leecher]
    REMOVED: ZZUL addition that sometimes caused crashes on receiving OP_FILESTATUS [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Dupe USS settings in Extended settings panel [Stulle]
    Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Heaven]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly]; 
    	Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Idro182/Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
    	Dutch [leuk_he]; Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [guijarrelson/Rajil]
    Changelog for eMule 0.49c MorphXT v11.3
    ADD: Filter clients with failed downlods [Xman]
    ADD: Count failed TCP/IP Connections [Xman]
    ADD: Temporary IP Filter [Xman]
    CHANGE: reversed IRC chan join order [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Reworked "Use Download ACK" code to be less hacky [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Reapplied corrected sorting fix in Download List [Slugfiller/Stulle]
    CHANGE: Do not stop setting new PS limit if new value = old value [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Update GUI when reloading share via Tray Icon or on Cat add/edit [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Unified sorting by Software Version [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Updated webservices.dat [shortypower]
    FIX: Display proper icons in SharedDirsTreeCtrl [Stulle]
    FIX: Display extended info about tags client sent in Clients list [Stulle]
    FIX: Source items color in DownloadList was not always reset properly [JvA]
    FIX: "disable some toolbar options was set the other way around [Stulle]
    FIX: Falsely as shared display folders du to shareSubdir [Stulle]
    FIX: Do shared files reload via command line was broken [Stulle]
    FIX: (Official) Sorting fix for filetype [moloko+]
    FIX: (Official) Single shared files were hard excluded on unshare [Stulle]
    FIX: (Official) Logs folder was not created when log saving was enabled [Stulle]
    FIX: (Official) File download via WebServer was broke [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Unneccessary shared files reload fix (improper) [JackieKu]
    REMOVED: Dupe shared files reload on add/edit cat [Stulle]
    Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Nicolas_FR]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly]; 
    	Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [v-x-vendetta]; Turkish [omeringen]; Spanish [guijarrelson]
    Changelog for eMule 0.49c MorphXT v11.2
    Merged to 0.49c [Stulle]
    ADD: Autojoin to #emule-morph in IRC [Stulle]
    ADD: Service description (Service needs to be reinstalled) [Stulle]
    ADD: High definition vista icon [Stulle]
    ADD: Microsoft Windows Media Format 9 SDK for MS VS2003 build [Stulle]
    ADD: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build [Stulle]
    ADD: Microsoft Speach SDK for all builds [Stulle]
    ADD: Purge known.met settings (not at all, partially/ official, completely/ old Morph) [Stulle]
    Add: Option to remove AICH hashes immediatly [Stulle]
    ADD: Update Downloaded History List automatically to reflect changes in Shared Files List [Stulle]
    ADD: Delete files on hitting the del key in Downloaded History List [Stulle]
    ADD: Copy Ed2k links into clipboard using Ctrl+C in Downloaded History List [Stulle]
    ADD: Sort for "calculated CRC32" column in Shared Files List [Stulle]
    ADD: Progress Hash [O2]
    ADD: IP Filter White list [Stulle]
    ADD: New default IPFilter (Maintained by Ozzy) [Stulle]
    	+ uses DynDNS to check version, mirrored at SourceForge, unrar.dll required!
    ADD: RAR File download decompress for auto update [official]
    ADD: New hidden options to Advanced Options and Tooltips for new options [Stulle]
    ADD: Rebind UPnP mappings (UDP, TCP and Webserver for now) like the official does [Stulle]
    ADD: Turkish translation (partially) [omeringen]
    CHANGE: Display NNS in UploadListCtrl [Diabolo111]
    CHANGE: Cleaned up Static IP Filter code [Stulle]
    	+ only ipfilter.dat layout allowed!
    CHANGE: Switch category column and download started column (group cat related) [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Keep old default sorting behaviour for DownloadList (only names ascending) [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Default Fakes link to http://emulepawcio.sourceforge.net/fakes.zip [Stulle/Rick164]
    CHANGE: Default purge time for known.met is set to 31 days like in official instead of old 150 days [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Rewrite of Downloaded History List according to new List code layout from official [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Accept more file names for contents of downloaded ipfilter archives [official]
    CHANGE: Send ICS info even if the file is not extremely rare (as pointed out by WiZaRd) [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Made ICS mode local variable to save some bytes in RAM usage (as pointed out by WiZaRd) [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Updated Show less controls for new columns and added it for context menus [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Enabling Extended controls disables Show less controls and vice versa [Stulle]
    	+ close preferences window to avoid odd behaviour... kinda tricky...
    CHANGE: Switched on Global Hard Limit by default (upgrade unaffected) [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Only display category selection dialog if there is more than one category [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Enlarged IRC settings tree control and dir tree control in Directories preferences panel [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Use '1' as default min linear priority to reserve '0' for small files [JackieKu]
    FIX: Corrupted userhash ban [taz]
    FIX: Double increase for badrequests [taz]
    FIX: Incorrect and redundent operation for Double backup [AndCycle]
    FIX: Display FairPlay in lists only if requested file is complete [gomez82]
    FIX: Improper localization of altered category column in DownloadList [Stulle]
    FIX: Failing support of emulepawcio ipfilter.zip format [D10Tmain]
    FIX: Memleak fix around hashing [WiZaRd]
    FIX: Download ACK measurement was incorrect (when download was limited) [Stulle]
    FIX: Download ACK was not displayed and counted in stats as overhead [Stulle]
    FIX: Improper Friend Logging for FunnyNick affected friend clients [Stulle]
    FIX: Network mapped drives could not be selected [JackieKu]
    FIX: Shared files were sometimes unneccessarily reloaded due to shareSubdir [JackieKu]
    FIX: Some improper localization in Morph preferences window [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Adunanza ban [Stulle]
    Note: Additional options stored in Known.met will be purged like some official stuff is.
    Note: Due to change in column orders we recommend a clean install. You may experience strange looks otherwise.
    Note: Microsoft DirectX 9 SDK for MS VS2005 build has already been added in an earlier version.
    Note: See How-To-Compile_VS05.txt in source package for guide on how to get the sources to compile.
    Note: New IPFilter will only be set when resetting the url or making a clean install.
    Note: Following languages updated: German [Morella/Myth88/Stulle]; French [Nicolas_FR]; Spanish [guijarrelson];
    	Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly]; Chinese (Taiwan) [JackieKu]; Italian
    IP Filter White List:
    + IPs on this list will not be banned
    + use ipfilter_white.dat to add IPs to the White List

    Attached Files Attached Files

    This account has been disabled
    Reason: Fake upload

    Do NOT cheat. This involves; ghost leeching, spoofing and/or use of a modified client in anyway. If you, or anyone on your IP/server is found to be cheating then ALL users on that IP will be disabled.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    mskvorc1 (27.06.10) , Fonske (02.06.10) , qik5l (31.05.10) , Instab (30.05.10) , shawshankraj (30.05.10) , Snitlev (30.05.10)

  3. #2

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    eMule v0.50a [MorphXT v12.0] Statistics [mskvorc1]
       Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 5.20
       Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 5.20
       Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 5.20
             Uploaded Data: 1.29 GB
             Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
             Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 6
             Total Uploads: 6
             Waiting Uploads: 1861
             Upload Sessions: 322
                Total successful upload sessions: 237 (73.60%)
                Total failed upload sessions: 85 (26.40%)
                Average Uploaded Per Session: 5.46 MB
                Average upload time: 34:51 Minutes
             Total Overhead (Packets): 174.40 MB (3.98 M)
             Downloaded Data: 6.70 GB
             Completed Downloads: 5
             Active Downloads (chunks): 14
             Found Sources: 1889
             Download Sessions: 2201
                Successful Download Sessions: 1932 (87.8%)
                Failed Download Sessions: 269 (12.2%)
                Average Downloaded Per Session: 3.55 MB
                Average Download Time: 12:32 Minutes
             Gained Due To Compression: 74.18 MB (1.1%)
             Lost Due To Corruption: 649.51 KB (0.0%)
             Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 4
             Total Overhead (Packets): 52.38 MB (1.15 M)
             Upload-Speed: 19.87 KB/s
             Average Uploadrate: 15.55 KB/s
             Max Upload Rate: 20.25 KB/s
             Max Average Upload Rate: 16.62 KB/s
             Download-Speed: 73.98 KB/s
             Average Downloadrate: 80.87 KB/s
             max. Downloadrate: 428.96 KB/s
             Max Downloadrate Average: 89.40 KB/s
    Time Statistics
       Statistics last reset: 26.6.2010 13:30:20
       Time Since Last Reset: 1 Days 4 Minutes
          Runtime: 1 Days 7 Minutes
          Transfer Time: 1 Days 7 Minutes (100.0%)
          Current Server Duration: 0 Seconds (0.0%)
          Total Server Duration: 20:52 Hours (86.5%)
       Projected Averages
       Known Clients: 2476 
       Firewalled (Kad)
       Low ID: 633 (25.6%)
       Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 2435 (100.0%) : 1 (0.0%)
       Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
       Banned: 568
       Filtered: 1189
       Leechers: 3850
    Shared Files
    Disk Space
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (27.06.10)

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