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Thread: BitComet

  1. #1
    Retired Staff hitman's Avatar
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    BitComet 0.57

    GUI Improved: add boss key: Alt+`
    GUI Improved: embeded web view was improved
    GUI Improved: Task Properity Diaglog can be resized or maxmized now
    GUI Improved: option to disable the prompt window when adding torrent
    GUI Improved: enable multi-selection when open torrent files
    GUI Improved: task list now support sort
    GUI Improved: add seeding task catelogy
    GUI Bugfix: fix the copy paste problem in embeded IE
    GUI Bugfix: never prevent windows from entering suspend mode if the computer is running on batteries (Thanks B. Larg)
    GUI Bugfix: Save location reset to default upon changing encoding method. (Thanks ericbo)
    GUI Bugfix: Incorrect time left if more than 24 hours (Thanks u1ookingatme)
    GUI Bugfix: the max value of half-opened tcp can't be changed to smaller value
    Core Bugfix: fix a upload selection bug which may affect download speed
    Core Bugfix: auto stop may not work if enable auto checking after finished
    Core Bugfix: possiblely fix the tracker download reporting bug happens in TB, etc
    Core Bugfix: fixed NAT Traversal rate can not be accurately limited
    Core Bugfix: Can not create directory when change priority for running task (Thanks maxbkk)
    Core Bugfix: IP rules do not effact in NAT Traversal connections(Thanks tianle)
    Core Bugfix: add new task waiting queue, close bc, the file priority lost(Thanks hdll)
    Core Bugfix: Hash Checking queue does not work (Thanks njiayu)
    Core Bugfix: UDP tracker retry interval keeps to be 10s
    BitComet - All Releases and ZIP Packages

    Quelle: bitcomet.com
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  2. #2
    Retired Staff hitman's Avatar
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    BitComet v0.97

    GUI Improved: improve BC link support when download all links from web page
        GUI Improved: add overwrite prompt when save torrent file of a BT task to another location
        GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: Show eMule plugin
        GUI Bugfix: after sort URL list in download all links dialog, the downloaded links do not match the selected links
        GUI Bugfix: torrent file association icon cannot display
        GUI Bugfix: install package compatible with Windows Vista
        GUI Bugfix: invaild input prompt for save location in BT/HTTP task properties dialog
        GUI Bugfix: status bar language not changed after switch UI language
        Core Bugfix: program may crash when download HTTP file from redirected server
        Core Bugfix: task added at eMule plugin startup will not be created successfully
        Core Bugfix: cannot connect to certain tracker that forbid web browser connection
        Core Bugfix: v0.96 cannot load configuration file bitcomet.xml in Windows Vista/2K
    BitComet - All Releases and ZIP Packages

    Quelle: bitcomet.com
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    (15.05.20) , (15.05.20)

  4. #3
    BitComet 0.98 Beta [20071219]

    Beta   [20071219]
        GUI Improved: BT task peer list support sorting
        GUI Improved: BT task peer list display download statusbar of each peer
        GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list display download statusbar of each source
        GUI Improved: new command in HTTP task context menu: Verify MD5 checksum
        GUI Bugfix: task remains in queue after deleted into recycle bin
        Core Improved: improve HTTP task download algorithm to avoid download speed decrease near finish
        Core Improved: HTTP task support redirect to FTP url
        Core Bugfix: preview unfinished HTTP task may cause program crash
        Core Bugfix: tasks in recycle bin should not upload for Long-Time Seeding(persistent seeding)


    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  5. #4
    BitComet 0.98 Beta [Dec 26, 2007]

    Beta   [20071226]
        GUI Improved: search box in toolbar remains in the same row of the toolbar buttons when resize main window
        GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog support query file size and server resume-supported ability for HTTP/FTP link with password authentication
        GUI Improved: improve display effect of peer download statusbar in BT task peer list
        Core Bugfix: tasks which disable Long-Time Seeding download should not upload for Long-Time Seeding


    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  6. #5
    BitComet 0.98 Beta 20080102

    Beta   [20071229]
        GUI Improved: when torrent download finished, start BT task until user close task properties dialog
        GUI Improved: start downloading torrent file while show the task properties dialog of new opened BC link
        GUI Bugfix: ESC key donot work in download all links dialog


    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  7. #6
    BitComet v0.98

    GUI Improved: start downloading torrent file while show the task properties dialog of new opened BC link
    GUI Improved: search box in toolbar remains in the same row of the toolbar buttons when resize main window
    GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog support query file size and server resume-supported ability for HTTP/FTP link with password authentication
    GUI Improved: improve display effect of peer download statusbar in BT task peer list
    GUI Improved: BT task peer list support sorting
    GUI Improved: BT task peer list display download statusbar of each peer
    GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list display download statusbar of each source
    GUI Improved: new command in HTTP task context menu: Verify MD5 checksum
    GUI Bugfix: ESC key donot work in download all links dialog
    GUI Bugfix: task remains......


    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  8. Who Said Thanks:

    hitman (12.01.08)

  9. #7
    BitComet 0.99 beta (20080125)

    Beta   [20080125]
        GUI Improved: check software update in system automatically, can be enable in option dialog
        GUI Improved: new FireFox extension, support download file using BitComet
        GUI Improved: new option in advanced setting page: query task comment and snapshot info automatically
        GUI Improved: when browse the save location folder of task, do not open new window if this folder has already been opened
        GUI Improved: add time interval setting to context menu of floating window
        GUI Bugfix: BC link of BT task displayed as error link in HTTP task properties dialog
        Core Bugfix: preview in full screen mode for more than twice do not work properly under Windows Vista

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  10. #8
    BitComet 0.99

    GUI Bugfix: Failed to verify login password at BitComet startup will lead to crash
        GUI Improved: check software update in system automatically, can be enable in option dialog
        GUI Improved: new FireFox extension, support download file using BitComet
        GUI Improved: new option in advanced setting page: query task comment and snapshot info automatically
        GUI Improved: when browse the save location folder of task, do not open new window if this folder has already been opened
        GUI Improved: add time interval setting to context menu of floating window
        GUI Bugfix: BC link of BT task displayed as error link in HTTP task properties dialog
        Core Improved: increase connection speed of downloading torrent file in BC link, and querying HTTP file size
        Core Bugfix: preview in full screen mode for more than twice do not work properly......

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  11. #9
    BitComet 1.00

    GUI Improved: move "add torrent to my sharing" check box in BT task properties dialog to Advanced page
    GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: check software update
    GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Peer list: Remove peer
    GUI Improved: new command in context menu of Tracker list: Remove tracker
    GUI Improved: FireFox extension add download video files command to Tools menu, which can capture video files in webpage.
    GUI Bugfix: puase and resume preview video file will lead to exit full-screen mode
    GUI Bugfix: Refresh button in toolbar of BitComet resource browser does not work
    Core Improved: update TCP half open limit modification for Windows Vista
    Core Bugfix: Long-Time Seeding does not stop when Scheduler pause all download
    Core Bugfix: BitComet resource browser cannot download video files embedded in webpage after install IE7


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  12. #10
    BitComet 1.01

    - GUI Improved: new option in advanced connection settings of preferences dialog: Enable Anti-Leech 
    - GUI Improved: FireFox extension add download video files command to context menu of web page 
    - Core Improved: after enable Anti-Leech, connections which transfer little data during a long time will be disconnected 
    - Core Improved: enhance video file preview, support avi, rmvb, wmv, mpg, flv, ogm, mkv, mp4 files
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    hitman (07.05.08) , Butcho (07.05.08)

  14. #11
    BitComet 1.02

    v1.02 2008.6.3
    GUI Improved: task category will display "empty" when not set
    GUI Improved: whether to search for mirrors when add new HTTP task can be set as default setting
    GUI Improved: new option for preview window: keep aspect ratio of video
    GUI Improved: new switch button in toolbar of preview window: skip undownloaded range or waiting for buffering
    GUI Improved: BitComet resource browser (CometBrowser.exe) will exit immediately after close all its window
    GUI Improved: removw server mode option in advanced netword settings
    GUI Bugfix: user name and password in HTTP/FTP task properties dialog do not take effect
    Core Improved: Long-Time Seeding can download file boundary data for BT task, where one piece containing multi files
    Core Improved: when select part files of a BT task to download, the file boundary data will be saved in taskname.piece_part.bc!
    Core Improved: enhance virus protect auto-config
    Core Improved: support TCP half-open patch for Windows Vista SP1
    Core Improved: FireFox extension support FireFox 3.0
    Core Bugfix: error occurs when connect to certain trackers: "Tracker Reture Zero Length Response"
    Core Bugfix: EVENT_COMPLETE should be sent to tacker only when all files in BT task downloaded, not only selected
    Core Bugfix: HTTP download task do not reconnect server after connection disconnected by server
    Core Bugfix: HTTP download task do not drop invalid data from out-of-date mirror server, lead to redownload after hash check failure
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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    Butcho (18.06.08) , hitman (18.06.08)

  16. #12
    BitComet 1.03

    v1.03 2008.7.17
    GUI Improved: redesign preferences dialog, improve option layout
    GUI Improved: new advanced option: User-agent sent to HTTP tracker
    GUI Improved: new advanced option to adjust Anti-Leech rules
    GUI Improved: new advanced option to config file path of video player
    GUI Improved: improve connection number display in task list for HTTP/FTP task
    GUI Improved: add left size column to task list (hidden by default)
    GUI Improved: add context menu to BT task peer list header, to select columns to display
    GUI Improved: BT task peer list support group display
    GUI Improved: freeze BT task peer list when ScrollLock turned on
    GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog will display free disk space of save location
    GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog can be disabled
    GUI Improved: BitComet don't hide already running emule plugin window when startup
    GUI Improved: remove task category management
    GUI Improved: remove history task list
    GUI Improved: remove video file preview window, launch external video player instead
    GUI Improved: remove BitComet resource browser from install package
    GUI Bugfix: FireFox extension can download flv file from FireFox cache
    Core Improved: remove NAT Traversal via UDP, to improve TCP transfer efficiency
    Core Improved: improve TCP half-open patch for Windows XP SP3
    Core Bugfix: after a file in BT task download finished, disconnect corresponding Long-Time Seeding connection immediately
    Core Bugfix: the pieces containing file boundary data of BT task will be download repeatedly in some situation
    Core Bugfix: BitComet does not save the BT tasks created by BC link when program exit
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  17. Who Said Thanks:

    hitman (18.07.08) , shoulder (18.07.08)

  18. #13
    BitComet 1.04

    GUI Improved: "my shared torrent list" turns into "torrent archive". all downloaded torrent files will be saved there.
    GUI Improved: add filter edit box to torrent archive list.
    GUI Improved: remove deleted task list. when delete BT task, its torrent file can be kept in torrent archive
    GUI Improved: new option: clear peer sharing torrent list when program exits. enabled by default.
    GUI Improved: new option: standby, hibernate, restart or shutdown computer when all task downloaded and stopped
    GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: check for BitComet updates
    GUI Improved: improve Long-Time Seeding download rate display in peer list
    GUI Improved: displays play button in task list after download audio file, like mp3, wma
    GUI Bugfix: open file from file list will fail, after rename BT task and restart BitComet
    GUI Bugfix: when make torrent file in v1.03, files in sub-directories will not be added into torrent
    GUI Bugfix: when main window is not wide enough, the search box in toolbar will display in invalid position
    GUI Bugfix: total downloaded/uploaded bytes in statistics list will be clear in some situation since v1.02
    Core Improved: all opened torrent files will be saved to archive folder
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  19. Who Said Thanks:

    hitman (24.08.08) , shoulder (24.08.08)

  20. #14
    BitComet 1.05

    v1.05 2008.10.10
        GUI Improved: split save location of BT task into 2 parts: save path and filename for single-file task, save path and subfolder for multi-files task.
        GUI Improved: when add new BT task, start now/start later combo box changes to 2 buttons below in the dialog
        GUI Improved: remove "set as default" button in BT and HTTP/FTP task properties dialog. Save path of new task will be added into candidate directory list in option dialog automatically.
        GUI Improved: new candidate directory list in option dialog. The directories in list can be pick up easily when add new task.
        GUI Improved: rewrite batch HTTP/FTP download dialog and download all dialog. They are merged into a new designed batch download dialog, which is more convenient.
        GUI Improved: new site password manager for HTTP/FTP download. Username & password will be filled automatically when add new task if existed. This can be enabled in option dialog.
        GUI Improved: in torrent maker dialog, network type combo list changes into private torrent check box and add DHT nodes check box.
        GUI Improved: after popular software update checking, updated softwares will be list under tools menu in main window.
        GUI Improved: show an error message box when click [play] on a finished task, while the downloaded file has been deleted.
        GUI Bugfix: under Windows Vista, search box in toolbar displays incorrectly after switch search type
        Core Improved: UI language files change from .xml format to .mo format, which are more universal and can be concurrent translated in https://translations.launchpad.net/bitcomet
        Core Bugfix: under Windows Vista, BitComet will lost task list if running under administrator privilege
        Core Bugfix: if the HTTP task stopped because the file locked by other program, data integrality can not be guaranteed when resume downloading.
        Core Bugfix: in few situations, the BT task finish progress is 100% after hash checking, but the file finish progresses are not displayed as 100%
        Core Bugfix: if a BT task has been specified file download order, program will lose respond when switch a file to be download or not.
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  21. Who Said Thanks:

    hitman (10.10.08)

  22. #15
    BitComet 1.06

    v1.06 2008.11.12
        GUI Improved: rearrange main menu, "tools" changes to "software", "options" changes to "tools"
        GUI Improved: add submenu to select default save directory in tools menu
        GUI Improved: improve directory setting panel in option dialog. double click to set default save directory
        GUI Improved: new Web Interface setting panel in option dialog
        GUI Improved: add MD5 verify pane to HTTP/FTP task properties dialog
        GUI Improved: downloaded files can be moved to candidate directory from context menu of task list
        GUI Improved: add downloaded size and uploaded size columns in task list (hidden by default)
        GUI Improved: remove Flv player from install package
        GUI Improved: improve Long-Time seeding display in peer list
        GUI Bugfix: fix some translation errors.
        Core Improved: new Web Interface modular, to remote BitComet from web browser (disabled by default)
        Core Improved: improve Long-Time Seeding module
        Core Improved: increase first-time loading speed of torrent share list
        Core Improved: limit download rate for HTTP task automatically when download speeding larger than disk writing speed, to avoid wasting too many memory for disk cache
        Core Improved: update eMule plugin to v0.49b
        Core Bugfix: UI may response slowly when downloading BT task in high speed
        Core Bugfix: program crash after install IE8 beta


    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  23. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (12.11.08)

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