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Thread: BitComet 1.13 SBI Leecher Pack

  1. #1

    BitComet 1.13 SBI Leecher Pack

    SB-Innovation Presents

    >>>>>> BitComet 1.13 SBI Leecher Pack <<<<<<

    Coded by:

    >>>>>> BitComet Development Group <<<<<<

    Modded by:

    >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

    Changelog / Features:


    -built many different cheater versions
    -included eMule plugin
    -removed advertising
    -cleaned code from some auto connected HTTP sites
    -changed some parts to show SB-Innovation

    Leecher Mods:






    No Complete
    -Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

    -Es wird weder euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker gezählt.
    -Ihr werdet als Seeder angezeigt
    -Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

    -Ihr werdet sofort als Seeder angezeigt euer Download wird auf dem Tracker nicht gezählt.
    -Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

    Fakeupload I
    -Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 45 kb/s an den Tracker
    (Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

    Fakeupload II
    -Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 95 kb/s an den Tracker
    (Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

    -Ignoriert die "Private Flag" und lässt euch DHT und PEX für private Torrents aktivieren.
    (Verwendet diese Option nur wenn ihr wisst was ihr tut)

    Multi 11x
    -Der reale Upload wird mit 11 multipliziert.
    -Es ist empfohlen in auf ≤9KB/s zu beschränken.

    Multi 111x
    -Der reale Upload wird mit 111 multipliziert.
    -Es ist empfohlen in auf ≤2KB/s zu beschränken.

    -Euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker wird nicht gezählt.
    -Es werden keine aktiven Torrents in eurem Profil angezeigt.
    -Funktioniert leider nicht auf allen Seiten.


    -You don't send the completed flag to the tracker.
    -There is no snatchlist entry.

    -Your upload and download aren't reported to the tracker.
    -You are shown as a seeder.

    -You are shown directly as a seeder.
    -Your download isn't reported to the tracker.

    Fakeupload I
    -The client sends a fake upload between 10 and 45 kB/s to the tracker
    (If you limit your real upload to 10kB/s)

    Fakeupload II
    -The client sends a fake upload between 10 and 95 kB/s to the tracker
    (If you limit your real upload to 10kB/s)

    -Ignores the private flag, letting you enable DHT and PEX for private torrents.
    (Only use it if you know what you're doing)

    Multi 11x
    -Your real upload is multiplied by 11.
    -I recommend you limit it to ≤9kB/s.

    Multi 111x
    -Your real upload is multiplied by 111.
    -I recommend you limit it to ≤2kB/s.

    -Your upload and download aren't reported to the tracker.
    -You are also not shown in the peerlist.
    -Unfortunately it doesn't work on all trackers.


    Last edited by anon; 29.06.09 at 01:14. Reason: glitch in the Multi-11x description

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    KHIREELOVETEED (07.07.17) , RaMa (12.12.16) , DEVIL LORD (20.03.12) , noob (22.11.10) , moha2020 (05.09.10) , austin316 (27.07.10) , joeyboy_ac (23.07.10) , BrianBosworth (23.07.10) , somniferum (22.07.10) , cyberwarrior (25.02.10) , repeat (29.11.09) , signmaker (21.11.09) , Bhv4u (09.08.09) , supersaiyan (28.07.09) , yang (27.07.09) , Volaju (22.07.09) , captain hills (21.07.09) , boyscout (19.07.09) , alupigus (17.07.09) , WilliBo2Go (13.07.09) , hydez (11.07.09) , Moffi (11.07.09) , neo (09.07.09) , darkeagle (08.07.09) , Fonduee (08.07.09) , Dark Knight (07.07.09) , James73 (07.07.09) , Dynamic (06.07.09) , Hellboy (06.07.09) , net1 (05.07.09) , xutx11 (04.07.09) , Alambic (03.07.09) , psyubl (03.07.09) , zz887878zz (03.07.09) , MGustav (02.07.09) , naughtydog (01.07.09) , Lucian (01.07.09) , JekaSoft (30.06.09) , drack (29.06.09) , shoulder (29.06.09) , SBfreak (29.06.09) , mmmmm (29.06.09) , supercopito (29.06.09) , RX8 (29.06.09) , ataclook (29.06.09) , cheatos (29.06.09) , Mihai (29.06.09) , anonftw (29.06.09) , ghostfucker (29.06.09) , hitman (29.06.09) , Rebound (29.06.09) , anon (29.06.09)

  3. #31
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Trackers can't detect you're using the DHT-Patch per se, but if you upload to a lot of DHT-found peers, you may overfake. Not a problem if you limit your upload speed, though, and finding so many people through DHT already means the tracker's "official" swarm is huge.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    hawkmoon (11.07.09)

  5. #32

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    so in fact i dont need to connect the dHT for bitcomet sbi 1.13 works fine ! (i thought it was a bug) really i m noob and i try to understand
    sorry for my english
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  6. #33
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Yes - DHT helps you find more peers, but it's not 100% necessary - apart from useless on most private trackers.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  7. #34

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    Bitcomet is faster for me either.
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  8. #35

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    BitComet has been updated lately :

    with this feature : Core Improve: decrease CPU usage of DHT modular

    BitComet 1.14
    [Jul 31, 2009][5,767KB]

    Release notes :

    v1.14 2009.07.31
    GUI Improved: support Wed Seed when make torrent file
    GUI Improved: support modify Wed Seed list in BT task properties dialog
    GUI Improved: display download/upload rate of user group in peer list of BT task
    GUI Improved: display downloading piece position in peer list of BT task
    GUI Improved: display balloon on system tray icon when disk busy leading to GUI losing response
    GUI Improved: new appearance option: minimize when program start
    GUI Improved: add loading page to bookmark in left fav bar
    GUI Improved: loading torrent collection list from xml file in working thread, avoid GUI freezing
    GUI Improved: decrease the delay switching to torrent collection list from task list
    GUI Improved: add new command in context menu of floating window: start uploading all
    GUI Improved: change the BitComet icon in system tray to grey when program exiting
    GUI Improved: new setting in connection panel of option dialog: Alternate max upload rate when not downloading
    GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current download rate limit and upload rate limit
    GUI Improved: individual max concurrent downloading task numbers for BT tasks and HTTP tasks in option dialog
    GUI Improved: new "Force" option for BT task protocol encryption in option dialog
    GUI Improved: new setting in Long-Time Seeding panel of option dialog: Auto upload rate control
    GUI Improved: statistics panel displays current upload rate limit of long-time seeding
    GUI Improved: BitComet not responding dialog will be closed automatically after GUI resumed
    GUI Bugfix: can't add HTTP Tracker whose port is 80 in BT task properties dialog
    GUI Bugfix: if task selection state changed before task delete dialog displayed, the task will be deleted may not be the originally selected
    Core Improve: BT task supports downloading from Web Seed, compatible with BitTorrent mainline
    Core Improve: decrease CPU usage of DHT modular
    Core Improve: ban the peers from the specified IP even they changed peer ID
    Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for UDP download from Long-Time seed
    Core Improve: send no-retry instruction to remote UDP peers when exiting
    Core Improve: improve connection algorithm for BT uploading
    Core Improve: give BT upload connection higher priority when auto upload rate control of long-time seeding enabled
    Core Bugfix: max simultaneous half-open TCP connection number in advanced option page does not take effect
    Core Bugfix: making torrent file may fail if there're too many files in the specified folder
    Last edited by kin3tic; 02.08.09 at 03:48.
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  9. #36
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Use the QUOTE tag + we already know, check the "Unmodded Clients" section.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  10. #37

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    sorry new user here, i thought it was revelant info since it was discussed here :)
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  11. #38
    We create a new pack with the new version the next days...

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."
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  12. #39

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    Which mod is better?
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  13. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by somniferum View Post
    Which mod is better?
    try both and choose what you like best
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  14. Who Said Thanks:

    Butcho (22.07.10)

  15. #41
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somniferum View Post
    Which mod is better?
    For starters, I'd recommend you grab the latest pack (1.22) :)
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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