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Forum: Client File Knowledge Base

Documentation for those who want to create accurate client files.

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Question Sticky Thread Sticky: Client File Terminology

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 17:56
    announce, application, art, bit, bittorrent, client, client file knowledge, clients, comment, different, file, free, generation, key, list, multiple, number, proposal, really, star, start, thread, torrent, torrents, zero
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 17,505
    20.08.17, 01:03 Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: Client File Format

    Started by anthony-joal, 11.08.17 18:42
    .torrent, amp, announce, bittorrent, client, client file knowledge, clients, file, how, key, left, like, linux, private, run, sb-i, sb-innovation, thread, time, torrent, tracker, trackers, url, what, windows
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 16,188
    13.08.17, 14:31 Go to last post
  4. Post Sticky Thread Sticky: Client File Knowledge Base - Section Rules

    Started by anon, 10.08.17 16:18
    announce, art, bit, bittorrent, client file knowledge, clients, create, deluge, details, files, fun, important, key, list, read, request, spam, star, start, thread, threads, torrent, tracker, utorrent, want
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 15,821
    10.08.17, 16:18 Go to last post
  5.   Normal Threads  

  1. Transmission

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:02
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 36,946
    14.09.23, 08:09 Go to last post
  2. Deluge

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:00
    200, accept, age, bit, bittorrent, choose, client file knowledge, clients, close, code, deluge, downloaded, headers, key, left, nec, port, query, size, table, think, torrent, updated, user, zero
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 20,458
    02.10.19, 12:31 Go to last post
  3. qBittorrent

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:01
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 28,963
    14.07.19, 11:02 Go to last post
  4. uTorrent

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:04
    111, 112, 500, accept, age, announce, bit, bittorrent, client file knowledge, clients, close, code, downloaded, headers, key, language, left, nec, port, star, think, torrent, updated, user, utorrent
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 11,348
    23.05.18, 22:36 Go to last post
  5. BitTorrent

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:12
    000, 100, accept, age, announce, bit, bittorrent, client file knowledge, clients, close, code, downloaded, format, headers, key, know, left, nec, port, query, star, think, torrent, updated, user
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 16,591
    23.05.18, 22:35 Go to last post
  6. rTorrent

    Started by anthony-joal, 27.09.17 18:10
    age, announce, bit, bittorrent, case, changes, client, client file knowledge, clients, code, file, info, innovation, left, list, port, post, sb-i, sb-innovation, stop, thread, torrent, updated, url, user
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 10,012
    11.10.17, 18:28 Go to last post
  7. Vuze Leap

    Started by anthony-joal, 10.08.17 18:16
    100, accept, age, bit, bittorrent, client file knowledge, clients, close, code, downloaded, format, headers, key, know, left, nec, port, query, size, table, think, torrent, updated, user, vuze
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,517
    13.08.17, 15:05 Go to last post

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