View Full Version : The American Civil Liberties Union

30.11.08, 05:52
I came across an interesting article. It doesn't directly concern me or anyone else not living in US, but its an interesting article that I think all the Yankies in this forum would find interesting.

No offense intended to them of course.

The article is from Wikileaks: A site dedicated to exposing truths and having secrecy exposed.
Its not a conspiracy site or anything like that. Its a genuine news site that just has a focus on exposing unwarranted secrecy by agencies and goverments.

Anyways...have a read at this short excert:

The American Civil Liberties Union recently came across a revealing RNC {Republican National Congress}Homeland Security Document. This official document was uncovered by the website Wikileaks, which according to its website "We help you safely get the truth out". This document outlines the planning, leading up to the Republican National Convention and how security forces would be working together during the RNC. Many federal, state and local organizations were mentioned in this document, a number of which the ACLU did not know were involved. A number of these agencies are military based, which may directly conflict with Federal law that prohibits the military from engaging in domestic intelligence gathering.....

The article goes further on to say that a military unit was deployed for the first time in US with a dedicated assignment within that country's borders.

Here's the link. Its a short read too:

ACLU: Revealing RNC document leaked - Wikileaks (http://wikileaks.org/wiki/ACLU:_Revealing_RNC_document_leaked)

there are source documents to this too, near the bottom if your interested to that far.