View Full Version : Antithrottle fuer disconnect/neueinwahl IP wechsel

01.09.07, 08:23

Domain und Link geht nicht mehr.

Kann nur aus dem catch DoSDragon.com ziehen.
Finde im emule netz eine quelle die hin und wieder online ist jedoch ohne erfolg


Anit-Throttle you can download it here. This software does not increase your internet speed, it is no magic bullet. It will only keep tabs on your Internet connection. If your connection goes down it will spoof your MAC address making your PC appear to be a new machine to the Internet providers.

oh es ist im catch downloadbar http://web.archive.org/web/20070521095136/http://www.dosdragon.com/antithrottle.zip


von web.archive.org aus dem catch saugen dann mit WinRar reperieren die zip datei dann geht es.

To bring up the configuration menu double click on the network card icon in your system tray.
Check boxes
"Auto check Internet connection", when checked the program will peridoicaly check the internet for a valid connection.
If the connection is lost the program will notify you with a message alert above the system tray. You may select how often
the program checks the internet.

"Automatically reset MAC address" If this box is checked the program will change your MAC address then reset the network card.

Network card:
The dropdown selection box will contain all valid network connections found on your machine.

Changes Silent mode now available, when changing MAC address or finding a problem will not show message.
1.01.02 Now uses multiple spool sites
1.00.01 Changed Internet spooler to a threaded object to help pervent freezing durring checks.

1.00.00 Initial release

01.09.07, 23:25
Also :bahnhof:

Was soll mir das jetzt alles sagen ?