View Full Version : How does it feel to die?

28.08.08, 13:51
IS IT distressing to experience consciousness slipping away or something people can accept with equanimity? Are there any surprises in store as our existence draws to a close? These are questions that have plagued philosophers and scientists for centuries, and chances are you've pondered them too occasionally.

Read the full article on newscientist.com --> (http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19626252.800)

The article describes the following styles of dying:
Drowning, Heart attack, Bleeding to death, Fire, Decapitation, Electrocution, Fall from a height, Hanging, Lethal injection, Explosive decompression

29.08.08, 22:33
damn,didn't try that before dude,but let me be honest for sure it gives out the creeps !! :rolling_eyes: not a nice thing at all to feel alone in a dark 2m.s dig-up for a bunch of coming years

29.08.08, 23:03
i had to stop reading this article
it's just too - well- scary.

but really interesting! thanks