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18.06.08, 13:35
Yes, as the headline reads, why did you cheat?

I cheat because I have a very low upload speed. And here where I live you can not get the lovely 10, 50 and 100 mbits upload speeds yet ... But they have started digging the cables down so will not be much time before I can get a delicious fiber speed ..

18.06.08, 13:53
I have the same reason but since a couple of months i have a 16mbit connection. Since this time i don't need to cheat any longer ;)

18.06.08, 14:38
I guess the slow upload speed is the number one reason of everyone that cheats. Next comes the reason to minimize the seeding time and use the upload somewhere else. Or to get an even bigger e-penis :wink:

18.06.08, 15:34
32kB/s upload, overseeding, and no chances of me getting a better connection in the near future :frown:

18.06.08, 15:39
I also bought a seedbox a few times now. But it is too expensive for me, because I am poor students .. :<

18.06.08, 15:40
Most time I cheat only if I can't get a 1:1 on that torrent for different reasons.

But sometimes I cheat cause I don't want to seed. :biggrin:

18.06.08, 18:43
I cheat cuz in my country only exist 1 internet provider and its speed sucks and its expensive

D: 2MBs U: 400kbs = US$ 125

18.06.08, 20:08
I cheat to maintain a good ratio... My upload speed sucks so I don't have a choice. And after all- the sites where I am don't really need my upload as there are many many seedbox users.

But that doesn't mean that I don't even try seeding torrents... I have a huge list of seeds in my client :wink:

18.06.08, 20:58
D: 2MBs U: 400kbs = US$ 125

Haha, I can soon buy a 30/30 line, for $ 124 per month :D

18.06.08, 21:01
i cheat because it's fun to do it but mainly to get a 1:1 ratio my connection at times is low and its hard to maintain a ratio is some places

18.06.08, 21:09
i cheat because it's fun to do

dito i dont need to cheat but its fun to have the choice :biggrin:

18.06.08, 22:09
i have only 16 kb/s upload. why should i seed, if i give even 6 kb/s upload i cant surf anymore. my ping is even through downloading sometimes 200 and more. through a server i cheat sometimes in xxx tracker if i am bored, but its really less.

good hopefully i will get a billger downloadconnection in future but will get infos soon.

Mfg Dagon

18.06.08, 23:32
No fiberglass connection yet so upload is slow. And nowadays HDmovies are the bomb so downloading bigger files even doesnt help your ratio. with fiberglass your download is your upload so no problem then butt till then............

19.06.08, 00:25
I cheat to maintain a good ratio... My upload speed sucks so I don't have a choice. And after all- the sites where I am don't really need my upload as there are many many seedbox users.

But that doesn't mean that I don't even try seeding torrents... I have a huge list of seeds in my client :wink:

same here, i love to seed but my upload sux

19.06.08, 00:27
Haha, I can soon buy a 30/30 line, for $ 124 per month :D

good luck with that connection :top:

19.06.08, 00:57
Well,I guess people would use the Secret Weapon which is a Faker to do two things that need to be done properly,either to get the feeling of having unbelievable Uploading speeds which they lack of,or to keep a good ratio since they are into lots of Trackers which would require a HUGE time to handle them all !! Anyway,its a good way to NJoy what is Free,However others limit this Free right of yours by addressing some silly sh%t Rulez about getting banned for not seeding back :biggrin:

19.06.08, 01:07
dito i dont need to cheat but its fun to have the choice :biggrin:

yes, you should always be able to choose :top:

@ reppy: that's right :wink: for example my upload speed will most likely never be 3-digit... but for all the trackers care, it's just a matter of changing 2 parameters in the Azureus SB-I hack screen and i can say i changed my connection for the better ^^

19.06.08, 01:27
I still seed and don't each on every download. I many use it on a few sites that are a bit hard to keep a ratio of 1:1 b/c of my crappy 50KB max up. I only do it when its a huge file or my ratio gets below 1:1. I do seed as much as i can though... just at times that is not enough.

20.06.08, 09:46
I still seed and don't each on every download. I many use it on a few sites that are a bit hard to keep a ratio of 1:1 b/c of my crappy 50KB max up. I only do it when its a huge file or my ratio gets below 1:1. I do seed as much as i can though... just at times that is not enough.

Same reason here. Maybe not every word, but the main thing. :top:

21.06.08, 12:38
why ? Just beucase I can :D

23.06.08, 18:16
i try to cheat as less as possible (especially on trackers, where it is hard to get an account).

But nowadays you need an HD-Tracker, Music-Tracker, Movie-Tracker, TV-Tracker etc. to get the stuff you want. And of course, everybody wants you to have a good ratio -.-

24.06.08, 13:41
Some weird reasons to cheat here. No disrespect but 'because I can' sounds a bit childish to me.

The fact you have a shitty up-speed or some kind of traffic-limitation seems a lot more acceptable.

I don't cheat because I can or because I have shitty connection but because filesharing is illegal and in my part of the world uploader (or seeders) are the first people the authorities try to catch when raiding servers/trackers. I never upload a single byte and only download because it is a way of protecting myself when doing illegal stuff and limiting the risks.

I am amazed none of the people replying here didn't consider this reason for cheating?

24.06.08, 15:45
I don't cheat because I can or because I have shitty connection but because filesharing is illegal and in my part of the world uploader (or seeders) are the first people the authorities try to catch when raiding servers/trackers.

that's another good reason too, and why for example some filesharing apps like kceasy have a disable sharing option

27.06.08, 19:30
my upload speed is one-fourth my download speed. besides i have a time limited dsl connection and surf only from 9pm to 9am.

hence i cannot realistically be expected to seed something for days on end.

cheating helps me keep my ratios right.

with private trackers and their very strict rules, that is about the only way guys like us can survive.