View Full Version : RightNote

11.04.08, 22:34

The RightNote application was designed to be a multi-page notebook that will allow users to store and organise all your notes in a single place.

The RightNote interface consists of a notebook made up of pages. Each page contains a hierarchical tree in which you can store an unlimited number of notes. Notes can easily be moved within a page or from one page to another. This gives you a large amount of flexibility and organisational power to organise and categorise your notes. RightNote also contains a powerful search tool which allows you to quickly and easily find the note you are looking for.

Here are some key features of "RightNote":

· Tabbed notebook consisting of pages. Each page contains a hierarchical tree which can
contain virtually an unlimited number of notes. This layout offers a great amount of organisation capability and flexibility. Each page can be devoted to a different category, and typically you'll find you don't need more than one or two files to organise most things in your life!
· Multiple note types - including word processing, spreadsheet and syntax highlighting types - allow you to include and organise different types of information such as general information, financial information and source code snippets, respectively.
· Word processing note supports powerful text formatting and layout features, including tables, hypertext link, images and ole objects.
· Spreadsheet note supports text and cell formatting, microsoft excel functions and import from and export to .xls files.
· Consistent user interface for different note types.
· Support for virtual notes allows you to work on external documents (.txt, .rtf, .rvf and .htm) all from a single location.
· Support for link type notes allows you to open external files and applications right from your RightNote file.
· Powerful import and export options.
· Global search allows you to search all notes within a file.
· Support for note tags which can also be searched for via global search/
· Numerous options allow you to easily customise the interface and behaviour of RightNote to suit your needs and desires.
· Fast and light database engine ensures fast data loading and saving of even large files.

RightNote (http://www.bauerapps.com/RightNoteSetup.exe)