View Full Version : No more access To Member Sofwares - Impossible to send private message

09.06.14, 03:39

I have been going back approximately 10 days ago. And I saw my account had a problem: First, I can no more access to the member forum (maybe due to my absence ?). I first though writing some posts could "reactivate" in some way my account, but it seem not to be the case: I still can't access to the "member softs" I see on the main page of the site, and I even can not see the member subforum.

Moreover I can't even send a private message to the staff: In my inbox folder control I read strange things:

"Inbox contains 0 messages. You have 235 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed (Empty Folder)."

I don't see what means "235 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed"... The fact is, I can not write a message to anyone even after deleting 10 messages in my box, and even with the " Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder" option unchecked.

So could some Moderator uses his voodoo powers to get everything in order ?

Thanks !

09.06.14, 04:35
(maybe due to my absence ?)

I'm afraid so. If you stick around you will get the title again.

The PM problem can be worked around by downloading a copy of your inbox as XML, deleting everything, then using vBulletin PM Reader to read the backup.

09.06.14, 22:22
alternatively you can also download the pms as text and read them without any external program :happy: