View Full Version : eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2

20.01.11, 19:46
-=eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2=-


Coded by:

>>>>>> umeK <<<<<<


>>>>>> system28 <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2
ADD : intelligent SOTN (WiZaRd)
ADD : simple shared files reload (SSFR) (WiZaRd)
ADD : options for ASFU/SSFR and their time limits (WiZaRd)
ADD : additional files to the "don't compress" flag [WiZaRd/taz]
ADD : Fakealyzer [switchable] (netfinity)
ADD : Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold (Spike2)
IMPROVE : small improvements on Source search via XS (umeK)
IMPROVe : Download color now ready to switch off (umeK)
IMPROVE : Upload Management & additional Punishment [src handling] (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes/optimizations on Slotlimiter code (umeK)
CHANGE : showing of Modname in some cases (WiZaRd)
CHANGE : Smart Credit-Push (umeK)
CHANGE : CA-Detection for XS-Handling (umeK)
CHANGE : better mod defaults [Releaser friendly] (umeK)
FIX : Avoid Credits Accumulate faker (MorphXT/umeK)
FIX : show sucessfull sessions on XdP-Stats (umeK)
FIX : calculating MultiChunks if client have more than one state (umeK)
FIX : Proper logs around multipacket (WiZaRd)
FIX : compiler warning (WiZaRd)
FIX : ICS [forgotton code] (taz)
FIX : small Bug on PPG [on reset, forgotton code] (umeK)
FIX : hopefully the last Crashbug reported by Rascas (umeK)
FIX : a rar Crashbug on Leecher-handling @ powershared files (umeK)
UPDATE : Clientanalyzer to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : ConnectionChecker to WiZaRd's latest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : Fake eChanblard (umeK)
UPDATE : added new Addons to NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
UPDATE : PowerShare to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
IMROVE/CHANGE/FIX/REMOVE : many many other things around the source (umeK)

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2 beta2 (Public Beta)
ADD : switchable AutoFriendslot (kts?)
ADD : ICS (enkeyDEV/WiZaRd)
ADD : AntiHideOS (netfinity)
ADD : IntelliFlush (WiZaRd)
ADD : the "List All Requested Files" item also to the download clients list (Tuxman)
CHANGE : few things on ModVersion system (umeK)
CHANGE : hide the "FileIdentifierDesc" loglines in release builds (emulefuture)
CHANGE : new support link on Serverwindow (umeK)
OPTIMIZE : CPU calm down (WiZaRd)
OPTIMIZE : Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers (MorphXT)
OPTIMIZE : Copy files from bin package config to used config dir (Stulle)
IMPROVE : better Leecher handling @ Expanded Credits (umeK)
IMPROVE : now some GPL/Bad strings are set as default in Anti Mod/Nick Detection (umeK)
IMPROVE : recode of Fakerank [better queueprogress and small fixes] (umeK)
IMPROVE : preferences handling (umeK)
IMPROVE : some things on Uploadclient/AddReqBlock (WiZaRd/zz_fly)
IMPROVE : some optimizations/fixes on Kad (WiZaRd)
FIX : Kad ID finding for friends (WiZaRd)
FIX : displaying Boost factor's on Stats (umeK)
FIX : fixing edit fields for Community,Modstring and BadGuy Detection after entering (umeK)
REMOVE : complete GPL Detection (umeK)
CHANGE/OPTIMIZE/IMPROVE/FIX many other things around the mod....[fixed mostly some of my old faults/misses]

[b]Many THX to all Betatester ;-)

21.01.11, 02:47
lieben dank. Leider kann ich irgendwie keine verbindungen aufbauen

21.01.11, 16:22
Hmm.. ich habe das gerade getestet. Packet entpackt, Muli gestartet und er verbindet sofort! Genauer gesagt, KAD findet sofort Kontakte jedoch verbindet er nicht zu Muli-Server, weil das ist in den Voreinstellungen nicht angehakt. KAD reicht ja normalerweise auch aus.

Das Problem muss also an deiner Firewall/Router oder sowas liegen.

27.01.11, 17:29
Basic System Infos:
|--> Nick: mskvorc1
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | -XdP- v5.2 RC2
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.73GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 2.99 GB (71.19 MB)
|--> OS : Windows 7 Ultimate
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 261.12 GB
|--> Created: 27.1.2011. 17:29:14

eMule Settings:
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 50.00 KB/s (Limit: 16.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 800.00 KB/s (Limit: 96.00 KB/s)
|--> Hard limit: 600
|--> Max. connections: 200
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 40
|--> TCP Port: 50000 UDP Port: 50001
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Connection Type ED2K / KAD : Enabled / Enabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Disabled

-XdP- Settings:
|--> File Permission: Everybody
|--> Publish filelist to Server: Yes
|--> Publish filelist to Kad: Yes
|--> SOTN: Adjustable per file
|--> Unshare complete files (Incoming files): No
|--> Use QueueBlock (block bad/useless clients): No
|--> Set max. allowed remote queuerank: 5001
|--> Block also if strict Limit is reached: Yes
|--> Set strict Limit (Ratio UL>DL) max. [mb]: 50
|--> Set limit for max. session time [min]: 60
|--> Kick also if strict Limit is reached: Yes
|--> Set limit max. chunks for friends without FriendSlot [1-50]: 2
|--> Set limit max. chunks for files on PowerShare [1-50]: 1
|--> Set limit max. chunks for community clients [1-50]: 1
|--> Slotlimiter: Use custom slotspeed
|--> Set custom slotspeed [kB/s]: 3
|--> Use Slotfocus: Disabled
|--> Credit System: Use ClientAnalyzer rewarding/punishing (recommended)
|--> Smart Credit-Push: Use -XdP- System
|--> Use A4AF-Push (boost if we are also requesting another file): Enabled
|--> Use additional Punishment (punish bad/useless clients): Disabled
|--> Use automatic Friendslot: Disabled
|--> Use Friend-Boost: Disabled
|--> Use Community-Boost: Disabled
|--> Use Fakerank (only for blocked clients): Enabled
|--> Use NickAddon-Thief (fake Community tags): Enabled
|--> Fake eChanblard Community: Yes
|--> Emulate non-eMule clients: Yes
|--> Max. number of global sources: 3500
|--> Modstring Settings: Use Random Modstring [Kuxxwcvh 6.9]
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (75|50)

Upload Stats:
|--> Upload Time: 2 Days 20:21 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 16.01 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 15.78 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 16.15 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 15.84 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 3.70 GB
|--> Average Uploaded Per Session: 6.90 MB
|--> Active uploads: 6
|--> Waiting Uploads: 193

Download Stats:
|--> Download Time: 2 Days 19:40 Hours (99.0%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 13
|--> Download-Speed: 51.19 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 42.57 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 179.10 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 42.57 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 9.99 GB
|--> Average Downloaded Per Session: 6.68 MB
|--> UDP File Reasks: 13.67 k, Failed: 2.00 k (14.7%)
|--> Found Sources: 228
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 189
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 17
|--> Asked for another file: 514
|--> Queue Full: 8
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Filtered: 16770
|--> Problematic: 0 (0.0%)

|--> eD2K: 264 (89.8%)
|--> Kad: 267 (90.8%)
|--> eD2K&Kad: 237 (80.6%)
|--> Unknown: 0 (0.0%)

Leecher Stats:
|--> Nickthieveries: 2
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 54
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 40
|--> Fast asks: 1318
|--> Spams: 0
|--> FastXS: 1690
|--> Mod fakes: 5

|--> Bad nicks: 0
|--> Bad mods: 0
|--> Sui fakes: 0

|--> Banned: 12

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.70
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 13.00 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 25
|--> Number of Downloads: 13
|--> Completed Downloads: 11
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 285 (96.9%) : 1 (0.3%) : 8 (2.7%)
|--> Download Sessions: 1664
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 1532 (92.07%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 132 (7.93%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 568
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 550 (96.83%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 18 (3.17%)

|--> -- developed by umeK --