View Full Version : eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2 beta2 (Public Beta)

03.12.10, 19:32
-=eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC1=-


Coded by:

>>>>>> umeK <<<<<<


>>>>>> system28 <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:

ADD : switchable AutoFriendslot (kts?)
ADD : ICS (enkeyDEV/WiZaRd)
ADD : AntiHideOS (netfinity)
ADD : IntelliFlush (WiZaRd)
ADD : the "List All Requested Files" item also to the download clients list (Tuxman)
CHANGE : few things on ModVersion system (umeK)
CHANGE : hide the "FileIdentifierDesc" loglines in release builds (emulefuture)
CHANGE : new support link on Serverwindow (umeK)
OPTIMIZE : CPU calm down (WiZaRd)
OPTIMIZE : Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers (MorphXT)
OPTIMIZE : Copy files from bin package config to used config dir (Stulle)
IMPROVE : better Leecher handling @ Expanded Credits (umeK)
IMPROVE : now some GPL/Bad strings are set as default in Anti Mod/Nick Detection (umeK)
IMPROVE : recode of Fakerank (umeK)
IMPROVE : preferences handling (umeK)
IMPROVE : some things on Uploadclient/AddReqBlock (WiZaRd/zz_fly)
IMPROVE : some optimizations/fixes on Kad (WiZaRd)
FIX : Kad ID finding for friends (WiZaRd)
FIX : displaying Boost factor's on Stats (umeK)
FIX : fixing edit fields for Community,Modstring and BadGuy Detection after entering (umeK)
REMOVE : complete GPL Detection (umeK)
CHANGE/OPTIMIZE/IMPROVE/FIX many other things around the mod....[fixed mostly some of my old faults/misses]

[b]Many THX to all Betatester ;-)

08.12.10, 17:35
Basic System Infos:
|--> Schuilnaam: Fonske
|--> Cliëntversie: 0.50a | -XdP- v5.2 RC2 b2
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 3.06GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 6.00 GB (272.02 MB)
|--> OS : Windows 7 Home Premium
|--> Vrije ruimte op tempschijf: 405.34 GB
|--> Created: 8/12/2010 17:33:15

eMule Settings:
|--> Max. Uploadsnelheid: 6.00 KB/s (Limit: 6.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Downloadsnelheid: 900.00 KB/s (Limit: Onbeperkt)
|--> Hard limiet: 500
|--> Max. verbindingen: 1250
|--> Max. nieuwe verbindingen / 5 sec.: 50
|--> Max. half open verbindingen: 75
|--> TCP Poort: 8973 UDP Poort: 8983
|--> Uploadsnelheidssensor (USS): Uitgeschakeld
|--> Verbindingstype ED2K / KAD : Geactiveerd / Geactiveerd
|--> Server Snel met de server verbinden: Uitgeschakeld

-XdP- Settings:
|--> File Permission: Iedereen
|--> Reload shared directories automatically: Nee
|--> Unshare complete files (Incoming files): Ja
|--> Publish filelist to Server: Ja
|--> Publish filelist to Kad: Ja
|--> Use QueueBlock (block bad/useless clients): Ja
|--> Set max. allowed remote queuerank: 5001
|--> Block also if strict Limit is reached: Ja
|--> Set strict Limit (Ratio UL>DL) max. [mb]: 50
|--> Set limit for max. session time [min]: 60
|--> Kick also if strict Limit is reached: Ja
|--> Set limit max. chunks for friends without FriendSlot [1-50]: 2
|--> Set limit max. chunks for files on PowerShare [1-50]: 1
|--> Set limit max. chunks for community clients [1-50]: 1
|--> Slotlimiter: Use custom max. slots
|--> Set custom max. open slots: 2
|--> Use Slotfocus: Geactiveerd
|--> Credit System: Use ClientAnalyzer rewarding/punishing (recommended)
|--> Smart Credit-Push: Use -XdP- System
|--> Use A4AF-Push (boost if we are also requesting another file): Geactiveerd
|--> Use additional Punishment (punish bad/useless clients): Geactiveerd
|--> Use automatic Friendslot: Uitgeschakeld
|--> Use Friend-Boost: Geactiveerd
|--> Set boost Factor [Score *1.5-100]: 3.000000
|--> Use Community-Boost: Geactiveerd
|--> Set boost Factor [Score *1.5-100]: 2.000000
|--> Use Fakerank (only for blocked clients): Geactiveerd
|--> Use NickAddon-Thief (fake Community tags): Geactiveerd
|--> Fake eChanblard Community: Ja
|--> Emulate non-eMule clients: Ja
|--> Max. number of global sources: 5000
|--> Modstring Settings: Use Random Modstring [Ahfiem 5.8]
|--> Save/Load Sources: Geactiveerd (75|30)

Geüpload Stats:
|--> Uploadtijd: 8:20 Uren (100.0%)
|--> Uploadsnelheid: 5.99 KB/s
|--> Gemiddeld geüpload: 5.07 KB/s
|--> Max. uploadsnelheid: 6.28 KB/s
|--> Max. gemiddelde uploadsnelheid: 0 B/s
|--> Geüploade bestandsdelen (sessie): 148.53 MB
|--> Gemiddelde uploads per sessie: 4.24 MB
|--> Actieve uploads: 2
|--> In wachtrij: 835

Gedownload Stats:
|--> Downloadtijd: 8:19 Uren (99.8%)
|--> Actieve downloads (delen): 66
|--> Downloadsnelheid: 379.76 KB/s
|--> Gemiddeld gedownload: 386.44 KB/s
|--> Max. downloadratio (sessie): 751.98 KB/s
|--> Max. gemiddeld downloadratio (sessie): 0 B/s
|--> Gedownloade bestandsdelen: 11.05 GB
|--> Gemiddelde downloads per sessie: 6.30 MB
|--> UDP-bestandsbevragingen: 27.61 K, Gefaald: 4.32 K (15.7%)
|--> Gevonden bronnen: 2833
|--> Te veel verbindingen: 0
|--> In de wachtrij: 2143
|--> Vraagt: 3
|--> Verbinding: 7
|--> Geen benodigde bestandsdelen: 406
|--> Vraagt om een ander bestand: 1490
|--> Wachtrij vol: 193
|--> Kan geen verbinding maken tussen een laag-ID en een laag-ID: 0
|--> Gefiltreerd: 7359
|--> Problematisch: 0 (0.0%)

|--> eD2K: 2542 (88.8%)
|--> Kad: 2572 (89.8%)
|--> eD2K&Kad: 2254 (78.7%)
|--> Onbekend: 3 (0.1%)

Leecher Stats:
|--> Nickthieveries: 6
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 72
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 8
|--> Fast asks: 46
|--> Spams: 1
|--> FastXS: 1003
|--> Mod fakes: 14

|--> Bad nicks: 262
|--> Bad mods: 188
|--> Sui fakes: 2

|--> Verbannen: 55

|--> Sessie UL:DL-ratio: 1 : 76.16
|--> Totale bestandsgrootte gedeelde bestanden: 78.38 GB
|--> Aantal gedeelde bestanden: 106
|--> Aantal downloads: 108
|--> Complete downloads: 12
|--> Beveiligde identificatie (OK : gefaald): 2668 (93.2%) : 63 (2.2%) : 132 (4.6%)
|--> Downloadsessies: 2229
|--> Succesvolle downloadsessies: 1797 (80.62%)
|--> Mislukte downloadsessies: 432 (19.38%)
|--> Uploadsessies: 36
|--> Totaal aan succesvolle uploadsessies: 35 (97.22%)
|--> Totaal aan mislukte uploadsessies: 1 (2.78%)
|--> -- developed by umeK --