View Full Version : BitComet 1.20 SBI Leecher Pack

15.05.10, 23:58
SB-Innovation Presents

>>>>>> BitComet 1.20 SBI Leecher Pack <<<<<<

Coded by:

>>>>>> BitComet Development Group <<<<<<

Modded by:

>>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<

Changelog / Features:


-upated to bitcomet 1.20
-built many different cheater versions
-included eMule plugin
-removed advertising
-cleaned code from some auto connected HTTP sites
-changed some parts to show SB-Innovation

Leecher Mods:






No Complete
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Es wird weder euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker gezählt.
-Ihr werdet als Seeder angezeigt
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

-Ihr werdet sofort als Seeder angezeigt euer Download wird auf dem Tracker nicht gezählt.
-Es wird kein Fertiggestellt Status gesendet dadurch entsteht kein Snatchlist Eintrag.

Fakeupload I
-Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 45 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

Fakeupload II
-Der Client sendet einen Fakeupload zwischen 10 bis 95 kb/s an den Tracker
(Wenn der Realupload auf 10 begrenzt ist)

-Ignoriert die "Private Flag" und lässt euch DHT und PEX für private Torrents aktivieren.
(Verwendet diese Option nur wenn ihr wisst was ihr tut)

Multi 11x
-Der reale Upload wird mit 11 multipliziert.
-Es ist empfohlen in auf ≤9KB/s zu beschränken.

Multi 111x
-Der reale Upload wird mit 111 multipliziert.
-Es ist empfohlen in auf ≤2KB/s zu beschränken.

-Euer Download und Upload auf dem Tracker wird nicht gezählt.
-Es werden keine aktiven Torrents in eurem Profil angezeigt.
-Funktioniert leider nicht auf allen Seiten.


-You don't send the completed flag to the tracker.
-There is no snatchlist entry.

-Your upload and download aren't reported to the tracker.
-You are shown as a seeder.

-You are shown directly as a seeder.
-Your download isn't reported to the tracker.

Fakeupload I
-The client sends a fake upload between 10 and 45 kB/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10kB/s)

Fakeupload II
-The client sends a fake upload between 10 and 95 kB/s to the tracker
(If you limit your real upload to 10kB/s)

-Ignores the private flag, letting you enable DHT and PEX for private torrents.
(Only use it if you know what you're doing)

Multi 11x
-Your real upload is multiplied by 11.
-I recommend you limit it to ≤9kB/s.

Multi 111x
-Your real upload is multiplied by 111.
-I recommend you limit it to ≤2kB/s.

-Your upload and download aren't reported to the tracker.
-You are also not shown in the peerlist.
-Unfortunately it doesn't work on all trackers.



16.05.10, 19:00
The mod is great hovever not many people are going to use the BC mod(it is widely banned, closed source and if to ask me damn ugly)

You are capable of coding something better and smarter like C++ halite modification to replace Vuze with fully blown bad leecher settings and spoof. I know it is hell of a work but you are Butcho not some average modder.

16.05.10, 19:02
I still use Bitcomet :biggrin:
And as long as it's faster than others I'm not going to change

17.05.10, 06:16
I agree with Vation on your praise of Butcho, however the othe part... Bitcomet although is banned but its banned on private and high lvl trackers and some mid range trackers only, the rest and being the great majority of trackers numbers still allow Bitcomet.

Bitcomet was by the way my first BT client.

17.05.10, 06:33
well like utorrent leecher pack is detectable on high level trckers,.. is it also detectable?? if not i think i can use it

17.05.10, 06:37
well like utorrent leecher pack is detectable on high level trckers,.. is it also detectable?? if not i think i can use it

Ur forgetting sth. It reports as Bitcomet
Feel free to use it as long as the tracker doesnt ban it

17.05.10, 12:18
It's also an hex mod like the utorrent packs.
There are some trackers with good scripts witch can detect the multi and fakeup mods.
But for example the utorrent report seeder version should work every where...

17.05.10, 16:44
well like utorrent leecher pack is detectable on high level trckers,.. is it also detectable??

On high-level trackers? Yes. I would refrain from using hex-mods at all on those, in general.

17.05.10, 17:48
On high-level trackers? Yes. I would refrain from using hex-mods at all on those, in general.

That would be the best solution, but i'm also right there is no way to detect the utorrent report seeder version if you use it only with spread files...

02.07.10, 11:38
BitComet 1.22 is out long time ago :D
Do not you recommend it for high-level trackers?

02.07.10, 14:04
Most high level trackers already ban bitcomet:tongue:

02.07.10, 14:09
BitComet 1.22 is out long time ago :D
Do not you recommend it for high-level trackers?

1 more post and you'll get PMing privileges. :happy:

As for your question, Mihai is right, and even if they didn't, most high-level trackers can detect hex-mods anyway.